Super Companion Cap & Ball – 1 5/8” Barrel (Brand NEW & After NAA Repair)

Started by 4-Firearms, April-07-17 15:04

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I know this post wont go up because it is has facts of why the Super Companion Cap & Ball – 1 5/8" Barrel is $H!T as well as NAA becoming a $H!T of a firearm manufacture. I got this Super Companion Cap & Ball – 1 5/8" Barrel not even two weeks ago sent it in for repair and have to deal with the same B.S. again after I got it back from NAA. What gets me mad is that it is brand new! Why do I need to deal with this?
If the gunsmiths at NAA are not happy with the work they are paid to do they should hit the road. Many people would take that job and do it correctly with some training. If the people at NAA are too old to built a Super Companion Cap & Ball – 1 5/8" Barrel correctly that in return can cause damage or even death to a person they should retire those people or as rude as it sounds they should be fired. Like I mentioned I go my firearm about a week ago (two at most) from the day I type this. Also today is the day I got the Super Companion Cap & Ball – 1 5/8" Barrel that I sent in to NAA for repair back. Let me tell you what the @$$holes that deal with repairs did. Basically nothing... I sent my firearm out to NAA they got it put oil and placed the firing pin back in place. In other words they did not fix the issue with the firing pin and the spring that holds it and wasted my time... That was (is) the issue with the Super Companion Cap & Ball – 1 5/8" Barrel out of the box (and brand new), that the firing pin pops out. As if that was not bad the C-Pin (cylinder pin) scratches my minis barrel. I also mentioned that to the geniuses at NAA and you know what they did? Put oil on it and sent me the same defective $H!T of a C-Pin (cylinder pin). Those must be worth a thousand dollars because it was too much for them just to pop a new one into replace the defective one in my brand new mini. What NAA did manage to do is to make my barrel look dirty and not as shiny as the rest of my NAA (thanks NAA just what I wanted a discolored dirty looking barrel). I have pictures to back this up and if this post goes up I will download the pictures. I will contact NAA in about 3 days because the ladies at NAA close at 12-PM on Fridays... So I have to wait the whole F-ing weekend to get in touch with them to see what B.S. they give me. And after that wait for them to get it, wait to see when some @$$hole will look at it, wait to see when some other @$$hole will repair it, and after wait to see when it is sent out to finally get it back (and hopefully in working condition)...
Stay away from NAA and stay away from the Super Companion Cap & Ball – 1 5/8". They make the words MADE IN THE USA look like $H!T.


Well, you seem to not be happy.
Anger will eat you up and you will not end up with the results you wish.
I won't take sides because I don't know both sides of the story.
Calm down, It can be fixed.


God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


  WOW , the big OUCH !!!! Frustration is a terrible thing to deal with but 4-F you keep pluggin , I feel the same way about too many other things these days but if your old enough the doc's can prescribe wonderful meds for such cases , I call them my chill pills ....
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


I got the part where you are mad at being inconvenienced but I don't understand what the problem is or what the safety issue is.


   Sounds perturbed  :P,  the ball detent pin will wear against a sand blasted finish. I'm not sure about firing pin though. It reminds me of some that get pissed when the cylinder lock leaves a light rub mark on there cylinders ???


Nope seems like he might be setting himself up for grief, calling a gun company foul names on there website really is in poor taste. Can't imagine anything good coming from that ::)


yea maybe NAA is not for him. Hey 4F do you want some cheese and crakers to go with that wine :o


  It just dawned on me , 4F did you type all that , bravo to you . Usually something that long I'd fall asleep half way thru but you made it interesting enough for me to get to the end ,thanks ..
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


Really dude, tell us how you really feel.  8)
Calm down a little and practice your English for a while then try to contact them again. They probably didn't understand because of your accent.  ;)


All right folks, take heed and learn....
There is a chance to learn here.
There maybe some good in a rant.
Always carry two handguns because ALL mechanical equipment WILL fail at some point in time.... 8)
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


Only 2 Uncle ? :o


TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


Now he looks prepared.  Ha ha
Just a few more minis and I'll need a vest like that😁


TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


For the record pleas note----

     Your post DID go up and has stayed up. 

Like OV-1D said---- DRUGS!   They help.
Death before Decaf !!!!!


  HEY,HEY,HEY I'm listening you know . I do not and have never endorsed doing drugs ................... except in this case , Signed Dr. OV-1D  .
Besides phycotherapists can't prescribe narcotics , I think .
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


Looks like he join just so he could *** about our beloved minis and poof he's gone. Don't think he'll show his face here again LOL  :o


I recently decided getting angry over ordinary things is a waste of time. 


Quote from: OV-1D on April-12-17 04:04
This brings us back to this guy .

all those guns and only 8 shots....the same was you would get in some single stack 9's
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


Hello everyone, sorry for the super late reply but I guess better late than never. Let me start by saying that I do thank all of you who replied to my idiotic comment. I am also very sorry to this group and to NAA because my message was a bit too much. Regardless of the issue with my Companion the way I went about it was 100% not correct. For that I am truly sorry to not only NAA but to all the members of this group that have seen this post. NAA could have simply deleted this post or someone who is an admin or something could have also done so. But NAA has show integrity, honesty, and professionalism.

I have two NAA firearms that I got brand new. The first was the Companion Cap & Ball – 1 1/8" Barrel that I had for a number of years. This one I got directly from NAA and I loved it. It worked out of the box and up till today no issue with it. But when I got the Super Companion Cap & Ball – 1 5/8" Barrel last year I was surprised and not in a good way... Now to be fair I did get it barnd new but this one I got from an online retailer and NOT NAA directly like I did with my first NAA. But in any case to me when something says made in the USA I expect that product to be near perfect. For me when one stamps made in the USA on a product that product should be ready to work perfectly especially on day one. Now I understand we are human and that we make mistakes (like I did with my previous post). But keep in mind that I sent my Super Companion Cap & Ball – 1 5/8" Barrel out to NAA after getting it so they could fix the problem and I felt like they did not the first time I sent it out to them as it came back looking the way it did when I sent it out (the pin looked like it was not correctly placed or something). I also wanted to have the mini for a specific date and due to the fact that I saw the need to have to send it out I knew I would not have it by the time I needed it (and I did not when the time came)... So those things kind of triggered me to post the message I did. Worst was when I called NAA and they told me it was seen and fixed and they asked if I was dry firing it and I told them YES. They told me that was what was causing the issue. I pointed out to them that in the manual for the NAA cap and ball revolvers it says one can fire the firearm without the cylinder in it. NAA told me that was an error on the manual and that one should NOT fire the cap and ball revolver as the pressure requires it to hit something to prevent what was happening with my NAA from happening. So I sent my Super Companion Cap & Ball – 1 5/8" Barrel out to NAA a 2nd time and this time it actually came with a little paper saying who worked on it and this time it worked as it was fixed. Also I am happy to see that in the newer manual NAA now warns one NOT to dry fire the cap and ball revolver. So I am happy to see that error was fixed.

Will I ever get another NAA? YES I will because I think that what happened with me was a mistake. And NAA was very good in taking care of me and did not treat me bad even after I basically told them via the phone what I typed previously. NAA I am sorry and at the end of the day my post was wrong. For that once again I am truly sorry to this group and to NAA. NAA makes some real great firearms and I love them because for me when I buy an NAA I am supporting an American company. And as an American I feel pride in doing so. Anyhow thank you, sorry, and I am happy with NAA and have respect for them.

Honky Tonk Man

I've never owned or even held a NAA Companion, so I'm not sure what the problem was exactly.  I'm glad you had it taken care of in the end, even if the process was a little rough.  I'm also glad you manned up and apologized to the NAA community.  NAA is known for their Customer Service.  Hate for them to get a black eye for what may have been a misunderstanding.  Once you write something and post it on the internet, it will come up forever with a google search.  Your follow up post will go a long way toward correcting that. 

Welcome to the forum!  Hope you stick around and educate me on those black powder minis.   
Silence is Golden - Duct Tape is Silver


God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )

lefty dude

Never, ever dry fire a SA revolver it is a very big no-no for sure. And yes Ruger says you can dry fire their SA's. However something will break on the Ruger over time by dry fire. It is the Xfer bar under the Hammer.

And if you dry fire a SA with out a Xfer bar, like Colts, Old Ruger's, etc. You are an Idiot !!!!!!


  Being RIGHT is having MIGHT . I'm against dry firing any and all weapons without due cause . Why punish the integrity of the gun metal , absolutely nothing will be abused forever not even an anvil .  :)
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .