Sidewinder 2 1/2 inch

Started by Doc Holliday, March-14-16 10:03

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Doc Holliday

Been looking at the Sidewinder with 2 1/2 inch barrel! The 4 inch barrel just seems too long for CCW! I have the original EB Sidewinder and love it. Have a Ragsdale Pocket holster and a cowby style Absaroka kid holster for it. Prefer the Kids offering...easy to slip on and off! If I get a SW with the 2 inch barrel, I think I would have one made by the Kid to use with it. Just not a huge fan of  Kdex or IWB carry, or pocket carry even with the very fine Ragsdale offerings. Just hard to get to when seated in a vehicle!
Any opinions?
All would be well and all would be well and all manner of things would be well.

Kentucky Kevin

Quote from: Unkei on March-14-16 10:03
The 4 inch barrel just seems too long for CCW! Just hard to get to when seated in a vehicle!
Any opinions?
This is a 4" MM w/mag & 1"22lr, both w/floppy wobblers(holster grips), Pants on guns on, & VERY easy to draw while buckled or seated on coach. Glock 26 w/spare mag in pocket on ankle when I leave the house & removed when entering schools or metal detectors.
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