Final Break-Top serial number?

Started by 45flint, June-30-11 04:06

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This was posted on Gun Broker by the guy trying to sell #513


   "I spoke with the NAA factory and the beginning production SN was BT0024 the ending sn is BT00525"




Let's see... You subtract 4 from 5, cypher the 1, take 2 from 2 and drop the ought... transfer the 5... that's Five Hunderd One breaktops produced, give or take.  


   Would you rather own the first production gun (#24) or the last (#525), and why?

cedarview kid

Like the Pokemon slogan, I WANT THEM ALL! Wahahaha!


i jsut got off the phone with NAA and the woman i spoke to told me all the breaktops have been made and shipped.
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today



Now we shall see what it's worth.


we will have to wait two weeks to find out unless someone hits the buyitnow button(which I think is very unlikely).


   I'll throw out a guess of $825 for the final bid?


   The more common value where it may eventually settle is $600?


I I could choose serial numbers I would probably want #525.  #24 was not the first one produced but the first one was probably shipped.  The holy grail would be the #1 prototype.  Sandy said they were going to save some for a charity auction, be interesting it that comes about and what they choose to sell.  



I think for the Charity Auction the serial number will be LAST1




I would agree, easy to keep the last one, easy to play it up and I am sure there will be interest.  What would it go for?