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Messages - santa

Other Guns (Non-NAA) / 410 bore
March-13-12 10:03
The shelf price of 410 bore ammo is high, thats one reason I started this thread.  Even cheap factory loads cost 40 to 50 cents a pop.  The 000 buckshot loads that Winchester sells are about $1.20 or more a pop. These figures show that reloading a 410 for 12 cents or less a pop is a bargain.  Lauraslookout points out the arthritus problem many suffer from which by the way  includes Mrs SANTA. Arthritus effectively eleminates her shooting any 12 gauge.  By the way reloading a 12 gauge costs more than reloading a 410, more powder, more shot.
Other Guns (Non-NAA) / 410 bore
March-12-12 19:03
Gunr,  Im sorry but due to a windstorm my computer internet (and electricity)was down.  But as to your question.  I have read about what you are refering to but Ive never done it. It can be done with the right tools. However the wads are cheap so making your own probably is a waste of time.  What I do is this:  First I have a MEC 600 Junior reloader which works great. Second thing is in the reloader box they have a book with charts which is mostly 12 gauge but there is at the end a section on 410. Third I use Winchester HS hulls as they can be reloaded 8-10 times, read the box. Fourth for simplicity I use ALL Winchester components, 296 powder,WAA410HS wads, Winchester 209 primers.  The wads are good for either 2 1/2 inch or 3 inch hulls. These components are easy to aquire. Cabellas has it all. The shot I use is # 4.  Also on the Hodgdon Powdwer web site there are multiple tables for differents brands of powdwer and loads for 410.  There is several booklets in the box with the reloader, everything you need to know. The reloader cost $165 and well worth it. The cost to reload 2 1/2 inchers is about 12 cents each.  The reloader can easily be reset for 3 inch hulls. Im still trying to figure out my own recipe for 00 or 000 buckshot though and if you have any suggestions please let me know.  Winchester does have(check their website) factory 000 buckshot and slugs but Id like to load my own. Mrs SANTA bought me a Mossberg model 500 pump action in 410 last year and I love it.  Dont let anybody ever tell you that a 410 isnt good for self defence as a 3 inch 000 buckshot round developes 1000 pounds of muzzle energy and slugs have 800 pounds of muzzle energy, more than a 357 magnum. If that doesnt do the job what will?  I went to the Stoeger web site to see what your new toy looks like, very very good looking gun. Can you fire BOTH barrels at once?  Anyway Ive ranted on long enough. Where do you live ? Im here in Eastern Washington State.  Seriously we ought to start a web site specializing in 410 bore. I bet it would fly. Send me a PM if you wish, like to hear from you.
Other Guns (Non-NAA) / 410 bore
March-11-12 19:03
Hey Gunr,  We had BIG windstorm today (50 MPH plus) and a power outage. Ill get back to you tomorrow if the power will stay on long enough.
Other Guns (Non-NAA) / 410 bore
March-11-12 10:03
I know its a long shot but does anyone on this site shoot 410 bore shotguns?  OR reload for them?
My coffee could be considered a dangerous weapon.  It is so strong it will eat through a main battle tanks armour,thats why it was outlawed by the Geneva Convention as being 'cruel and inhuman warfare'. People who drink it report their hair and teeth to grow tremondously thereby disfigureing the individule. But I will not give up my coffee. Now Im off to my dentist and barber for my weekly visit.
Stories / Why All the Shootings?
April-05-12 18:04
Oh in applying in San Jaoquin County I managed to keep it secret about my passion for going up and down chimneys and my nice padded room with the tight jacket. At least Im free now.
Stories / Why All the Shootings?
April-05-12 18:04
Westerly, I lived in Stockton for 30 years before moving back to eastern Washington State in 2003. It was bad then and worse now. But as I understand it it is still almost impossible to get a CCW there. I remember I had to give a real good reason and then alot of brown-nosing to get a CCW.  Where about do you live?

     I can imagine how the political leaders there will react IF National Reciprocity becomes law and they are FORCED to recognize other State permits. Imagine their panic!

     You are absolutely(along with Gunr) correct in that an armed society is a polite society.

    If gun-free zones worked so well why are so many people killed in them? COULD IT BE THAT THE CRIMMINALS DONT OBEY THE LAW?  

     Wes I hope that you live in another County other than San Joaquin because other Counties are easier to get permits, for instance Calaveras.
Stories / Talking frog
April-02-12 13:04
#1 The checks in the mail.

    #2 Dont worry dear, Ive had a vasectomy.

    #3 Im from the government and Im here to help you

    #4 I will respect you in the morning.

    #5 Guns cause crime.

    #6 Politition- "I will lower taxes"

    #7 Ill neverv look at another woman

    #8 Ill never look at another man

    #9 Ill never buy another gun, I have enough.
We're off to see the wizard, the Wonderful Wizard of Oz.
Id tell you guys a few stories, but I woudnt want anyone to get jealous.
Stories / National Reciprocity
March-22-12 19:03
Hey Gunr. I wish Oregon did.  There is a Sheriff on the East side of the State that will issue non-resident permits but it is a 6-7 hour drive each way from my house. Plus being robbed(cost of gas) at the gas stations. It sure was nice visiting with you on the phone and anytime you feel like doing it again lets do it.
Stories / National Reciprocity
March-22-12 18:03
Thanks but I already have and am quite aware of what States accept my permit. There are 25 States including my home State of Washington that accept my permit. But I make frequent trips South and Oregon as well as Kailfornia do not honor my permit. Oregon MIGHT issue a non-resident IF you ask the right Sheriff. Kalifornia wont issue to non-residents at all and will not recognize any out of State permit. But I wonder IF National Reciprocity comes about, will any particlar hand gun be legal or illegal?  I heard an unconfirmed rumor that NAA mini's were not legal in ALL states.
Stories / National Reciprocity
March-22-12 16:03
It seems that very soon we will be able to legally carry our guns across State lines. The bill HR822 easily passed the House and in the Senate there are enough votes to pass it, mabye even if Obama vetoes it. But being an election year he might sign it. If it does become law I have 2 questions. The first question is, is there any State where a NAA mini is illegal? The second question is what gun would you carry across State lines if it became legal?
Welcome.  I also joined to learn more about NAA and have found out alot I didnt know. The little guns are very useful and besides ANY gun that is on a list to be or is banned has to be good.
I just found out(20 minutes ago) on the Canadian Government website dealing with long guns that certain long guns were permitted, such as bolt action rifles and most shotguns. They have to be declared and UNLOADED. A reason must be given for bringing them into Canada. Self defence is not listed as an acceptable reason, BUT protection against wild animals is while camping. So I guess if you brought your 12 gauge, declared it,paid the fee $25? its ok. Lets face it, much as I like my mini,there is no way it would suffice against a bear, whereas a large shotgun or rifle would. I was wondering though about handguns and you answered my question, thanks.  The sleigh is grounded for now because the reindeer have a few months off to fatten up and rest, and the elves contract says that they can take 4 months vacation.
HA HA!  I fooled them, the jacket looks like its still on but really its untied. So drop a key anytime.  I have a plastic surgeon ready to help, but who should I look like to hide my idendity? I know Ill dress up like that guy at Christmas who brings toys to everyone, and eats the cookies and BEER left out for him. And Wes, you can be a elf! You would get first pick of the NAA toys on the sleigh.
Well Im not creepy.  I just need help with this new straight jacket they put on me and a NEW key to get me out of this white padded room. Typing with my nose is hard. Man, I thought I escaped but they caught me.  Meantime how legal is it IF DECLARED WHEN ENTERING CANADA to carry any kind of gun into Canada?
Welcome to our asylum of NAA addicts. I didnt know handguns were legal across the border.  Learn something new every day. What part of Canada are you from?
Stories / More Anti-Gunner Fuel
February-23-12 20:02
Lets see the kid had possession of a handgun and was underage, first law broken.  The gun was concealed without a valid CPL, second law broken.  He transported it concealed without a valid CPL, third law broken. He took it on school grounds and into a school building which is illegal possession in a no-carry zone, fourth law broken. He discharged it unlawfully, fifth law broken. He shot someone, sixth law broken.  Being underage legally he could not have the gun in his possession OR have a valid CPL. And the Brady-Bunch says more laws will help? Am I missing something?
Hey Westerly1965 your idea works!  Im free! Im free!  Im free!  Now if only Mrs Santa will satisfy my desire, fufill my ultimate fantasy and give me what Ive been longing and hoping for, A NEW MINI CONVERSION with a 1/58 inch barrel.
Welcome!  Despite what you may hear, not all of us on this site are crazy.  Just most of us.  Now will someone help me get this straitjacket off?
Greetings from the left er I mean West coast. I do carry my 22 mag conversion with a 1 5/8 inch barrel most of the time. The main reasons are: 1 the gun is easily concealable. 2.It is reliable 3. Most of my other guns are bigger and therefore harder to hide. 4. Right now I cant afford to buy anything else. 5. I can hit a target reliably. I admit the mini is a last ditch resort but I am rather good with it. Of course there is no way I would want to be in a shootout with one.  Still an old saying comes to mind. THE 22 IN YOUR HAND THAT YOU ARE GOOD WITH IS FAR SUPERIOR TO THE 44MAG AT HOME THAT YOU CANT HIT THE BROADSIDE OF A BARN WITH!
I bought my first in February 1977. It was a 22 short and I still have it in its original case. When I saw that little gem in the gun store I developed a sudden case of 'I gotta have it', and I can resist anything but temptation! Mrs Santa named it 'DINKY PLINKY'. I love that little gun.  I traded an in old 30.06 for 'DINKY PLINKY' at the gun store where I became the only owner it has ever had. DINKY PLINKY was brand new.
NAA Products / .22 Magnum VS 380 ACP
March-21-12 14:03
Hi Gunr.
NAA Products / .22 Magnum VS 380 ACP
March-21-12 14:03
The 357 magnum is often called the "gold standard" of stopping power. BUT that being said I read that in 92% of the time when ANY CALIBER handgun is displayed and NOT fired the threat(BG) backs off. In the remaining 8%, 90% of those times that the gun is actually fired even only once, the BG quits the assault;runs away(you missed),is wounded(mabye he can still run) or is killed. That means that once your gun is out whether fired or not the odds are better than 99% that whatever caliber you have will work. Only in a tiny tiny % of the time a second shot really needed. BUT YOU NEED TO FIRE THE GUN UNTILL THE THREAT IS NEUTRALIZED. NEVER USE UP ALL OF YOUR SHOTS AS THERE MIGHT BE A SECOND OR EVEN A THIRD THREAT.  The times you hear of a drug-crazed BG continueing the attack after being shot several times do happen, but OVERALL they are uncommon.
NAA Products / .22 Magnum VS 380 ACP
March-20-12 15:03
I have carried a 22 magnum mini-revolver with a 1 5/8 inch barrel for many years.  We all realize how easy it is to conceal therefore a person is able to carry it far more often than a larger weapon. There are several factors in comparing the 22 mag and a 380. From what Ive seen the 380 is somewhat superior to the 22 mag, but not all that much with all factors taken into consideration.  The small 380s on the market are hard to fire because of the weight.  The 22 mag is much easier to fire giving a person a better chance to get more shots off with accuracy. Then the 22 mag ammunltion is more available than 380. Lastly IF you have a 22 mag-22LR conversion you can use regular 22LR(or short, birdshot,long) which is by far the the most common caliber in the world.  The 22 in your hand is better than the 45,357,38,380 you have at home.
CCI Stingers for carry.  Whatever is cheap for plinking.