Open Carry vs Concealed Carry

Started by PaducahMichael, July-05-20 19:07

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"The world is made for people who aren't cursed with self awareness."

smokeless joe


I think they are both "PRINTING"! lol!!
Rick Jorgenson

smokeless joe


My wife and I are retired and walk along the city lake paths everyday for exercise and fresh air. I don't have a concealed license but I carry my Pug with me holstered on my belt and under my shirt anyway just for reassurance. I could legally have it in open carry but if it's noticed it would just cause more trouble and controversy. We both love the concept of not feeling totally helpless on our walks if unexpected trouble should come our way.
You may not need it but should have it.


Quote from: Anvil on July-18-20 20:07
My wife and I are retired and walk along the city lake paths everyday for exercise and fresh air. I don't have a concealed license but I carry my Pug with me holstered on my belt and under my shirt anyway just for reassurance. I could legally have it in open carry but if it's noticed it would just cause more trouble and controversy. We both love the concept of not feeling totally helpless on our walks if unexpected trouble should come our way.
For many of us, the Pug goes with every outfit! lol!!  ;)

It is so easy to conceal and packs a .22 magnum punch!
Rick Jorgenson



Quote from: Richardidedy on July-01-21 01:07
The test worked! Welcome to the Forum!

The first 15 posts have the "letter test" then your home free to post at will!

Post some photos of your guns (NAA's or not.) This whole Forum would only be a bunch of guys (and ladies) posting unbelievable writings about our conquests and armory holdings... but the photos keep us honest! lol!!
Rick Jorgenson


LOL, I've run into both critters in the woods, either one can deploy rapidly.  Trust me on this.

I like Anvil's perspective.  I tend to carry deep concealed, just something to give a bit more reassurance and capability that if things go pear shaped I have one more tool available. 

Due to life circumstances often my choice is deep conceal or nothing.  So I am a fan of CCW and nothing conceals like a mini.  For that matter all but the most obvious open carry holster is pretty inconspicuous.

Now that I have a good pocket holster for my Pug and have had a chance to put it through its paces on the range it is my new deep CCW.

So I guess that makes me more skunk than porcupine?    :o

top dog

For Church security details,the PUG is in a pocket holster and my Glock 43 is in a Skinner Sights  Bible Cover with two extra mags.

My former Church adopted a no guns policy and asked me not to come back. So I found a new Church that welcomed me and my security.

The former Church has a no guns sign so I guess they are protected??????????

                                                                                                Top Dog



I walk my small dog twice a day in various wooded areas/parks, where an encounter with rabid skunks, coyote's & feral dogs is a very good possibility - so my BW (with it's magnum cylinder) rides in a pants pocket daily 24/7.

Better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it.......  8)

Be careful if you follow the masses - Sometimes the M is silent


Well using Desert Gun Leather I can be either one.  Even with the belt slide I'm still a skunk. 

Top Dog,
My son In Law and several others in his church are on the "Security" detail.  All are skunks and ready to spray if needed. 
There are a few NAA's in the congregation. 

My Black Widow is always with me in a pocket holster that Rick made.
Ken AZ is now KEN AR, moved in 2021 to the Natural State
Black Widow MAG/LR, Mini Master, Mini 1 5/8" Mag/LR
Desert Gun Leather holsters Grips

top dog

Nice to see "skunks" in Church. Also a number of Churches have perimeter security to address the threat before it gets inside.

Last year just after Christmas there was an active shooter in a Church in Texas. The security team member took care of the problem with a head shot at 50 feet with a 357 SIG.  Think about it,head shot at 50 feet with all that popcorn hitting the fan.

I also read that the Church security team does a significant amount of training,probably surpasses that of many PDs.

In my area,we have a serious,and I mean serious coyote problem with a number of folks have been attacked while walking their dogs.

A nice time to have a PUG or Black Widow in your pocket or a nice holster made by Rick.

I think it was Thomas Jefferson that once said "Let you gun be your companion in all your walks"

                                                                                                                           Top Dog


We believe this to be a much better solution. Especially in the Perimeter Church Security arena.  8)

PS: Loudest noise from Security would be the "Melon Popping Sound" coming from the Baddie across the room.  ::)
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.

top dog


That is very,very nice.  Looks like it can get the job done,and then some!!!!!!!!!!!

Nice to see folks take Church security seriously.

                                                                                  Top Dog