about your state

Started by nastruck, April-17-14 06:04

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Questions about your state permit:

Do you live in a STAND YOUR GROUND state or a CASTLE DOCTRINE state?
Each state is just a little different and have different twists to its laws on this subject. 

Is your state a SHALL ISSUE or a MAY ISSUE state?
Seems like a small difference but if your turned down it's a big difference....

For any that may be interested this a a great site for all state hand gun laws and it is always updating. Excellent info!!!! 


MS: extremely pro 2nd.

1. SYG + Castle Law + Good Samaritan law = Trifecta of protection for the defender.
2. SHALL issue
3. Enhanced CCW permit law
4. Open Carry State
5. Suppressor friendly, but you're not supposed to conceal it. NFA ok.
6. Any non-felon gets to CC if they're on a trip more than 75 miles from home, including to states with reciprocity. I wouldn't test this one, but it's there. I have my "totin' chit."
7. What few carry restrictions there are are mostly eliminated during hunting, fishing, or target practice.
8. No permit for a weapon in a vehicle or home. No permit to buy a weapon or ammo.
9. Round in the chamber, it's up to the end user.
10. No "approved weapon" list.
11. Hollow points ok, unlike places like New Jersey.
12. No magazine or capacity restrictions, unlike New York

I love my state's gun laws. You'd have to be crazy to commit a violent crime here. A local survey put pistol carry at 60-80 percent in certain areas. The remainder refused to answer, basically nobody said "no, I don't have or carry a pistol." 50 years ago, it was nearly 100% carry.

We're working on a "Freedom of Firearms Act" and Constitutional Carry. Next session just might eliminate CCW permit requirements and tax on any gun-related item made in MS. We'll probably not get all of that, but we'll see!

The Founding Fathers would approve, I think.


Utah has a version of Stand your Ground, but I don't think it's exactly like Florida's. I haven't looked into it, but MSNBC classifies Utah as one of the states where you don't want to live, because of it's SYG laws. I'm not sure what laws they are claiming are SYG, but if MSNBC hates Utah, it's good enough for me.

Utah is shall issue. If you're aren't a bad guy and you jump thru the required hoops, you get a permit.

Our permits are called CFP (Concealed Firearm Permit). Open carry is legal here, but only if your gun is "unloaded." That doesn't mean you can't have rounds in your gun. Utah has a bizarre definition of a loaded gun--if you have to perform two distinct actions to get your gun to fire, it's not loaded. As I understand it, if you have a semi-auto with no round in the chamber, that's NOT loaded, because you have to rack the slide and then pull the trigger. As for a revolver (as I understand it, anyway), you can't have a round under the hammer--that's a loaded chamber, even tho you can't fire that round because cocking will move it. You also can't have the next chamber loaded, because cocking moves it into the chamber. I have heard that for a single action only revolver, you CAN have the next chamber loaded, because you can cock it, then pull the trigger, which is two actions, but I've also heard that's not acceptable. So I don't know. The law should be cleared up.

Most people who open carry here just have the gun completely empty to be sure, which essentially renders the gun useless for self defense. Awhile back, there was a photo that went viral of a man with an AR-15 on this back and an open-carry 1911, I think, at a local Walmart here in Utah. The guy wasn't breaking any firearms laws, but got hassled for disorderly conduct. Packing an AR-15 as open carry is a bit stupid, in my opinion. They guy did it only to make a point. Dumb point, in my opinion.

Utah is one of the few places where you can legally carry a gun in a school with a permit. There are currently gun-training companies advertising discounts for teachers for districts that allow them to carry at work. There ARE districts in Utah that are arming teachers, but the teachers are told not to tell anyone they are carrying, for obvious reasons.


Getting old does slow the brain thing. I would think it should be a good idea to add my State Info! Duh!!!!

Is a may issue and a castle doctrine state also an open carry state (loaded)

Complete the application and have it notarized
You are required to be finger printed (for FBI check)
You must run an ad in the local paper saying you are applying for the permit.
Have the reference questionnaires completed by five (5) citizens from the County in which you reside
Supply two 1 1/2" by 1 1/2" photo of yourself. 
then wait and wait and wait

Permit states Deadly Weapon

Must inform officer: NO

State and County parks
courts house


My state Oklahoma is a shall issue state.The legislature passed a law last year that allows open carry as long as you are not a convicted felon.I just seen a guy today carry a ruger gp100 on his hip in the local ace hardware store.


Quote from: nastruck on April-17-14 12:04
You must run an ad in the local paper saying you are applying for the permit.

Are you serious?



Pro gun

Open carry legal.
Shall issue
No duty to retreat
In vehicle can have handgun with round in chamber and hidden, as long as it isn't on you(unless you have ccw)
long gun cannot have round in chamber
CCW process:  Take CCW class from approved instructor, qualify at range with ANY gun, pay fee, get fingerprints and BG check, issued permit.  Once permitted you can carry ANY gun you own.   Any revolver or semi.   Doesn't matter. 
No gun lists, no mag limits.

Cannot carry on school property, hospitals, Court house, or Costco.   Everywhere else is good!


Quote from: MR_22 on April-17-14 09:04

Our permits are called CFP (Concealed Firearm Permit). Open carry is legal here, but only if your gun is "unloaded." That doesn't mean you can't have rounds in your gun. Utah has a bizarre definition of a loaded gun--if you have to perform two distinct actions to get your gun to fire, it's not loaded. As I understand it, if you have a semi-auto with no round in the chamber, that's NOT loaded, because you have to rack the slide and then pull the trigger. As for a revolver (as I understand it, anyway), you can't have a round under the hammer--that's a loaded chamber, even tho you can't fire that round because cocking will move it. You also can't have the next chamber loaded, because cocking moves it into the chamber. I have heard that for a single action only revolver, you CAN have the next chamber loaded, because you can cock it, then pull the trigger, which is two actions, but I've also heard that's not acceptable. So I don't know. The law should be cleared up.

That empty chamber, 2 actions to fire thing always made me nervous before I got my CFP and didn't have to worry about it anymore. Because the interpretation is also in the hands of whoever checks the gun, and depending on what they do to check it, if they don't know what they are doing or are not concentrating and just move something, it could quickly become there's one in the chamber or one under the hammer etc. and it would be your word against the LEO.  I've always felt the two actions should be - Aim and Fire :)
Old Enough to Know Better - Still Too Young to Care

I "Acted the Fool" so often in School they made me get an Equity Card


That's true, Redhawk. You could load your revolver by checking to see if it's loaded. Move that cylinder one chamber forward and you're screwed. Stupid definition. Better to just get the permit and hide it away.


The same is true in Oklahoma.No schools government buildings or hospitals.


Quote from: nastruck on April-17-14 12:04
You must run an ad in the local paper saying you are applying for the permit.

I have said this before and I am saying it again.  That is the single dumbest requirement that any state has for a carry permit.


South Carolina

SYG and Castle Doctrine written right into the state code of laws.

Carry permits are "Shall-Issue*" for residents and any non-resident who owns real property within the state.  Shall-Issue gets and asterisk because while the state readily issues the permit, the restrictions placed on the permit are so broad that it makes legal carry practically impossible for most.

Cannot carry in, religious sanctuaries, medical facilities, courthouses, law enforcement and detention facilities, domestic shelters, schools, college campuses, college athletic events, polling places on election days, any place prohibited by federal law, any place posting a legal no concealed weapons sign, and ANY PUBLIC BUILDING, or aboard public transportation.

Note that the second largest landholder in SC is Clemson University, being one of only two entities to own land in every county.

Open carry generally not permitted.

NFA items are ok if you follow federal law.

Restriction on the size of mace cans.

Preemption, but does not include knives.  There is a bill to fix this though.


I left out that you must completed a firearms training course with live fire shooting exercises conducted on a range, including the expenditure of a minimum of 100 rounds of ammunition.
It is a long drawn out process here (Delaware) and it can take up to 6 months to receive your permit after all of the paper work is completed. Expensive too!
I also have a FL and PA permit.


I live in the People's Demokratik Republik of Kalifornia. Need I say anymore? :(


My state, Alabama, is a may issue state, though that may change to shall issue soon. I am guessing that a lot depends on the county a person lives in. In my county it takes less than thirty minutes at the sheriffs office to get a permit. A background check, a small fee, an unflattering photo which is affixed to the worst designed and ugliest ID card ever made, and a person is legal to carry concealed.


God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


Quote from: theysayimnotme on April-18-14 13:04
I live in the People's Demokratik Republik of Kalifornia. Need I say anymore? :(
I'm not too far from that... People's Republic of New Jersey  :-\


Georgia -Quite Pro Gun..
Castle Doctrine and several New additions to out Laws,
none being counter productive that I see.


Quote from: gunfixer on May-04-14 20:05
Georgia -Quite Pro Gun..
Castle Doctrine and several New additions to out Laws,
none being counter productive that I see.

Georgia recently had quite an extensive "clean-up" of the carry laws.  While the bill was on the whole good, I wish it had a provision to accept more out of state permits, namely ones issued by the state of SC.

top dog

Considering that years ago,it was the gun capital of the US,it is quite anti-gun.
Shall Issue
Does not reciprocate with many,if any,other states.
Pretty much total AR/M-4 ban
No need to mention magazine capacity ban.

Many of the former gun/parts companies pretty much have left and gone to other states. One of the few staying around is Charter Arms.

Forget about any Castle Doctrine,you have to run away and leave your home to the home invaders.

No problem with suppressors,if you have it legally through NFA,they really do not care much but you can't hunt (at least at this time) using one.

                                                                                                       Top Dog


Hey top dog!
Here in Delaware you must retreat also. In your home is different supposedly but I don't want to be the one to test that. Delaware is not all that gun friendly either. People tend to get a little freaked out about guns.... :-\ :'(


Quote from: nastruck on May-05-14 13:05
Hey top dog!
Here in Delaware you must retreat also. In your home is different supposedly but I don't want to be the one to test that. Delaware is not all that gun friendly either. People tend to get a little freaked out about guns.... :-\ :'(

IIRC, Delaware is one of the few states that does not have a range protection law either.


Too bad for you guys. Here one is not required to retreat anywhere. As Americans it goes against our very nature to retreat as stated by some Supreme Court Justice a long time ago. I very much agree. We may choose to do so and fight another day but to be required to is simply un American.
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.


Quote from: roguets1 on May-05-14 18:05
Too bad for you guys. Here one is not required to retreat anywhere. As Americans it goes against our very nature to retreat as stated by some Supreme Court Justice a long time ago. I very much agree. We may choose to do so and fight another day but to be required to is simply un American

   HEAR , HEAR  Roguets I totally agree . It would be nice to know our steel . >:(
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .

top dog

Yeah,this is pretty much the state of affairs in the "Constitution State".

However,I will not retreat and leave my home to invaders....period!!!!

I pretty much go by the Bible,and will protect myself and family.

                                                                                Top Dog


"Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal, but wounded honour is only cured with steel."

unknown author
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.

top dog

I will say a double AMEN to that!!!

I will say that we are in a sorry state of affairs when folks cannot or simply will not stand up and protect themselves or others.

Although I was not there and do not have first hand knowledge of the total incident,but that school stabbing in PA a couple of weeks ago illustrates this.

A rather small individual stabs/injures 22 people before being subdued???? Aren't there any chairs,desks other things that the students could have used to pin this attacker??

Run and call 911 are not very good options in many of these situations.

Just a day after that incident,a teacher in a high school in one of larger cities was threatened by a student saying that he was going to stab a bunch of people.  She immediately called the police and they came and handled the situation correctly and quickly.

The result??? The school fired the teacher!!!  Reason??? She did not go through the school first and called the police.!!!!!!!!

Sorry state of affairs.

This,of course,is my own opinion.

                                                                                                       Top Dog


That must have been one butt-kicking little kid to "win" 22 times.

22 individuals couldn't bum rush this little criminal? Yeah, I know... be scared, run away.

top dog

The news footage of the suspect showed that he was quite small and I doubt quite seriously that he was a butt kicker.

I tend to agree with Col.David Grossman in that we are now basically a bunch of "sheeple", lambs being led to slaughter.

The first thing I turn to read when I get  The Rifleman  is the armed citizen. Makes me feel good to know there are folks out there that will not be victims. It shows that these folks don't go looking for any trouble but do react correctly when a situation takes place.

I am glad that there a re a number of states out there that support citizen defense.

                                                                                                                   Top Dog


I tend to agree with Col.David Grossman in that we are now basically a bunch of "sheeple", lambs being led to slaughter.

Sheep are born looking for a place to die. Don't join the herd!
                                                                                                                   Top Dog


Quote from: Goatpacker on May-07-14 19:05

I tend to agree with Col.David Grossman in that we are now basically a bunch of "sheeple", lambs being led to slaughter.

Sheep are born looking for a place to die. Don't join the herd!
                                                                                                                   Top Dog

I agree. Just as an aside; sheep come in "flocks" not "herds." LOL
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.


I stand corrected, I just hope I don't get my butt kicked at the saloon when I tell this group of Hispanic guys they are sheep flockers and not sheep herders. Sheep can actually be in flocks, herds, or mobs. Sheep that are in a small group that are together because they just want to be together are flocks, larger groups that are held together by means of man, dog, or fence are herds. Being down here in Texas everyone knows we don't do small anything. Did y'all know that even the minis that NAA sends to us down here are actually a little larger too? All in fun guys, LOL.

top dog


God Bless Texas!!!!! My primary carry piece is a Bond Arms Back-Up derringer made in Granbury,TX. I also have a Bond Arms Texas Defender in 45LC/410 that I pack in my fishing vest.

I salute you fine folks in Texas,you pretty much seem to handle problems right on the spot.

One of the things on my bucket list is to go back down to Texas to the Alamo again.

                                                                                                                                Top Dog


Don't wait too long to come down for that Alamo trip, I think they may be conspiring to try and take it back. I don't own a Bond but have handled and shot several. They are pretty plentiful around here because Granbury is only about 15 miles down the road. Very well made guns!

top dog

They tried to take it the first time and paid dearly for it. I doubt if they will try again.

Yep,the folks at Bond Arms are fine people. In fact,a couple of years ago,two clowns tried a home invasion in Granbury,the homeowner defended his home with not a Bond but a North American Mini!!!!

I spoke to the folks at Bond about it and they were glad the homeowner came out OK and were not concerned that he did not use a Bond.

A couple of years ago,two clowns out on parole did a home invasion not far from me and murdered and burned three women in the process.

I only wish that the victims had the means to defend themselves.

                                                                                                                       Top Dog