Ranger II Update - From the Factory

Started by Jessica Jarvis, December-05-17 16:12

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Jessica Jarvis

Hey all!!

I've been trying to follow a lot of the post's going around (hard to do!). I know there's a lot of questions as to who; when; where and why... I will do my best to answer most of the questions I've seen come up, so bare with me!

Last week we shipped up to serial number EBII036, with that shipment we also sent out about 36 regular production pieces to the distributors, s/n BTNXXXXX. The only reason anyone would be able to pick up an EB model from a dealer, would be because the gun shop ordered 2 of them and decided to sell them. We have another shipment of 12 EB's going out tomorrow, all magnums only (unfortunately). After this shipment there are only 3 more remaining as magnum only. Meaning 199 of the EB's were ordered with conversion cylinders, so those will be going out very soon. 

Unfortunately, there have been some minor hick-ups with production and we have not been able to produce them as quickly as we'd like. However, we are doing our best to put them together as quickly and efficiently as we can. This little guy requires A LOT of intricate detail and attention. While we understand and relate to the frustration and anticipation of the orders being filled, we want to deliver nothing but the best. 

We are still trying our best to get all of the orders filled by Christmas, so we ask that you bare with us and please continue to be patient and understanding.

I will do my best to try to keep you all updated, but please keep posting!! We enjoy seeing all the comments and speculation. :)

To those of you that have received yours, CONGRATS and Merry Christmas!! We hope you're enjoying them!!

Can't wait to see the excitement tomorrow... ;)
I hope this post helps and by all means, feel free to call, email or post any questions you might still have.

Have a great night!

Jessica Jarvis


Thanks for the update. NAA has great customer support.

David Culp


Thanks for the update Jessica.  IMO take what time is needed to get it done right.  I appreciate the efforts be as sure as you can that they are done right and accurately.


Thanks for the clarification, it's much better than speculation :) Your post has definitely answered a lot of the questions posed.

I wouldn't try to keep up with all the threads or that will become a full time job for you :)
Old Enough to Know Better - Still Too Young to Care

I "Acted the Fool" so often in School they made me get an Equity Card

smokeless joe

Jessica it is very kind of you to come on and keep us impatient gun addicts in the loop. I would rather you all take the extra time and put out a quality product than quickly produce an inferior mini. So personally I will try and be patient and wait to get my confirmation email and as you said hopefully by Christmas. Thanks again.



I'm excited to see conformation that there are only 250 EB serial # Rangers, that makes the EB allocation more exciting, not that initially, that was so important to me.

I guess the lowest number conversion model will be #52. If you get #250 then it's still going to tight to see it before Christmas with production at only 100 per week with 50 going to the EB, assuming no further production delays.

I think I'll stand down my expectations for a while, I could still be some way off getting mine  :)
Old Enough to Know Better - Still Too Young to Care

I "Acted the Fool" so often in School they made me get an Equity Card


I agree with Joe. We know y'all are doing the best you can and your work and service is representative of it. Thank you Jessica for the news!


Quote from: Jessica Jarvis on December-05-17 16:12
Hey all!!

We are still trying our best to get all of the orders filled by Christmas, so we ask that you bare with us and please continue to be patient and understanding.

Have a great night!

Jessica Jarvis

Are we being sexually harassed? Sounds like it might be a nice place to work.


Thanks, Jessica!

That was VERY informative and helps out a lot!  As everyone above has said, you're the best - you really are!

Now we can go back to being kids eager for Christmas and our email from Sandy Claus. ( We know it's really you, but we won't tell.)
"The world is made for people who aren't cursed with self awareness."


Quote from: Jessica Jarvis on December-05-17 16:12
Hey all!!

I've been trying to follow a lot of the post's going around (hard to do!). I know there's a lot of questions as to who; when; where and why... I will do my best to answer most of the questions I've seen come up, so bare with me!

Last week we shipped up to serial number EBII036, with that shipment we also sent out about 36 regular production pieces to the distributors, s/n BTNXXXXX. The only reason anyone would be able to pick up an EB model from a dealer, would be because the gun shop ordered 2 of them and decided to sell them. We have another shipment of 12 EB's going out tomorrow, all magnums only (unfortunately). After this shipment there are only 3 more remaining as magnum only. Meaning 199 of the EB's were ordered with conversion cylinders, so those will be going out very soon. 

Unfortunately, there have been some minor hick-ups with production and we have not been able to produce them as quickly as we'd like. However, we are doing our best to put them together as quickly and efficiently as we can. This little guy requires A LOT of intricate detail and attention. While we understand and relate to the frustration and anticipation of the orders being filled, we want to deliver nothing but the best. 

We are still trying our best to get all of the orders filled by Christmas, so we ask that you bare with us and please continue to be patient and understanding.

I will do my best to try to keep you all updated, but please keep posting!! We enjoy seeing all the comments and speculation. :)

To those of you that have received yours, CONGRATS and Merry Christmas!! We hope you're enjoying them!!

Can't wait to see the excitement tomorrow... ;)
I hope this post helps and by all means, feel free to call, email or post any questions you might still have.

Have a great night!

Jessica Jarvis

All good! Thank you for the update.


Thank you, Jessica!  You never cease to amaze us.  You know just when to step in and provide a little clarity--and calm the nerves a bit.  We appreciate it ... more than you know.  Thank you, as always, for the unparalleled level of customer service!   :)
So, making guns illegal will take them off the street?
Perfect!  We should probably make heroine and meth illegal, too!

cedarview kid

Thanks so much, Jessica! It's so cool that you jumped on here to toss is some scraps, so to speak, hehe. :D :D :D

That is great, redhawk, that only us board members get the EB numbers. That's not what I was guessing, but I'm glad to hear it.

Woot for all of us! I don't mind the wait, as long as I get it by my birthday, which is just before the end of the year. :D


Thank you Jessica for the updated information.

Merry Christmas to everyone there from me too.
"The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it."
-Albert Einstein


Thanks for the update.
We aren't patient.

If you don't take the dogs hunting, they will start to fight.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


i have to say that i'm pretty impressed that NAA is updating forum members and potential owners regarding shipment and manufacturing of a new model gun...

great customer service! some other companies could learn a lot from NAA

i'm gonna be patient and wait for the Ranger II to enter the distribution channels - i have a local dealer who sells quite a few NAA models and will keep checking through the end of this year and early next..

hope this model gets great reports - if the attention to detail is anything like that of my new sidewinder, i'm sure this gun is going to be a hit and ahem, right on target!

thanks, folks!

on the 'plinking away every day' Gulf of Mexico


You're the best Jessica, thanks for the info

Merry Christmas to you as well
Ranger II EB
Black Widow


Loved to have said all of the above, but I can only get to the Forum once in a while since my employer expects some of my attention, but I need to say . .

Thanks Jessica; and Thanks to the rest of the NAA team!

Take the time to do them right; there is no deadline in my mind.  We don't want you 'al to rush and have a recall later.  Slow but sure always wins the race!

Whether I receive the long awaited Ranger II before or after Christmas is irrelevant; just participating in the event was a great satisfaction for me.  A story above all others when I get to unfold it at some late night fire.

Merry Christmas to all at NAA!
Never Take anything Too Seriously . .Just Enough Will Do.

David Culp

Patience is a virtue.

I'm continuing attempting to remain virtuous.


Jessica, it's all been said over and over, but THANK YOU for keeping us "old kids" from going down a unknowledged path of gloom and doom... tell your craftsman to take their time and keep the quality number one!!!

Your updates have kept many in here "off the ledge" an it's much appreciated.

Thanks again, God bless and Merry Christmas to you and the NAA family.

Not sure why, but Dad always said "Shoot Straight" before every hunt


So for me I am very happy that you jumped in.   As I have checked my email and / bank account hrly you have taken away the checks for me but I still will dream of the day that that little gim is in my hands. VERY HAPPY. My friend have the res to play with. And I think WHY DID I ORDER THE TWO CYLINDER. Had I know that it may or may not have made me do just the mag cylinder LOL lol LOL NOT REALY.  THANK YOU JES


Thanks for the info, Its always great to see NAA get involved at this level.


I can only echo the kudos that have been offered to you Jessica. I did not get in on the eb offering of the Ranger II. Is there any word of when Ranger II's will be shipping to distributors for public consumption?


Thanks Jessica!! Sandy's December soap box was the greatest ever! I tried multiple times to post a response but it woudn't let me. Wow, what a humorous, rolling-on-the-floor post he made!!

Can't wait for my 2 EB's with conversion cylinders to arrive. Thanks SO MUCH for all you do!!!


While waiting for my Ranger 2 with 22lr cylinder I Ordered a grip for it from NAA. Kind of cool they do not charge shipping.



Is there any word of when Ranger II's will be shipping to distributors for public consumption?

Franco, did you READ Ms. Jarvis' post???  There are 250 Rangers shipping to distributors NOW.


Quote from: JRobyn on December-07-17 12:12
Is there any word of when Ranger II's will be shipping to distributors for public consumption?

Franco, did you READ Ms. Jarvis' post???  There are 250 Rangers shipping to distributors NOW.

Not literally now as they haven't been built yet.
Old Enough to Know Better - Still Too Young to Care

I "Acted the Fool" so often in School they made me get an Equity Card

smokeless joe

Quote from: JRobyn on December-07-17 12:12
Franco, did you READ Ms. Jarvis' post???  There are 250 Rangers shipping to distributors NOW.
I'm not seeing that in her post anywhere, but then again my eyes are old and tired.


Here's the quote -

with that shipment we also sent out about 36 regular production pieces to the distributors, s/n BTNXXXXX.


Per Jessica's post I read that only those who pre-ordered and were selected will receive the 250 EB's with specialized serial number. They are also dividing production for distributors, but distributor/dealer will only get the Ranger II with BTNxxxx serial number. As she stated, if a distributor or dealer has an EB's serial numbered Ranger II for sale it was because the individuals/shop owners (could only order 1 or 2) got in on the EB's web sign up and decided to sale them.


Quote from: Don73 on December-07-17 13:12
Per Jessica's post I read that only those who pre-ordered and were selected will receive the 250 EB's with specialized serial number. They are also dividing production for distributors, but distributor/dealer will only get the Ranger II with BTNxxxx serial number. As she stated, if a distributor or dealer has an EB's serial numbered Ranger II for sale it was because the individuals/shop owners (could only order 1 or 2) got in on the EB's web sign up and decided to sale them.

Yes, this is what I understand, too. Distributors are getting them now, but they do not have EB serial numbers, but regular production ones. I take that 72 total were sent out. 12 more were announced going out, so I would assume that meant 6 of each, but it could have meant 12 each.


OK, let me redo that math. Here goes:

250 total EB Rangers - 199 total dual-caliber Rangers = 51 EB Magnum-only Rangers.

so, 36 + 12 + 3  = 51.

So, 36 EB Magnums were sent out. Then 12 more EB magnums were to be sent out, which left 3 more EB magnums left.

36 BTN production models were sent out total.

Note that this was as of Tuesday, so who knows what's been shipped since then. And, if a gun dealer happened to get on the EB list, then each dealer could get up to 2 EB Rangers, which they could either keep for themselves, or sell in their store.

Anybody want to confirm or refute my math?

smokeless joe

Quote from: MR_22 on December-07-17 13:12
OK, let me redo that math. Here goes:

250 total EB Rangers - 199 total dual-caliber Rangers = 51 EB Magnum-only Rangers.

so, 36 + 12 + 3  = 51.

So, 36 EB Magnums were sent out. Then 12 more EB magnums were to be sent out, which left 3 more EB magnums left.

36 BTN production models were sent out total.

Note that this was as of Tuesday, so who knows what's been shipped since then. And, if a gun dealer happened to get on the EB list, then each dealer could get up to 2 EB Rangers, which they could either keep for themselves, or sell in their store.

Anybody want to confirm or refute my math?
Nope not me but I thought maybe I missed something that said 250 had already gone to distributors. Your math and my math seem to be taught from the same text book.


Quote from: smokeless joe on December-07-17 14:12
Nope not me but I thought maybe I missed something that said 250 had already gone to distributors. Your math and my math seem to be taught from the same text book.

Nope, I don't think you missed anything. According to Jessica's message, only 36 regular production Rangers had gone to distributors. There may have been more since, tho.

smokeless joe

Quote from: MR_22 on December-07-17 14:12
Quote from: smokeless joe on December-07-17 14:12
Nope not me but I thought maybe I missed something that said 250 had already gone to distributors. Your math and my math seem to be taught from the same text book.

Nope, I don't think you missed anything. According to Jessica's message, only 36 regular production Rangers had gone to distributors. There may have been more since, tho.
Well I feel much better now  ::)