Chopprs Mad Hat SOB

Started by jestus, June-19-12 21:06

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   Saw mentioned on the board that you had a tidy SOB rig for a pair of PUGS.  


   Care to share a picture of the rig?  


   I like an SOB holster but I find it uncomfortable if I have to be in the truck. Standing upright is fine, but sitting, not so. Haven't used one on the bike as I use the gun pocket or tank bag, instead. But the mini is a different animal and might ride better on the back than in the pocket. So, how's it working out on a longer basis?


You will have to ask the person who bought it off Chopprs Jest. IF memory serves he auctioned it off a short time after having it made. As for pictures, you can probably search the forums for MadHat and turn up some old posts with photos of the SOP double rig.


Yeah, I liked it a lot and it was okay in the truck driving but after I found the tiny Diamndback I went back to one Pug in my pocket. I can't remember who bought it but there are pics here somewhere if you look......but you will never get one now. I don't think Liberals are allowed to have them......




   I could say something about one Pug in your pocket .. but I won't. )


   Thanks for following up on my "baited" post. I saw a .380 Diamondback at my LGS a few weeks ago. How do you like it? It looked more substantial than the Ruger LCP, which doesn't fit my grip very well. I love my Beretta 84F but I have to "want" to carry it because it is no mouse gun for conceal ability (my opinion anyway), as I wear short sleeve shirts year round and most of the day cannot stand a cover layer. I sometimes use an SOB rig and that's why my interest in your dual rig.


   I 'll search the forum for related posts to see if I can find a pic of your Mad Hat. I've written to Jason, but, so far, no response.


   He probably doesn't like liberals either...


Jason is a Mormon...I think. I doubt he likes Liberals. I am not thinking you will find too many people ON A GUN FORUM that are fond of Liberals!

   LCP is a .380 and Diamondback is a 9mm. They are the same size, case closed!


My in-laws are Mormon and they like me fine. I think you are confusing anti-gun people with liberals. I know conservatives who are anti-gun and you now know a liberal who is pro-gun, and I know a lot of others. So, maybe a better, narrower, definition is needed, other than the "shotgun" approach to "all them da_n liberals", or "all them da_n right-wingers".  Individualism is what defines America and if all we are is either "right wing" or "liberal" , then there's not much individualism in that, is there? There has to be room to be more than a broad label.  So maybe I am a liberal thinker, but that does not define all of me, just as "right-wing gun nut" does not accurately define all of the people on this board who are conservative thinkers.  


   just saying'..


You think of yourself the way you want to think of yourself and I will think of you the way I want to think of you.

   My thoughts of all liberals is not very high.

   No, I don't know an antigun conservative.  


   I don't know how anyone who claims to be able to think could be a liberal.  

   Except if their ultimate goal was the destruction of America.


   Europe has had all the social programs for years and we can see those countries failing because of that. Still the liberals in America want to install those programs here.



   Your in-laws are just being nice for your wife's sake.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


IF your in-laws are Mormon and you are not, they DO NOT like you fine.  They TOLERATE you for their daughter's sake and hope that some day you will wake up and grow up.


   If you truly knew anything about being Mormon you would understand why.  Ask your wife.  If she grew up Mormon and then tied up with you in her rebellious stage, she knows why.
"Deeds; Not Words"


You Mormon Louie? It doesn't matter. You don't know me, at all. But from what you paint of yourself and how you judge me I know exactly what you are. A person. One of the billions of individuals in the world. Same as me.


   You really need to get out more and listen to other people besides your own voice. It must be starting to echo in your house.


   Ya' got a little spittle on your chin there Louie.


......I deal with the public in my job and I hope for the rest of us that there is in fact, only ONE of you!


Same old same old.............  there are a lot like you Jestus, and you are several of them.



   But you are right about ONE thing.  I AM a person.  Very profound of you.


   I do not judge you.  No criticism of you at all.  Just voiced an OPINION based on experience.


   and I think you have something on your chin too, and you may want to clean up before your wife gets home from work and finds out what you have been doing while she was off supporting you.









































   SEE?  I can make unrelated cheap shots at you too.  Just as unrelated to what we were talking about as your "spittle on the chin" crack.  I would think a slime ball like you could do better than that crack.
"Deeds; Not Words"


.....that would be a, "Chin Bag" not to be confused with a vacuum bag or a grocery bag......far more slippery when wet and designed specifically to hold only two, very important items!


   Sirscott, perhaps you should actually READ the King James Bible instead of proporting it. It clearly states tolerance of other religions and their beliefs. It also states that it is God's job to deal with the unbelievers and the followers of the devil....NOT YOURS!!! ....just a tidbit of information for your coffers!

   Have a nice day!


Sirscott:  there IS NO "MORMON" Bible.  We use the King James Version.  It is the most correct.


   Thanks for voting for a Mormon for president.  Maybe he will relent and decide NOT to have all the illiterates and severely ignorant people put to death.
"Deeds; Not Words"


.....welcome back Mountainman!


you have been listening to your Baptist Minister's lies for far too long.  He tells you those lies to keep you in fear and from going to look at the other religions.  I have been to Baptist church.  Have YOU been to a Mormon church for Sunday services?  My guess is NO.  You may want to overcome your fear based on the lies you have been told, and just go and see for yourself.  Seek some TRUTH.


   I grew up in the Mormon Church and you are confusing the Book of Mormon (which is NOT the Bible and was never claimed to be) with the Bible.  As I told you before, the Mormon church uses the King James version.  You are speaking from lies told to you and from false information and you obviously know nothing of which you speak and you are sounding like a fool.



   You are really losing it.


   You have my sympathy for living in such total ignorance.
"Deeds; Not Words"


So let me get this straight:


   YOU the Baptist, feel YOU are in a position to tell ME, what MY beliefs are!?!?!?!


   The members of the Mormon Church do not know what the Mormon Church believes, but YOU, who has obviously never been to a service KNOW better.



   Because you saw a TELEVISION show about who you think are Mormons (who are not, and if they ever were, have been excommunicated for their behavior) and so YOU KNOW.


   Women killed for leaving????


   Are you out of your MIND?


   You DO know that the actual name of the Mormon Church is "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints", RIGHT?  YOU DO KNOW THAT, RIGHT?
"Deeds; Not Words"


Louie, your reply to Sirscott is the most honestly passionate and revealing thing I have heard you say in the short time I have been on this forum.  


   It is decidedly sad that supposedly "Christian" churches can teach such un-Christian-like values(?) as this fellow believes. Always boggles the mind. Same Book different "translations".


   Oops, gotta go. My wife's almost through her shift in the coal mine. Gotta look busy when she comes in the door , y'know ;O)




   Better have a hot bath waitin fer her wen she saunters in!


   Otherwise she mite whack you with her metal lunch bucket



"Deeds; Not Words"



Sirscott:  they call it history, since it has not been done or allowed by the church for 140 years.  Any Mormon with more than one wife is excommunicated (that means thrown out for you) from the church and is no longer a Mormon.


   ref your second post:

    You are DEAD wrong on Mormons, and you now know it as you have been told.  So you are NOW spreading lies and bearing false witness.  That is a violation of the ten Commandments, and you are doing it knowingly.  So you might want to be praying for your Hillbilly (the one word you seem to be able to spell correctly) backside, because according to your Baptist belief, if you don't repent of that sin you will be cast into Hades to burn in torment FOREVER.


   Your Bible says NOTHING about the Mormon faith.  I know what your Bible says because as I have said, MORMONS USE THE SAME BIBLE you do.


   you might want to also pray for the Pastor that told you all those lies, because since he is a professional Pastor (preaches for money) he KNOWS that what he has been telling you about Mormons is a LIE and has told you anyway.



   According to the rules of your Baptist faith, YOU ARE BOUND for the LAKE OF FIRE.  I will pray for you.


"Deeds; Not Words"


Too bad.  not up to you.


   You really have the gospel screwed up.


   Jesus does not hear prayers from anyone but perfect people huh?


   You need to repent of your bearing of false witness.  But it is at your peril; not mine.


   Your lake of fire, not mine.


   Maybe a reading course at night school would help your reading skills and help you to understand better.  As your reading skills improve, so will your spelling and writing skills.


   discussion over.


   Best wishes and think about repenting of your lies.


"Deeds; Not Words"


.......and now back to that holster...


If this were in another forum I could have a field day .
"If someone has a gun and is trying to kill you, it would be reasonable to shoot back with your own gun" - Tenzin Gyatso - the 14th dalai lama


I only looked at the thread because I thought it said Chopprs was a mad S.O.B. but it has been interesting to see that in spite of the enlightened age we live in total ignorance and uninformed bigotry are alive and well.


   Sirscott, your Jesus must be very proud of you
Old Enough to Know Better - Still Too Young to Care

I "Acted the Fool" so often in School they made me get an Equity Card


Well, I see he DOES know how to use the "delete" function to take out the post about Jesus not hearing prayers from sinners.


   Maybe progress is being made.


   I hope so.
"Deeds; Not Words"


That is nice.  Enjoy the lake of fire.


   (your belief, not mine.  No lakes of fire in my belief.  whew!)



   Sad part of all this, is that we pretty much agree on almost all doctrine with just some minor details.  Oh well.  Each to their own.  I hold no ill will toward you for your lack of knowledge.


   You are right.  Belongs in another area.
"Deeds; Not Words"





   I THINK Jason is an Atheist. Not that I care what he believes in, but I don't think he is a Mormon.  


   I guess I really do care, I wish he had a belief in  the Lord.


Searched through many back posts related to Mad Hat but did not find a pic of that SOB holster. From what I've seen of his other work it was probably a fine piece.


   I have read that Jason/Mad Hat may be a little behind in his orders... so maybe later. Meanwhile, John Losey is going to make a holster for my BW. Not as artsy but certainly elegantly functional.


   Looks like I just missed some burning lake water. All the lakes out here are blue ball cold.





   I don't personally buy the "lake of fire" reality, but I had so many Baptists throw it up at me it has almost become funny. (to me)


   Cold blue lakes sound pretty appealing to me in the heat of the summer like we are having.
"Deeds; Not Words"

Doc Holliday

Posted on Thursday, June 28, 2012 - 03:31 pm:      


   Think we all need to step back and take a deep cleansing breath! Attacking each other's religious beliefs is counter productive. Besides, I thought this was supposed to be a civilized forum about NAA products. Just my unasked for two cents worth.  

All would be well and all would be well and all manner of things would be well.


gasp choke gag........



   (taking deep breaths......)





   I always remember to breathe.........  makes one live longer.........


   Welcome newcomer Unkei



   glad you are here to remind us on the breathing thing............




"Deeds; Not Words"


Sirscott, however your comments were meant, sugar coated or not, most were factually incorrect, you can still believe what you want to, that is your right, but I think you should at least take the time to look at the facts (as opposed to theology) before attacking anyone's religion, if you still feel the need to.  


   When you talk about polygamy and women being killed for leaving the church etc. that is just crazy talk and confusion with members of another religion which definitely is a cult or sect.


   I was down at the Manti Pageant last night and low and behold there are the "anti Mormons" wanting to save us from ourselves. Every time I run into these people they are always trying to prove the Church cannot be true by quoting something to me that I don't believe in either and nor is it the doctrine of the Church. I don't know who trains and brainwashes them all but they'd have more success if they actually knew what members of the Church are taught and believe rather than coming up with stuff that makes most of the ones I've talked with seem insane.


   Anyway what does any of this have to do with that SOB Chopprs and a holster
Old Enough to Know Better - Still Too Young to Care

I "Acted the Fool" so often in School they made me get an Equity Card


It is apparent at this point that Sirscott is in fact a seasoned member here that likely left in a tiff and came back with a new name to find the same base. He has removed most of his posts from this thread so that we can not see that what he actually said was a bunch of crap!

   He said the "HE" was the Light and the Word when in fact it is God that said this about himself. It is also apparent that if in fact he is attatched to a church they are not allowing him to actually READ the Bible. This would obviously give him a different view as God does not in any way condone hatred of anyone nor persecution of anyone or their religion which in fact, is what he spewed here before us all.

   I truly feel sorry for this misled individual. His church has fed him what is not the word of God nor the context of the King James Bible!

   ....last time these guys came to my house they were met at the door by a naked old fat man with a shotgun inviting them in to share their genius!




   your betteroff being a Atheist. then to join a cult you might get saved someday by The-Lord Jesus CHrist.

   Chopprs- Baptists dont go door to door begging peaple to join there church . think thats the J-Witness cult or Mormons maybe  . The Lake Of Fire is in the King James Bible . I guess you-all havent read it . only Souls that dont except Jesus free gift of Salvation , Go there when they die .

   You know cults and and the unrepenttant sinner .

   ever Day Gods mercey is renewed for all the world, they need only ask and he is just to forgive anyone. no Sins too  Big or too small .

   i hate knowone hear, i bearno ill will . and this will make you evenmore happy this is my last post.


"The Lake Of Fire is in the King James Bible . I guess you-all havent read it . only Souls that dont except Jesus free gift of Salvation , Go there when they die".


   Wow, according to this guy, I am due for a dip in the hot pond after I turn into bug food. lol

   Still not buying it.....