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Messages - William Hull

NAA Products / Re: Spare Cylinder
February-23-17 19:02
Thank you gentlemen for your responses.
NAA Products / Spare Cylinder
February-21-17 09:02
I have a 22mag NAA and would like to have another 22 mag cylinder to go with it. Can anyone describe the process that NAA uses to time the spare cylinder to the gun. I am not looking to do this myself or have a gunsmith do it,.I am just curious.
Thank You
Thanks for the welcome.
This is for Old and Grumpy. This is my best friend.
hope to post more pics in future
Recently picked up a skeleton belt buckle BBS-M.  I know its for a 22 mag but is it model and barrel length specific? Always wanted one now all I have to do is get the right pistol for the buckle.
Thanks for the help,