That Hellcat is a NICE pistol.

Started by SCADAman29325, November-20-20 19:11

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Had a chance to handle one the other day. It is smooth, small-ish, lightweight comparing it to a SCCY and EC9s.

8 of 15.


My Grandson turned 18 this morning and I get a text at 9am
Grandpa look what Dad got me for my Birthday


A relative has a Hellcat.  Very nice.  Hasn't been out long but there are aftermarket triggers.  G&A magazine recently had a write-up on them.  I think he's gonna pick one up.  Trigger feel was his one complaint.  For carry / protection I think he prefers a CZ P07.  The CZ is considered a compact carry gun but it is quite a bit more bulky.  The new micro 9's are quite an advancement in size efficiency.

Also the Hellcat's bore is pretty high relative to grip position and it's a small grip.  There's a bit of muzzle flip.

I would like to acquire a P365 and do a head to head comparison between that and the Hellcat.

Yep.  Very nice guns.


I've got two P365's. Outstanding gun. Best in hand with the 12 round mag. No need for the Hellcat.


My sister had an incident at work awhile back. She's a teacher at an elementary school. (It wasn't a shooting incident, don't worry.) She's had her carry permit for a few years now, but just got prompted by this incident to start carrying.

She wants a Hellcat. I don't have experience with one, so i've been looking at them. She actually found one locally, but hasn't purchased yet. I need to check them out. (Haha, yeah, like I need a new gun!)


The Hellcat is a quality gun with a decent round count in the magazine.  That said, having spent some time firing it, and firing my Sig P365, I'd say the Sig is slightly better.  I, personally, find that the stippling on the Hellcat grip is excessively rough on my hands... borderline uncomfortable.  Combine that with the seam where the mag sets the bottom of the grip - that's where my pinky joint lays when I fire and it gets pinched, harshly, every single time.  1 to 2 mags thorugh that thing and I'm ready to put it down and shoot something else.

While it does hold a couple more rounds than the P365, there are 12 and 15 round mags available for that.  Magguts also makes an internals kit to convert the 12 rnd mag to a 14rnd mag...

I prefer the P365 for comfort and a slightly more refined feel.


<-----  I LOVE my Hellcat!

That said, I've never tried the Hellcat pistol, and since I'm already pretty well invested in a Sig P365 (including an XL and SAS slide, laser, optics and extra mags), I really don't see the need.  But from everything I've read and heard, it sounds like a great gun!
