Bisley style hammer for Mini

Started by petergunn, March-21-12 12:03

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....shine a light oh won't you shine a light......shine a light bay-aybee.......sorry. Good song!


I had to go back to the top to see where this all started.



   These "people" don't exist.

   They are a keyboard and a computer screen.

   One can not respect someone or something that isn't there.


   It is a way of killing time until the next new model comes out so we can buy it.



   This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine.

   This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine.

   This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine.

   Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


......thats a different song old man....


"The quibbling that goes on here is grade school mentality!"


   You are right.  There is no competition among adults in our society.  All the competing is done in childhood and it ends at maturity.  That is why all the banks are fair and treat everyone fairly, you can trust all the car salesmen to tell the absolute truth all the time, politicians all agree among themselves who should be in office and none of them ever attempt to take money or payoffs for themselves and always treat the tax payer with complete respect.


   It is because to bicker, argue, debate issues, disagree, compete for anything, is all childish grade school behavior and is never practiced by adults.


   You are as correct about this as Whitehorse is about his politics.



   Thanks for bringing us lesser people to our senses.


   I am sure we will all try to do better.  I know I will.
"Deeds; Not Words"


I think it was in grade school when I learned that the word is "accept", not "except", and that the possessive plural is "their", not "there".


   (Cripes, this is almost exactly the same post that got me flamed on the Bersa Forum....)
NAA Black Widow
Bersa T380
NAA Guardian .32
Henry H001


OMG, I am trying....trying to hold!


Okie Dokie, I guess I better take a few moments to clarify my OP. I was asking if folks here that had *some* knowledge of the little gun we love so much had any ideas about lowering the profile of the hammer spur, perhaps in the manner of a Bisley style hammer. Others were invited to respond also, leaving no one out. I deplore censorship. I will state for the record now I was not looking for a definitive answer right now, by God or else.  


    Louie, I do believe that Sandy does read some posts and may have come across mine and may have taken the  time to answer in his view. Thank you for pointing out that I should send him a PM. I chose to go the route I took. While I understand that there are lotsa folks here that are smarter than me about guns and their manufacture, I fail in comprehending why someone with knowledge would not be willing to share it. So, some did and voiced an opine along with it. I expressed my gratitude in an appropriate manner,  I thought. I am an avid supporter of anyone speaking one's mind. It is always most revealing for all parties involved.


    I don't take umbrage to your telling me to ask Sandy in a PM. I do think, however, you may have overstepped the boundaries of the free speech thing.  I know for a fact I have the right to ask a question or pose a thought process for all others here to have an opinion about and you, kind sir, have no business telling me when or where to do it. You may certainly (with or without my expressed permission) have a negative response. We all have that equal right under the aegis of our Constitution.    


   Maybe I'm wrong. It won't be the 1st or last time, but just ignoring my post would've saved more time for us all instead of this side note banter and repartee. Your mileage, I'm sure, may vary. And that's OK by me too. I hope you, now, feel the same. But if you don't that'll be alright by me also.  I'm NOT trying to be a smartass here, just being as open minded as I can. Thanks to all for your time reading this and the responses were appreciated also. Next time I wanta know something, I'll  ask if it's ok to post it first. Will that be OK?


.......I am confused.

   You said that you are an avid supporter of anyone speaking their mind and then in the very next paragraph you say that someone has overstepped the bounds of free speach.

   Please forgive my misunderstanding but isn't that saying exactly the opposite????




   I don't have a misunderstanding and agree with what you said.  I have no issue with your position, including you not liking me voicing my opinion of how you handled your post, as you acknowledged my right to have and to state that position, if or if not you agree with it.  After all, if speech is free, one CANNOT overstep it can one?  Because another does not agree with it does not mean it was an overstep, and the fact that some or even most may disagree with something is why there IS FREE SPEECH rules, right?  


   I had no serious problem with you or your handling of your dissatisfaction with the information you received from the members, as you wanted to hear it from Sandy, but found it somewhat insulting.  This point is totally ignored to those that have so much fun attacking me on a regular basis.  I am blunt and outspoken, and some are not going to deal well with that.


   My apology for offending you, if that is what I did, was sincere, even though your proxy representative did not accept it.  I am not sure if he was acting independent of you, or on your behalf, but I am presuming it was independent of you as he often inserts himself like that.  My intention was to express my reception of what I took as an insult from you and not to offend you.  I should have just let what I took as a slight by you go on by.


   NO ONE that I know of tried to stop you from posting so don't turn it into that with your last line.  But if you only want an answer from a certain person, you may want to say so, and not make a general inquiry, and then tell those that answer "no, not you, I only want the answer from Sandy."


   That is the best I can do to explain.
"Deeds; Not Words"


I'm good with it louie. If I offended you by thanking you for your response and insinuating I'd like further validation from Sandy, on his forum, please accept my sincere apology. Just saying I think it CAN be done anyway doesn't seem offensive to me unless one is hyper sensitive. Just my opine. not tryin' to knock the crust off the pile.  


   Nobody else here speaks for me. I'm a big boy and can speak for myself.  I was and still am seeking input from others, including you. I do still believe with some engineering this is a viable action. The bisley grip frame was slightly altered also. That's the qualifier of some *logistical knowledge* in my OP. Whatever any one else had/has to say, have at it. Sticks, stones, knives(or other sharp objects), bullets and close proximity explosive devices  may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.


    chopprs,  from my perspective it's like this. Telling me to take it off forum is a blatant attempt to stifle free speech on a fairly run open forum. Sandy has a say in what is posted where. IMHO louie doesn't as per  2nd amendment. if you don't get that, sorry you don't understand.  it's not my fault you don't.


    I don't mean to offend anybody here. Believe me, anyone will know for certain if I'm on the offensive. I can be just as crude and rude as the next guy. I just don't waste much time on such prattle. i'd rather go build a guitar or shoot the guns or go play a music gig somewhere. 8^) so everybody just stand down. I' m headed back into lurk mode.  I detect a smidgen too much narcissism in some  folks I am conversing with to suit my furtherance of this topic.


So Louie DOES not have the choice to say what he wants to here but you do?

   Now I am even more confused!


God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


   Ditto on that.


   Now we are:

"Deeds; Not Words"


chopprs, to tell me to take it of forum is an attempt to stifle my rights to ask it here on forum. I know you, louie, anybody can do as you please. It doesn't make it OK to stifle another's free speech by exercising yours. That is  NOT free speech, equal for all. That's the part ya don't get. i'm not responsible for anyone's benightedness. I am not  gonna point out the obvious anymore. Free speech is just that. I get to respond with what my perception of the suggestion is to take it off forum. done deal no more flogging your horse for you. In my humble opinion, most here are correct. Some members involved in this and the numerous other floggings simply want to play semantical arguments that are truly a moot point. Good bye, have a nice life. Feel free to discuss this amongst yourselves under the aegis of free speech. I'll be gone, as it's a thing about mind over matter. I don't mind and y'all don't matter. 8^)


.......oh boy, I am sure Coinchump is gonna blame me for ths one too.....



Go ahead, say it.......


   ...and WHAT?



   There goes another one.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


Choppers... I just don't have time today to play pig in the mud with you today. Sorry.../



LOL, now I must say that is much better than what I expected!


Low wide hammer looks and sounds

   like an interesting development

   to me, I smoothed out my hammer

   on my Black Widdow with a bit of

   plummer's epoxy and painted it  

   black to mach the grip.


   That seemed to work for me.

   But I do like the idea of a

   lower and wider hammer.


   Oh...and thanks for the new

   additions to my smilie collection

   guys, they've been great.





And Boom......There it was!!!!