Anyone want a great dear on a 32 revolver?

Started by louiethelump, March-13-12 12:03

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My wife's also been my best friend, AND my CFO, for the last 47 years; and has ALWAYS been in agreement with my gun habit - sometimes abetting me via purchasing one for me w/o my knowledge.


   I've always just given her every penny I ever earned; she gives me money if/when I need some.

   EVERYTHING we have (home/deed, bank accounts, etc) are jointly owned.


   I refused to let her go into the public workplace until our youngest (now 34) was in elementary school, so lived on one income for awhile.

   I ONCE had to stay home to do housework & ride herd on the kids (while she was recovering from a surgery) - So, I've seen that job, and want NO part of it again.


   I'm fortunate in that, through judicious buying/selling over the years, my gun hobby has paid for itself, AND allowed our early retirement B-4 age 65, paying off mortgage, vehicle loans & credit card balances.


   I hope I die B-4 she does - I'd have a hard time juggling the books, alone.


   Life is good, as long as we don't create unreasonable expectations


Be careful if you follow the masses - Sometimes the M is silent