I'm new here

Started by Wansfell, February-06-18 17:02

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I just popped in this afternoon to do a bit or reading, researching and "brain picking", and after a while figured I may as well register and say hi and thanks for all the good info.   :D

I bought my very first NAA this morning, though I cheated a bit...I got it used.  I had been wanting a very small handgun for those times I was around people who are allergic to such things, such as certain relatives by marriage and the like.  But, I'd not been seriously looking, just batting the idea around.  I was sitting home bored and decided to drag out some toys and get in a bit of range time.  Well, my favorite range is also a very nice shop, and I always start my visit by wandering among the wares a bit.  And there I found a little NAA Guardian .32 ACP.  The box, clean registration card, book, even the cute little lock in the cut little box. No fired casing tho', so I wasn't able to date it.  The previous owner had not been good to the little fellow.  I mean it looked great, but it was bone dry, and I'm pretty sure had been fired that way.  No bad wear, but some obvious burnishing on surfaces. 

Anyhooo, the gun, 3 magazines and a pocket holster was $269.  I did a quick look up of MSRP for new and said "take my money".  Since one of the guns I took to the range was a .32 PPK, I had a less than abundant but adequate amount of various ammunition to fiddle round with.  There is a tool stocked maintenance bench on the range, so before we did anything the little guy got a bath and a lube job.  And then much fun was had by all.  The Guardian fed and fired everything I handed it, but there was one kind of funny instance.  I had some PPU brand HP that didn't stabilize very well.  I think some of them may have gone through sideways.   ;D

I tried it out at 5, 7 and 10 yards and kept everything in the 9 ring.  Then I tried it at 15 yards and things started getting wide and wonky.  I know it's not meant for very long range, but I had to give it a go.  Just because. 

And here is the Guardian at home, with some of it's support staff...

Anyway, thank you for all the good info so far that you didn't know you were giving me.   ;D  Since I don't know the guns age, I've ordered a full new set of Wolff springs to give it a "refresh".  And I might even come up with more stuff to post about. 


welcome and good report!
"All it takes for evil to prevail, is for good men to do nothing."  Edmund Burke


First, WELCOME!!. Glad to have you aboard. Very nice first post. Keep up the good work!
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"

David Culp


Welcome Wansfell, Excellent first post..
Pictures too.
Good start.
You have bought your first one now more will follow.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


  Welcome also and that grouping will surely keep you out of trouble .
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


Welcome to the nut house!
Great post and nice pics! Glad to know the Guardian ate different ammo just fine. I'm still debating getting one. Just can't decide on a .32 or .380 model.

To Old To Run

Always nice to see new members join the forum :)


nice grouping ya got there ! welcome I'm new as well and there is alotta great info here in the forum


Welcome to the forum! Several of us have recently purchased Guardians, including myself. I believe that most of them were purchased second hand, as well. So far, they have all been reported to be reliable and relatively accurate, for what they are. If you look hard enough on the NAA website, you will find a section that deals with customization of the Guardians, including sights and the "melting" of any sharp edges. You got a great deal!


Quote from: sillygoose on February-07-18 06:02
nice grouping ya got there ! welcome I'm new as well and there is alotta great info here in the forum
Nice grouping indeed, Wansfell ... on paper, and on the table!   ;D   Welcome to the Forum, and to the wonderful world of minis!

BTW, I'm lusting over your blued .32 PPK!  I've been looking for one exactly like that for a long time ... and yours looks beautiful!  Let me know if you ever get tired of it ...  ;)
So, making guns illegal will take them off the street?
Perfect!  We should probably make heroine and meth illegal, too!


Quote from: RangerJim on February-07-18 07:02

Nice grouping indeed, Wansfell ... on paper, and on the table!   ;D   Welcome to the Forum, and to the wonderful world of minis!

BTW, I'm lusting over your blued .32 PPK!  I've been looking for one exactly like that for a long time ... and yours looks beautiful!  Let me know if you ever get tired of it ...  ;)

That's my baby.  She was made in the original Walther facility at Zella-Mehlis in, best we can tell, the 1936-38 range.  And there's more.  I have the original grips and matching magazine wrapped in gauze and safety locked away.  They're a bit fragile after all these years.  ;D