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Messages - EvilWayz

Can't go wrong with a Pug. 
NAA Products / Re: God Dots at LAX
June-20-17 18:06
And three bucks a box cheaper than MidwyaUSA
NAA Products / Re: One Gripe
June-20-17 18:06
You can buy them directly from XS. #10-2090B-255-3. 71 dollars.
If i can practice til Im good at it, maybe I could actually do a reload if I had to, because as far as I'm concerned that 5 extra rounds in a pocket holster are just there for show unless you happen to be able to stop time.
I've tried making the number of minutes 0 and huge, I've tried deleting it and ticking hte always logged on button.  But regardless of what I do, I have to log in every hour.
Quote from: Bigbird48 on June-16-17 20:06
Wait a Min first you say this is great how you can switch out cylinders fast.
Then you say you haven't tried it yet
Then you say it doesn't work
I'm sorry but dam man you like contradict yourself 3 times . Make up your mind ??? 

Quote from: EvilWayz on June-15-17 10:06
Doesn't work, that's why you have to half cock it in the first place.

The hell I did.

That other fellow said it would be too easy to miss the safety notch.  So I tried to miss the safety notch intentionally.  It didn't work, the reason being unless you put the hammer in the safety notch, it won't  go in, that's why you have to put the gun in half cock to begin with.

If you pull the pin out just to where it clears the opening in the frame, you can switch the cylinders out pretty quick.  I'd have to do it for a little while before I can see if it's worth the effort or not. 
Doesn't work, that's why you have to half cock it in the first place.
I haven't tried it yet, but I don't think it will work unless its in the notch.
No pulling back on the hammer, no pulling the trigger.  I can also switch out cylinders fast.
Quote from: OV-1D on June-09-17 13:06
  You telling me you don't scroll over all the neat stuff for NAA on E-Bay , you sacrilegious or muslim ?


Pro tip: Don't ever accuse an Indian ( dot not feather) of being a muslim.   Them's fightin' words.

Ah, its under snake, not rattlesnake.
I looked for it, I guess one of y'all already bought it?
Figures, they finally make one that doesn't take four hours to disassemble and they screw it up.
Quote from: autofull on June-09-17 08:06
well built, heavy duty pistol. no one has ever brought one in for repair. that says alot for me. nice pistol there.  kevin.

Thanks, near as I can figure it was born in 1996, and the only thing I've done to it besides the grips is changed out all the springs.  And I only did that because I always change out the springs in a gun I don't know how many rounds have been through.  And this pistol is a battle scarred veteran, it was an IDF turn in. 
NAA Products / Re: Ranger ll
June-07-17 15:06
Quote from: Bigbird48 on June-07-17 12:06
Well I'll help the cause, just spoke to Jessica and ordered a new custom Sheriff ;D :D :)to add to my collection. Now watch the Ranger will come out next month and I spent my money ::)

What did you get customized?
next time I'm getting my ammo from here.  I paid an extra three bucks a box from Midway.
Quote from: Canoeal on June-02-17 21:06
Quote from: Fharing on April-18-17 18:04
    Looks to me like they took a sheriff frame and attached a BW barrel,  chopped the barrel to 1.5 inches and modified the underlug for the sheriff pin. Slightly modified the front for XS sights. They should be able to fit a magnum cylinder.
I don't think so, it is a 22 LR Frame to fit in that box. A plastic box of 22 mag ammo won't fit either

The lady at NAA assured me it's a Magnum frame when I asked her if they could custom mill my pug with the barrel step down like the bug out.   Which they can't do, because the barrel step down on the TALO is proprietary. 
Just got myself three boxes.
Mine are on the left.  Both times. 

Quote from: uncle_lee on June-01-17 03:06
Image hosted by

I use tinypic almost exclusively.  Last night everytime i uploaded a picture, it told me that the image had been moved or was not found.  I tried photobucker and imgbb, neither of them worked either.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand the forum won't post images from tinypic or imagebb. THey do work as links though.
This time, I cut a piece for each grip, and then a long strip for the back strap that started behind the hammer and ended under the trigger.  I also put the pieces on and then cut the holes for the screws and the push button, they were a lot cleaner that way.
Wanna sell whatever you got left?
That seems like a lot of metal to waste machining down.
I could have sworn when i bought my .22 mag many years ago that NAA themselves advised you to fire as many rounds as it took to get you familiar with  it and then leave it alone.
Quote from: Fharing on May-22-17 14:05
I also had a # they never had them. I just called :-\

They don't have them at all?  Or they are out again. Because I got a confirmation number.
Gahhh. ONly got the one box.  Maybe there will still be some by payday.
NAA Products / Re: Advice Please
May-20-17 13:05
Quote from: BMS52 on May-20-17 12:05

I'd love to be able to cover your grips BUT in order to make the Stingray (or any other hide) fit properly I have to sand off quite a bit of grip material.  If I don't the hide will overhang the edges of the gun or interfere with moving parts.  I'd end up wrecking the grips if I tried to cover your Laser grips. 

I only do Carbon Fiber or Exotic hide grips on guns that I own and can fit the grips to properly.  In most cases I make a set of Kevlar reinforced Carbon Fiber grips first, then sand those down and cover them.  That way if I mess something up I can make another set at my own expense and the customers original grips don't get ruined. 


This makes me a sad panda.
Thanks for the quick reply.
NAA Products / Re: Advice Please
May-19-17 13:05
Say whats the process that bonds the skin to the handle material?  Cuz I got a wild idea, could you stingray my v-mag lasergrIp?
Quote from: MR_22 on May-19-17 13:05
Quote from: grayelky on May-19-17 05:05
I have not gotten a Pug yet, but it will be with the Tritium front site like yours. They are NICE!

That's the one thing I regret not getting after I bought my Pug.

If you want a tritium sight, XS will sell you one for 71 dollars.  Email gcooper@xssights .com and ask him how you can order  part #10-2090B-255-3.

For extra LOLs, the man you will be emailing's real name is Gary Cooper.
Quote from: grayelky on May-19-17 05:05
I have not gotten a Pug yet, but it will be with the Tritium front site like yours. They are NICE!

If you do, you'll wonder how you ever managed without one.