Welcome home from Afghanistan to USMC Yankee style

Started by heyjoe, October-11-10 17:10

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I'm sure pleased to have seen that!  God bless our fine men and women in uniform.  Would that they all could come home safely.  But bless them for standing guard in harms way to keep us safe.


   That's about the only thing that could get me into an airport these days.  But I'd gladly go for that.


   I just got my pipes out a few days ago.  Been a few years since I played.  But my fingers still remember the tunes.  Who knows, maybe I'll get a chance to welcome some troops home one day.


Sorry George, you seem like a likeable chap, but, bagpipes ?  I'm sure your spouse and neighbors nearby appreciate the years you took off.  What a ghastly racket, with that bass note droning on that never changes. If I were one of the returning troops,(and I thank them !) I'd be looking for the side door. Gimme my ear plugs. Would be a good way to dislodge a dictator from his burrow. Remember Manuel Norieaga ?  It's the only sound less musical than rap. Prefer jackhammer. Some traditions need not to be.


Show some class man, will ya! That aint what it is about....


Sorry again George.

   A few hours later my post looks really stupid.

   Wish I could take it off.  

   It was way too much, tryin to be funny I guess.

   Maybe I'll take some time off.

   I'm sorry.
