Ranger II with CVang Grips

Started by Old No7, April-30-18 12:04

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Old No7

I just added these Revision CV (aka CVang) grips to my new Ranger II...

I haven't gotten it out to the range with these yet, but based on other reports, I'm expecting it to be more controlled and shootable with these added -- and they don't add much to the grip size either.

I did have to use a sharp wood file to remove 1/32" or so of wood close to the cylinder so the top-break (Schofield-type) latch would operate without being pinched, but that was easy enough to do.

I'm really impressed by the look and feel of these on the outside, and even the machining on the inside of the grips was something to marvel at too.  Really well done!

I hope to see this image in Chong Vang's gallery soon!  As there are no Ranger II's in there... Yet...

Tight groups!

Old No7


Welcome Old No7.
I think you will be pleased with the grips.
That is a beautiful set up.
Thanks for the picture.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


welcome to the forum,

interesting set-up !
"God and Guns"
"Lets Go Brandon"


Old No7 - welcome to the forum! Nice gun: nice photo! Let us know how it shoots.


Welcome Old No7 wouldn't this look great engraved on a Mini Holster


Welcome to the forum. Thanks for the pic, gun and grips lookin good.


Welcome to the Forum!

That set up looks really nice!

At first, I didn't care for that style of Grips.   But I am starting to come around!  That is a nice set up.

When I first got my Ranger I shot a box with the stock grips then switched with my Mini Mag (Large Rubber Grips) and noticed a big difference.   Much more comfortable to shoot when you can get more surface area to hold on to.

The Rubber Grips don't look nearly as nice as your new ones!  (as a matter of fact, they look like $%*@ compared to yours!)

Welcome again to the Forum!
Rick Jorgenson


IDK, and I don't have one, but I think the breaktops just scream for the boot grips (engraved of course).
"All it takes for evil to prevail, is for good men to do nothing."  Edmund Burke


Quote from: Canoeal on May-01-18 13:05
IDK, and I don't have one, but I think the breatops just scream for the boot grips (engraved of course).

You sure got that right!  The boot grips are not quite as good as the other oversized for improving grip, but the STYLE is just right!

Old No7

My other top-break wears THESE...

Sorry, just had to post this... It's "a little bigger" than an NAA Mini, of course...

Old No7


Thanks for the pic of your very nice revolver, 7. Looks like it'll handle great.
And Robyn, darn it, prior to seeing yours I had no interest in getting a Ranger. Thanks for the pic... I guess :o
Be well, Boise Steve


Those look great Old #7.

Here are my two, top one also has my Hogleg, I haven't been able to get them out to shoot much yet.  Doctor told me not to go to the range until my foot heals.  Driving me bug nutty too. :o
"The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it."
-Albert Einstein


Seems I know that problem...besides with a boot on my right foot, I can't drive.
"All it takes for evil to prevail, is for good men to do nothing."  Edmund Burke


Hey No.7 - WELCOME to the firing line!  Looking forward to your thoughts opinions and pictures, of course.
Never Take anything Too Seriously . .Just Enough Will Do.


Quote from: Canoeal on May-01-18 13:05
IDK, and I don't have one, but I think the breatops just scream for the boot grips (engraved of course).
I agree with you Al,  the Ranger looks "goofy" with the rubber grips.  I just put them on at the range to see if my shooting improved.  It might of a little (I'm no sharp shooter at all!)  But it did improve shooting comfort.

The Ranger needs the Boot Grips or the after market CVang style to look "right" JMHO (or for just a few rounds, the stock grips)

After seeing the Mini Master Grips on the Ranger I started liking the looks of Boot Grip Style.  I wasn't a fan before but they grew on me! lol!!  ::)
Rick Jorgenson


Quote from: Old No7 on May-01-18 16:05
My other top-break wears THESE...

Sorry, just had to post this... It's "a little bigger" than an NAA Mini, of course...

Old No7
Nice Gun.   What is it?

I'm not familiar with other Break Tops, please excuse my ignorance if this is a really popular gun!  lol!!
Rick Jorgenson


Rick, that's a S&W Schofield. Looks like the mini's Papa, doesn' it?

Here's another one with a 7" barrel:

"The world is made for people who aren't cursed with self awareness."


 Those pieces are soooo beautiful they make my eyes hurt ,dang . Theres just something about top breaks that make them outstanding no matter what caliber . NOW if Sandy would make a much longer barrel for the Ranger II 's , the longer the better , then I'd have to buy a couple . Just like the Mini-Masters the long barrel makes it stand way out from the conventional short barreled series guns , were not all concerned about concealing our guns . 
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


Quote from: OV-1D on May-02-18 09:05
Those pieces are soooo beautiful they make my eyes hurt ,dang . Theres just something about top breaks that make them outstanding no matter what caliber . NOW if Sandy would make a much longer barrel for the Ranger II 's , the longer the better , then I'd have to buy a couple . Just like the Mini-Masters the long barrel makes it stand way out from the conventional short barreled series guns , were not all concerned about concealing our guns .

I agree with all your post and comments.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


 I sure like the eagle head grips on this one. The cvangs would look slicker with more barrel length. Nice photo though.


Quote from: PaducahMichael on May-02-18 07:05
Rick, that's a S&W Schofield. Looks like the mini's Papa, doesn' it?

Here's another one with a 7" barrel:

Thank you,  awesome gun!  yes it does look like the Ranger's Papa  :)
Rick Jorgenson


Quote from: PaducahMichael on May-02-18 07:05
Rick, that's a S&W Schofield. Looks like the mini's Papa, doesn' it?

Here's another one with a 7" barrel:

  Mike that Uberti is going to be my next purchase , wish the S&W was more affordable and new of course . Just sweet looking pieces that I can't get enough sight of .
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


OV, the Schofield is a very large weapon and weighs about a ton. But it's beautiful. Mine is a .38 ( can be bought in several calibers). It's a very soft shooter and accurate, too. You'd probably enjoy it as much as I do!
"The world is made for people who aren't cursed with self awareness."


  I can only imagine how a long barreled Ranger would look like but then again there it is , thanks for that great pic .
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


Quote from: JRobyn on May-01-18 16:05
Quote from: Canoeal on May-01-18 13:05
IDK, and I don't have one, but I think the breatops just scream for the boot grips (engraved of course).

You sure got that right!  The boot grips are not quite as good as the other oversized for improving grip, but the STYLE is just right!

Now those boot grips look nice on the Ranger II, there's just something wrong about grips that cover up text or the NAA logo, just my preference.


Quote from: Warty62 on May-01-18 18:05
Those look great Old #7.

Here are my two, top one also has my Hogleg, I haven't been able to get them out to shoot much yet.  Doctor told me not to go to the range until my foot heals.  Driving me bug nutty too. :o
Hey, No. 7, WELCOME!  :D

I've been traveling, and off the forum for a bit, but welcome back—I hope all is well!  And I have to say, you're two Rangers—with those grips—have to be the most beautiful Rangers out there!  Well done, sir!   ;D
So, making guns illegal will take them off the street?
Perfect!  We should probably make heroine and meth illegal, too!