This is why I carry NAA!

Started by swolf, July-01-13 16:07

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The recent Oklahoma incident (google "Walmart Hostage") is exactly why I am motivated to conceal carry a NAA weapon.  Police dealt with the situation as I had hoped--calmly approaching the deranged bad guy and ending his misery with a humane, up-close, single tap to the head.  A NAA BW with a Mag round would have done the same with an armed, trained, calm bystander.  I want to be THAT guy.  Kudos to the cops who were in the right place at the right time.  Unfortunately that is not often the case.  I want to be the guy who is prepared to protect family and friends at the movies, Walmart, hair salon, or anywhere scumbags decide to hurt unarmed people (or toddlers!)  I DO NOT want to be the guy on the 6 o-clock news saying "Uhh, I didn't know what to do,so I just stood back (...or played dead, or ran out the door....)  I'm no hero or vigilante, but I'm not gonna be an un-involved witness either.  In this situation, some brave Walmart Shoppers boxed the guy in with carts and limited his movement and escape with the child.  An armed citizen would have ensured that the known convict stayed put and wouldn't walk away to hurt anyone else.  This story has a happy ending.  Next one might be a bit more messy.   But not on my shift.


  + 1  Ditto on that .
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


I used to work a third shift job at a hotel, so I understand where you are coming from.  In three and a half years no one new I carried, because concealed means concealed, and I carried concealed, which means my weapon was always concealed.


My experience and training says a Concealed Carry individual is the model citizen; driving the speed limit, holding the door for people, waiting patiently in line.  There is a quiet confidence in the CC guy that may go years (and hopefully forever) unnoticed.  But when SHTF, he is the guy who is trained and prepared to deal with the threat, and the toddler goes home with mom, and the the bad guy faces The Creator.  Perhaps a bit idealistic.


Swolf - I do not disagree with anything you say. If bad stuff happens to my family I hope you are around to help. I do want to make the point that if one of us NAA board members is ever sitting where Zimmerman is sitting right now, then we can expect any posts we have ever made to be dragged out and taken out of context to make us look as trigger happy as possible. Yes we have freedom of speech and yes our words will be used against us.


Quote from: Dinadan on July-01-13 20:07
Swolf - I do not disagree with anything you say. If bad stuff happens to my family I hope you are around to help. I do want to make the point that if one of us NAA board members is ever sitting where Zimmerman is sitting right now, then we can expect any posts we have ever made to be dragged out and taken out of context to make us look as trigger happy as possible. Yes we have freedom of speech and yes our words will be used against us.

OH, yes they will.
It may be years from now but they will be dug up and used.

Watch out for what you type on the internet.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


What's sad is that my posts as a tolerant, peace-loving, God-fearing American will either be ignored or used against me somehow.

Hello, NSA! Heard any good jokes lately?


Quote from: TwoGunJayne on July-02-13 07:07Hello, NSA! Heard any good jokes lately?


Can you hear me now TSA?


psst its NSA. oops now they know i know.
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


Quote from: heyjoe on July-02-13 18:07
psst its NSA. oops now they know i know.

:-[ Oops my bad, the TSA doesn't track phone call data, instead they strip search a Cub Scout because his name matches one on the no fly list.


TSA, NSA...whats the difference? Why not just call them the SA? I hear there's already a nice brown uniform with red armband all ready made up.
Never underestimate the delusional power of irrationality.

Arrogance isn't the same as stupidity, but it tends to have similar results.---David Drake


Quote from: .54Cal_Kidd on July-04-13 17:07
TSA, NSA...whats the difference? Why not just call them the SA? I hear there's already a nice brown uniform with red armband all ready made up.
Exactly how I feel. This proliferation of secret agents over the past couple of decades is a worse threat to our country than any threat they could possibly defend us from. I have come to think that if a federal employee carries a gun and a badge he should be required to wear a uniform. Complete with name badge.


i agree with you about the proliferation of blanket spying on all americans and went into it a little more in the 4th of July thread in politics and religion.
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


Quote from: heyjoe on July-04-13 19:07
i agree with you about the proliferation of blanket spying on all americans and went into it a little more in the 4th of July thread in politics and religion.

I have said it before, but CB radio is looking more attractive to me as of late.

Roy Odhner

I'm not looking to intervene into anything. I carry to protect myself and my family, but I am not a paranoid loon who walks around in tacticool gear and convinced that a goblin lurks around every corner or who itches to get into the middle of an "event." If I happen to find myself where something is happening, I am going to weigh the situation very carefully. If I conclude that I can make a difference, then I might act.

I am not a trained LEO or SPECOP warrior - I'm a private citizen, and my only obligation is to get home - alive - to my family... and to protect my family. If I find myself in the middle of a tragedy, then I'm going to take action to help end it with as little loss of life as possible (as long as taking such action would not place my family at risk). However, I don't wallow in fantasies about such events and I don't go around wishing they would occur so that I can take action.

The world is full of trigger-happy morons, and I don't need to add to the problem.
Say hello to my little friend!


Roy well said! Very similar to my personal carry philosophy.


Quote from: Roy Odhner on July-06-13 16:07
The world is full of trigger-happy morons, and I don't need to add to the problem.

Can I give that advice to Joe Biden?  ;D


Living out in the country where one never knows what kind of critter they might encounter having a firearm that can easily be kept with you at ALL times no matter what and easily accessed when you need it is a real comfort. We live about 12 miles out of town down a 1 lane curvy country road with lots of hills and dips, so Sheriff or Ambulance are most likely at least 15 minutes away. When I carried a 9mm, on hot days if I was clearing brush or other physical labor I would often leave it in the house or the truck as it was just to much weight and bulk plus I was afraid I might snag it. Now with the minis no worries as I know its always their no matter what. No matter where we are (of course with in legal limits - for the most part any ways lol), what we are doing, where we are going, or what we are wearing or not wearing. Sure does provide some peace of mind!


Proud Untermenschen of the NWO

Roy Odhner

Quote from: G50AE on July-06-13 18:07
Quote from: Roy Odhner on July-06-13 16:07
The world is full of trigger-happy morons, and I don't need to add to the problem.

Can I give that advice to Joe Biden?  ;D

As long as you let him know that he is one of the other types of morons of which the world has an abundance - the nanny state morons who keep trying to push their "I'll save you from yourself" agendas on to those of us who have been doing quite well on our own and without government  assistance or intervention.
Say hello to my little friend!


I served two tours in Nam.Im almost 70 now.Because of cancer I can no longer speak,smell,or taste but I still drive and lead a normal(as I can)life.Now if your a thug or a bad boy Im sure I look like the perfect victim.After surviving everything else life has dealt me,I'll be DAMNED if Im gonna go at the hands of some crack smokin'loser.THAT is why I carry!  ~ Mike ~
Flight or Fight? Well,Im fresh outta feathers but I have plenty of ammo!

top dog

First,thank you for your service. I too,was in 'Nam for three tours (82nd Airborne, 'Nam '64,'65,'66).

I,fortunately,am in still pretty good health but I still have your philosophy in that I refuse to be a victim.

I can do very well to take care of myself w/o the gov't trying to "help"

The beauty of these NAA minis is that there is no reason not to have one (or two) with you.

                                                                                     Top Dog


Dog,if I remember correctly,WE were taking care of the governments business then so they should stay out of ours now! Welcome home Grunt ~
Flight or Fight? Well,Im fresh outta feathers but I have plenty of ammo!

top dog

Thank you for the welcome home!!!
Yep,we were taking care of the gov't's business but now they think that they can save us from harm.

The scariest sentence you can ever hear "We're from the gov't,we're here to help".


                                                                  Top Dog


Btw TD,I was assigned to the 316th Combat Engineers.It was formed from the 3rd army in 1966 and disbanded in 1972.We would slip into Charlies jungle and build a few LZ's before the little devils got off their heroin break.You may have landed on an LZ that we built for you fellas.
Flight or Fight? Well,Im fresh outta feathers but I have plenty of ammo!

top dog

I was already out of 'Nam in mid '66 so I probably didn't land on one of your LZs. Went to DC to guard the president until '68 then was an LEO from '68 to '08.

Off to the range shortly to do some drills with the Mini Mag with the LR cylinder. Then some precision shooting with my Air Force Condor air gun that I use on squirrels when in season.

The beauty of the airgun is that there is no shortage of ammo not like the long rifles. A lot of other ammo is now available but still no 22s.

                                                                       Top Dog


I live 2 miles from my nearest neighbor and Im not above poppin a squirrel every now and then but that's with my old 16 double bbl.Enjoy your range trip and have a decent day... ;D
Flight or Fight? Well,Im fresh outta feathers but I have plenty of ammo!

top dog

Range trip went very well,as usual. The NAA  1 5/8" Mag went through the drills very well. I used the 22 lr cylinder.

The Air Force Condor performed flawlessly,I was able to pick off broken pieces of clay pigeons on the back berm 50 yards away.

I am fortunate to have two ranges in the area,the outdoor range is just 5-6 miles from the house and the indoor range is 11 miles which affords me practice during the winter months when the outdoor range is closed.

                                                                                               Top Dog