Ranger at Gander Mountain

Started by Bluelitenin, January-31-15 14:01

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Just had a call from Gander Mountain - they admitted that it's a mistake and was really the Sidewinder and have cancelled the order. Bummer.
"The world is made for people who aren't cursed with self awareness."


I just called them. Sidewinder, not ranger. Order cancelled .


Quote from: Paducah Michael on February-02-15 12:02
Just had a call from Gander Mountain - they admitted that it's a mistake and was really the Sidewinder and have canceled the order. Bummer.

I just checked it still shows my order in process. But when I click on the history it say item canceled. So at least you got a call.  :'(

I take that back I just got my call and the cancel.  NO Ranger for me. LOL LOL  ;D I knew deep down inside it was a pipe dream.  ;D


So has it been confirmed we are not going to see them? I knew it was a pipe dream . I hope one day there may be another batch made for use hopefuls.


Haven't heard anything from Gander yet, but...If they had 30 of these that they sold for $500.00 each, charged a CC, and then refunded the money in a week, it would be a $15.000.00 interest free loan for a week.

Don't take life to seriously---you'll never live through it.


Oh well rolled the dice and lost!! But it was fun and exciting while it lasted....LOL


It would be interesting to know how many other 'mistake' adds Gander has placed over the years.
Don't take life to seriously---you'll never live through it.

Polkadot Carl II

I just checked their site, again.  And, THEY LOWERED THEIR PRICE!

The Ranger now lists at $419.  The b@$T@RD$!


So, what does Gander Mountain do, amid their mistake and everybody getting canceled orders? They drop the price. Yeah, that's solves their problem. Still IN STOCK, still the same description, but a cheaper price for something THEY DON"T HAVE. Well done.

Polkadot Carl II

So, not being content with having my heart ripped out, I called them up.

Stewart, in Greenville, god bless his soul, totally assures me that they do, indeed, have 33 in stock, and he would personally reduce my credit card balance to the new price, and remove the shipping charges.

Wouldn't entertain the thought that they didn't have any in stock.

Man, I hope this nightmare ends with me fondling a breaktop.  ha.


I think OV is right.
Suck you in with something that isn't there and hope you will buy something else.
Bad salesmanship........
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


  Just send them your payment and it's pot luck , that would be interesting to see what you might get for the money , heck they might send a Thompson Machine gun who knows . Ha ha ha .  ;) ;) ;)
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


Quote from: MR_22 on February-02-15 15:02
So, what does Gander Mountain do, amid their mistake and everybody getting canceled orders? They drop the price. Yeah, that's solves their problem. Still IN STOCK, still the same description, but a cheaper price for something THEY DON"T HAVE. Well done.

The fellow who called me said the problem was with the SKU number. He said the SKU for what is supposed to be a Sidewinder was the same as the old Breaktop. So when someone entered the same SKU it defalted back to the Breaktop. So he said.  ;D Maybe I should order it now at the lower price.  ::) ;D ;D ;D ;D


Quote from: MR_22 on February-02-15 15:02
So, what does Gander Mountain do, amid their mistake and everybody getting canceled orders? They drop the price. Yeah, that's solves their problem. Still IN STOCK, still the same description, but a cheaper price for something THEY DON"T HAVE. Well done.

They changed the picture to the sidewinder,but the description is still they same. I called and cancelled my order.


Quote from: Polkadot Carl II on February-02-15 15:02
Stewart, in Greenville, god bless his soul, totally assures me that they do, indeed, have 33 in stock, and he would personally reduce my credit card balance to the new price, and remove the shipping charges.

Too late. Price back to $499. That was a quick sale. The description does indeed say Sidewinder now, but the picture is still wrong. What the heck are they doing over there???


OK-say Gander sent you a SW instead of the ranger. Gander charged your credit card for the gun. Do you think they have a contract to send you a ranger? Do you think that Gander breached the contract? If so, here's the fun part.

What is the going price for a NIB Ranger? I've heard up to $3,000.00. Do you think that Gander would be liable for the $2,500.00 ?

Feel free to play Judge Judy...
Don't take life to seriously---you'll never live through it.


Quote from: Goldsmithy on February-02-15 20:02
OK-say Gander sent you a SW instead of the ranger. Gander charged your credit card for the gun. Do you think they have a contract to send you a ranger? Do you think that Gander breached the contract? If so, here's the fun part.

What is the going price for a NIB Ranger? I've heard up to $3,000.00. Do you think that Gander would be liable for the $2,500.00 ?

Feel free to play Judge Judy...

Well, the first thing you should do is NOT accept the gun and transfer it to you. If do that, it's a done deal. Accepting the gun and doing the paperwork means you approve of the transaction and good luck getting anything from them if you do that.

If you refuse the gun and contact them with a grievance, tho, then perhaps you'll have a case.

They have since updated the photo, but the price is still $499. I'm not buying a Sidewinder at that price.



It was a mistake. That's all. A stupid mistake.

No harm, no foul.

But I am disappointed.
"The world is made for people who aren't cursed with self awareness."


Quote from: Paducah Michael on February-02-15 21:02
It was a mistake. That's all. A stupid mistake.

No harm, no foul.

But I am disappointed.

I suppose that remains to be seen--when everybody's credit card statements show up. :)


Quote from: MR_22 on February-02-15 20:02
Quote from: Goldsmithy on February-02-15 20:02
OK-say Gander sent you a SW instead of the ranger. Gander charged your credit card for the gun. Do you think they have a contract to send you a ranger? Do you think that Gander breached the contract? If so, here's the fun part.

What is the going price for a NIB Ranger? I've heard up to $3,000.00. Do you think that Gander would be liable for the $2,500.00 ?

Feel free to play Judge Judy...

Well, the first thing you should do is NOT accept the gun and transfer it to you. If do that, it's a done deal. Accepting the gun and doing the paperwork means you approve of the transaction and good luck getting anything from them if you do that.

If you refuse the gun and contact them with a grievance, tho, then perhaps you'll have a case.

They have since updated the photo, but the price is still $499. I'm not buying a Sidewinder at that price.

If they sent me a SW instead of a ranger, I would accept the gun, but not register it. Once I have the CC statement shows evidence payment it is a done deal. You have completed your contractual obligations to buy a ranger.

In contract law, on can sue for specific performance, which would be that Gander must supply a ranger, or pay the damages for the breach of contract. If the gun was listed at $500.00 and it costs $3'500.00, then the damages would be $3000.00. I know, the legal fees would make this impractical, unless you have an atty that is so pissed off that he files the suite anyway. I'm pissed and have a law degree so I will see what happens with my order.
Don't take life to seriously---you'll never live through it.


  $ 10.00 bucks off your next order MAYBE ! . Don't waste your time on nonsense Goldsmithy . Disclaimers are everywhere in the micro-print ,  so don't count your chickens AGAIN unless you want to play the game with the results you already know . To each there own of course . ;)     One exception is if it was on E-Bay and paid with Pay-Pal but still no windfall .

   Just a suggestion everyone should pay with Pay-Pal on everything because of their protection policies .
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .

Polkadot Carl II

Nightmare over.  No new Ranger.

I got the SKU # story told to me, too.  I laid into them about their quality control or lack thereof.   Told them they could ponder their systemic quality control deficiencies at the same time they ponder the reason that I no longer shop there.


Are you guys for real? We all knew that the chance of buying new breaktops was slim to none, yet many of us took the chance and put in an order . Now you talk of lawsuits because you won't get what you knew you probably wouldn't anyway . Why would you try to take advantage of a big company like Gander Mountain? They  goofed. They're making refunds. Shame on anyone that lets greed rule the situation. I'll never deal with any such a suit happy person. I don't want you around me or anyone I care about. Never pass my gate nor cross my threshold. Don't come to my shooting club, you're not welcome. I'm sure that your expectations might not be met and you might try to use the courts to rob me, too!


  Easy there Scbuxton ................ relax take a deep breath , PLEASE . A little frustrated maybe some are but it's nice to vent especially on such a great piece . The evil greenback is the real problem , NOT ENOUGH for most of us out here . Ever play the lotto and say dam when you didn't quite have all the numbers but close . Can I come over NOW PLEASE !  ;D ;D ;D ;D
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


Quote from: scbuxton on February-03-15 17:02
Are you guys for real? We all knew that the chance of buying new breaktops was slim to none, yet many of us took the chance and put in an order . Now you talk of lawsuits because you won't get what you knew you probably wouldn't anyway . Why would you try to take advantage of a big company like Gander Mountain? They  goofed. They're making refunds. Shame on anyone that lets greed rule the situation. I'll never deal with any such a suit happy person. I don't want you around me or anyone I care about. Never pass my gate nor cross my threshold. Don't come to my shooting club, you're not welcome. I'm sure that your expectations might not be met and you might try to use the courts to rob me, too!

Don't take life to seriously---you'll never live through it.


Ok, OV. But sign the hold harmless / indemnification form before you come over. ;)
The older I get, the less patience  I have for bullies and people who want to take advantage of others. Welfare cheats, entitlement mentality, fraudsters of many flavors and others who lack a moral compass. Seeing someone trying to profit from another's honest mistake chaps my buttocks.
I try to live by the golden rule and encourage others to do the same.


 I would certainly like to think we all do when it comes down to the bottom line. We all like to vent on something its good for the blood pressure and heart .
  I forgot my pen .  ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


Well this really tops the whole situation. I got this email from GM.

Order Number Item # Description Quantity Price Cancel Reason
614921 North American Arms Sidewinder Mini-Revolver Conversion 1 $449.99 ITEM DISCONTINUED

They are really a mess on this one. First a cancel online on the Ranger (not that I reall expected to get it), phone call explaining the mistake. Now an email canceling a Sidewinder that I never ordered.  ;D ;D Only thing I have to do now is check my credit card to see how many charges are now on it.  >:(


I have not heard anything from Gander. Maybe my breaktop is on the way????  Yes, I still believe in Santa Claus  :D ;D
Don't take life to seriously---you'll never live through it.


  Goldsmithy I have some great swampland here in Florida with a view for sale CHEAP . Perfect place for a small waterpark but parking has to be by boat and that's part of the beauty of it no congestion problems . Call me .  ;D
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


Quote from: OV-1D on February-04-15 06:02
  Goldsmithy I have some great swampland here in Florida with a view for sale CHEAP . Perfect place for a small waterpark but parking has to be by boat and that's part of the beauty of it no congestion problems . Call me .  ;D

I might be interested if there is a bridge involved in the sale.  ;)


  O.K. its in New York and has to be relocated ( your expense ) its the Brooklyn Bridge and I'll throw it in to sweeten the deal . Gotta act fast I have a number of RIGHT NOW buyers . All that's required is a small deposit of $ 350 thousand in Western Union payments . No pictures though , TRUST ME ! .  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


Let's see--I currently own a bridge in Brooklyn, some land in Fl (all I have to do is drain it) and am waiting for the $5,000,000.00 that I won in the Nigerian lottery. I'm always on the look out for good deals.  8)
Don't take life to seriously---you'll never live through it.


  Goldsmithy you know Mohammad-a-la-de-to-loose also from the Niger river area , what a small world , I'm waiting for my first direct deposit check any day now . Heck I already spent most of it on Pay-Pal payments . Pay-Pal is a little pissed because they are waiting for my 80th credit card addition the others are tapped out .  ;D ;D
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .