North Dakota man wins gunfight with NAA .22 Short

Started by bleak_window, April-08-14 07:04

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I'd put it in a safe or behind a quality concealed panel of some sort before trusting some stash methods. Who knows, but the combined methods tend towards expensive, inconvenient, or both.

Stashing it on you is a good way to have it, though.


I've never got round to doing it, but I've considered ways to store guns in different places. Currently I have a pretty stout lockable metal cabinet in my office that I'm thinking I might keep a shotgun in, in case I can't get to the upstairs. The door is also at the end of a long corridor which would make it tough for anyone to make it down with 00 buck coming the other way.

I have the perfect place to hang a coach gun, because I have an "architectural feature" for the want of a better description which is like an open doorway with a beam across and then open above taht. It's about 15 feet before the front door and by the foot of the stairs. If it was hung there I could use it to defend the front door or dissuade anyone at it, or grab it as I head upstairs, if I decided we are falling back to the upper level. The only problem with wall hangers etc. is the danger of children getting them or coming home to find a BG in the house with it. Weighing the risks, I always find I think the danger outweighs the benefit for a less likely scenario of a rapid attack o the home. Some sort of "hidey hole" would be nice if  there was a way to make it so no one getting into the house would find it, but that you could get to quickly - still working on a deign for that.
Old Enough to Know Better - Still Too Young to Care

I "Acted the Fool" so often in School they made me get an Equity Card

top dog

I am sure that there are plenty of easy access but secure ideas that one can come up with.

I guess the key words are secure and available.  May be a little difficult but I am sure not impossible.

                                                                                                Top Dog


what do you guys an gals think of gun stash magnets that you can mount just about anywhere?
when i was younger i spent all my money on beer, women and motorcycles and guns. the rest i just wasted.
author unknown

"If you work for a living, why do you kill yourself working?"


Good idea, but doesn't work well on most grades of stainless. Many are non-magnetic to varying degrees.

Strangely, the cylinder of by Black Widow attracts a magnet far more strongly than the frame, leading me to believe that two different grades of stainless were used in that build.

It might work with an NAA, your mileage my vary.


Back to the original story - The news article from the link posted states "Gegelman, wounded himself with two shots to the arm and one to the chest".
What the hay....? This would mean that he actually had (3) .22 bullets in him, instead of (3) .38's.
I'm wondering if this is true or a journalistic error...?
If it's true, how in the heck could he have shot himself 3 times?  ???


Quote from: GunnyBlue on June-17-14 12:06
Back to the original story - The news article from the link posted states "Gegelman, wounded himself with two shots to the arm and one to the chest".
What the hay....? This would mean that he actually had (3) .22 bullets in him, instead of (3) .38's.
I'm wondering if this is true or a journalistic error...?
If it's true, how in the heck could he have shot himself 3 times?  ???

Persistence or Jimmy Beam?  ???


You are reading that wrong. It is stating that he too was shot. Re-read the whole article and it will make sense.


Aha! I see it now.....

"Gegelman, wounded himself with two shots to the arm and one to the chest,"

Should be read as = Gegelman, although wounded himself with two shots to the arm and one to the chest,

Thanks cfsharry!


An occasional brain fart reminds us we are human and works to keep us humble.  Its' when they become so common its' like your brain is living on Bush Beans that you've got to worry.


i think

"Gegelman, wounded with two shots to the arm and one to the chest,"


"Gegelman, who was wounded with two shots to the arm and one to the chest,"

either of those would be much clearer.
when i was younger i spent all my money on beer, women and motorcycles and guns. the rest i just wasted.
author unknown

"If you work for a living, why do you kill yourself working?"


...and there you have the Associated Press. Sounds 100% par for the course.

Here's how I would have put it:
"Gegelman, though wounded 3 times by his assailants, responded with his own gunfire from an unlikely source: a diminuitive miniature revolver, often derided for its lack of "stopping power" by people who don't understand guns. Gegelman not only survived, but was the victor of the encounter, armed with less than 100 foot-pounds of energy per shot. For comparison, some 9mm pistols have 4-8 times the energy given by his derringer. Nevertheless, Gegelman prevailed showing that determination in the face of danger is more important than the caliber of a weapon or people's opinions on the internet and gun stores across the country."

I used to nitpick these articles before release as a newscaster for a paycheck. Half the time the "facts" are flat-out wrong in these articles. The other half of the time, "the details have been changed to protect the innocent."

...can we say "logical fallacies?" One of my philosophy professors would give extra credit if you brought in a news article and ripped it a new one by pointing out everything wrong with it. Basically, it was shooting fish in a barrel. We usually had a good laugh. Nitpicking grammar in a published article was encouraged, but couldn't be our primary point.

Anyway, after I quit newscasting AP junk, I have never read an actual newspaper again. My mood improved, I quit being as depressed. I stopped being as angry at the crooks in Washington since I didn't have to see it 3 times a day for a paycheck.

Therefore, the AP makes me miserable.



+1 Bujeezus and TwoGunJayne

I like all of your versions much better than the original!
Much clearer and much less inclined to be misinterpreted.  ;D


I like how .38 is 9mm. That's some clarity right there!  ;)

It makes me want some magazine clips fully semiautomatic. STOPPAN POWAH!!!  ;D ;D


I love the "why didn't he use a bigger gun" people lol

NAA sells thousands of .22 LR and WMR mini revolvers a year, along with .32 and .380 Guardians. Not everyone wants or needs a Glock 10mm or a .357 Magnum for defense.

I do carry my Shorts on occasion but see them more as collectibles for NAA enthusiasts. There are very few times when I can't at least carry my LR mini.


I have owned a NAA mini convertible for close to 25 years and keep mags in it.  Carried it regularly as a pocket gun before getting my CHL last year.  My bride now carries it as a BUG for her .38 J frame and I'm looking for another one for me.  It's a decent New York reload or a prime carry when you just can't carry something bigger but it would never be my choice for the sole home defense gun. 

I have a double barrel LC Smith 16 gauge and several .38s stashed around the house including one near the front door.   Also, my dad-in-law's .45 1911 Colt that he brought home, virtually unfired, from his stint as a navigator on a B-17 during WW2.  I keep it loaded but rarely ever fire it.   Add a .22 Ruger Single Six and a couple of .22 rifles to the mix.  Until recently, I also had a Ruger Blackhawk .357 and another Smith 10-5 snub.

We don't really know if the homeowner in the story had other guns or not.  Only that the Mini was what he had at the moment and it seemed to have worked.