Beat Up Mosin's Now Going For $469.95 !!

Started by billt460, November-16-18 11:11

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Never thought I'd live to see the day. And they're round receiver Ishevsk's. I paid $69.95 For Hex Receiver Tula's with all the accessories.,-7.62x54r,-original-finish-1943-izhevsk,-c-r,-used.-p-102449.html


  Someones trying to make some , a lot , extra holiday cash . ;(
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


I have the Mosins I want to keep, used to have a LOT of them.  With my C&R I used to buy cases of MNs for $200, take the ones I wanted out and then sell those I didn't want and keep the wooden cases because they made nice furniture.  I did this with many different makes and models of firearms as they arrived but it seems that they have stopped flowing now. :'(  Let my C&R go too because they started getting a bit snippy with those too....
"The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it."
-Albert Einstein


  Warty that's the going price your guy has or had , they still don't afford any increased prices . You know what that $469.95 guys thinking its the assault rifle craze thing . Oh I especially like the 95 cents , Ha ,ha . Thanks BillT for the laugh .
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


I would take 500 bucks and buy a modern firearm.


But truly "modern" firearms are black, and will be on the Dem's ban list.   That list was introduced in Illinois last spring, but didn't go any where with our soon to be former governor in office, but it will be back with the new guy.

Remember back in the 60s when Mosins, Lee-Enfields, 91 and 93 Mausers went for $9.95 at the local hardware store.   Ye Old Hunter was selling 1917 Colts and S&Ws for $27.99, Stars and Astras went for $19.99.   1917 US Enfields for $30.00 and 03s for $35.00, or $10.00 from the NRA/DCM.


The trick is to stock up on the ammo when it was cheap as well.


yeah, i noticed that also. not that neat a rifle anymore at that price.


Quote from: autofull on November-19-18 17:11
yeah, i noticed that also. not that neat a rifle anymore at that price.

They are what they are. And that's all they're ever going to be. This is just like the SKS madness. You had guys not that long ago buying Mosin's for $69.00. Then they went on the Internet raving about what great rifles they were. How the ammo was so cheap and powerful. And how you could buy a crate of them for what a Mil-Spec AR costs. This sent more guys to buy them. A lot of these clowns never owned or shot a gun in their lives. They were all hooked on how plentiful, cheap, and powerful they were.

It was like a domino effect. Prices went up some, but not enough to discourage anyone enough to prevent them from bending the wheels on their shopping carts, as they pushed their new found treasures out to their trucks. Now, like with most cheap, stockpiled, milsurp bootie, the supply has finally started to dwindle. And the novelty of owning them is quickly wearing off. Because a lot of the people who bought them in the first place weren't collectors. They were bargain hunters. Now they are no longer a bargain. So a lot of them will be turned over when they hit the market again, so the owners can reinvest their profit. By buying more crap at the neighbors next garage sale.

And there very well may be crates full of these things just waiting to flood the market. Just as soon as the price gets high enough. The price of them could then very easily drop faster than a brick in a swimming pool. That's what broke the Hunt Brothers when they tried to corner the silver market in 1980. They had enough money to leverage buy enough of the silver on the market at that point in time to control the price...... Or so they thought. But they did not have enough to buy all the silver ever minted since the dawn of time.

Which is what hit the market after it roared past $50.00 an ounce. People started bringing in grandma's tea pot, grandpa Joe's molars, the silver dollar the Tooth Fairy gave them, and everything else that was ever made from the shiny $h!t. They dam near went broke trying to make their margin calls. We could see something similar happen here. Remember, these things have been in production longer than Democrats have been socialists. No one accurately knows just how many have been produced. Let alone how many are left in foreign warehouses, just waiting to be sold.


 BillT you have such a wonderful way with words and a good novelist , thanks . :) All so very true also .
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


I agree OV . . . but I still enjoy owning my Yugo SKS; not because of any perceived  value, just because of the love of the history and the rifle itself.  It feels good when it goes BANG.
Never Take anything Too Seriously . .Just Enough Will Do.


  Mine was a dog cleaning that cosmoline out of it but finally the beauty came thru . I have a Russian model how about yours ?   
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


Mosins are kind of like the 22 ammo of 4 years ago.   People were buying and hoarding it because it was "valuable."   Heard of one guy who had 220,000 rounds of 22, and would buy every box he could fine, price was no object, because it was valuable.   The man telling of him said that he hoped that he had to eat it when the price was going to drop.

Thing that gets me is how some people like to brag about how much "stuff" they have on hand.   Back during the ammo shortage, a local young guy (very taciticool) was bragging about how much ammo he had, when a gulf war vet said that he was glad to here that   

Tactual Tommie asked "why?"

The vet replied "now I know where I can get more ammo, if SHTF."

Tommie asked "what do you mean?

The vet replied "You won't be hard to take out."


I wanted to buy a SKS recently. My mind was changed quickly when I saw the increase in price.


The old Mosins have one thing going for them--they always shoot. OK, two, they are pretty accurate. I have a number of them. I think the Russian built about 17 million of these guns, so you'd think everybody has at least one by now.

I wouldn't necessarily say "they are going" for $500. Listing them doesn't mean selling them. You know that from the crazy prices people list guns for on local classifieds at Christmastime. It goes both ways, though. "Part-time gun owners" don't always know what to sell their guns for, so you can find some pretty screamin' deals on guns between Thanksgiving and New Years from people looking for Christmas money. You also have to make sure you don't get screwed. (Unfortunately, this Christmas season I'm not buying, since "I ain't got no job!")

But J&G isn't one of those who doesn't know what they are worth. I've bought quite a few C&R guns from them, including a couple of "gunsmith special" Yugo 8mm Mausers--some of my favorite military surplus guns. I spent a lot of hours cleaning up my two and they are some of my personal favorites.

I bought my hex Tula Mosin Nagant 91/30 for $189 maybe 4 years ago. Maybe it was 3. Just before the prices started to spike. It's a great shooter. And much to my luck and surprise, the Tula markings and the date matched my Nagant revolver, so I was very happy about that.

The supplies of these old guns are drying up. There are still plenty of them world wide, but I hear it's been harder to get them into the country.


Mr22 I am with you on the "no money train". I am back in the boot after a setback to my foot Monday, CT scan was Friday and I see the Othopod on this Friday...Until then, it is limited duty with a walking boot. Worked 4 months this year.
"All it takes for evil to prevail, is for good men to do nothing."  Edmund Burke


Quote from: Canoeal on December-01-18 17:12
Mr22 I am with you on the "no money train". I am back in the boot after a setback to my foo Monday, CT scan was Friday and I see the Othopod on this Friday...Until then, it is limited duty with a walking boot. Worked 4 months this year.

Oh No AL!  I too have a new wound on my right foot.  I will pray for your healing Al, I know you are a good Jesus follower so I am sure He will hear my prayers and help you heal.

My foot doctor is allowing me to stay in my new boots I got recently, my new prescription boots.  I have to change my bandages every other day and all and see the doctor so he can make sure I don't get infected again.  I guess this is how it is for me now, but soon I am sure to be better again.  NO MORE BARE FEET!  I use slippers indoor, with diabetic inserts, and when I have to go out, my new prescription boots.  Mostly though I do my best to stay off my feet so they will get healed again. 8)
"The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it."
-Albert Einstein



As a C&R FFL holder as many here are, standard Mosin Nagant 91/30's are typically around $350.00-$400.00 from distributors.
I also remember "way back when", collecting now for some 30+ years. There are deals out there and that's what makes
this hobby enjoyable....."the hunt". I have many Mosin "tough to locate models". I know they're worth a heck of a lot more
than what I paid for them, so the market is growing rapidly. "No supply, high demand". I have noticed the next generation showing
interest in Milsurps and complaining on the price of "today". Happy hunting!


Quote from: ricci1165 on December-05-18 13:12

As a C&R FFL holder as many here are, standard Mosin Nagant 91/30's are typically around $350.00-$400.00 from distributors.
I also remember "way back when", collecting now for some 30+ years.

Yeah, that's crazy. I bought my Tula hex-receiver for $189 with my C&R just 4 years ago. The last couple of years, the prices has really been spiking.


It is known as inflation.
I bought a new Harley Davidson Superglide off the showroom floor in 1971 for $1,995.00.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )