Joining NAA Forum

Started by Bigbird48, April-26-18 20:04

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How many join the forum after buying their 1st Mini?

How many join the forum after buying their 1st Mini?
16 (61.5%)
How many join the forum before buying their 1st Mini?
7 (26.9%)
How Many have joined the Forum and still Don't own a Mini?
0 (0%)
How Many Minis dp you own
2 (7.7%)
How many do you actully shoot.
1 (3.8%)

Total Members Voted: 26

Voting closed: May-26-18 20:05


I joined after I got my first mini, I now own 7 minis, I shoot all mine except my 2 EB Sidewinders, and I try to go shooting at least once a month. Doesn't alway happen tho.


Decided to buy a NAA and spent a couple of days looking through info online (including the forum here) to determine which one I wanted.  Kept reading online info until my first NAA (a Pug) arrived.  Same day as the Pug arrived I joined the forum and have spent a bit of time reading more extensively and posting a little.  Ordered the NAA BugOut II only a few days after receiving the Pug.  So far I have bought 2 NAAs in 2 weeks. Already looking at numbers 3 and 4. 

I'll probably shoot the NAAs more at first and will eventually slow down to once or twice (using a total of 50-100 rounds) a week.

I won't carry a laser device... unless it has stun, kill, and disintegrate settings.


Same day I bought my first - a 4" Earl conversion - I came home and looked up NAA on the internet - saw the forum and joined right away.Have learned a TON from the forum.

I now own 15 Minis and one Freedom Arms in a box (with the front sight!).

I still need a Black Widow, Pug and 3" Earl - pretty much in that order unless a killer deal shows up.

I have fired most of my minis but not all of them.
"The world is made for people who aren't cursed with self awareness."


Joined when it first began a long time ago then waited to rejoin after things had been changed into the new forum.  I own about 40 Minis and a Guardian.  I have shot all of them and plan on shooting them all for a while yet.
"The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it."
-Albert Einstein


I bought a mini (more than one) before joining the forum.  I had lurked for a quite a while, but joined in order to get in on the Ranger II deal.  Although I don't have pictures, I own several NAAs, I would have to dig out the inventory list to find out how many.  My EDC is a sidewinder with Cvangs, and I own some NAAs that I have never fired, and probably never will, as in 3 Newbury Parks, one with the original style cylinder lock up on top of the top strap.

top dog

I owned several minis and a Guardian before joining the forum.

I find that the forum is a wonderful place to exchange ideas.etc.

                                                         Top Dog

ronald arand

I joined after my 1st mini. I have 3 a 1 1/8" .22 lr, wife says it is hers, a 1 5/8" magnum and a BW which I always carry. I shoot them all.

PaPa K

I have had my 1 5/8" combo for many years. Found the forum a couple years back and now have 4 total. Added a Sidewinder mag when they came out, a Pug mag, and the last one to join the family is a BW combo. They all see action, the Pug gets carried the most in rotation with the BW. The original and the SW are in the safe most of the time.


I bought my first mini in the mid 80's. The second one not long after. No computers around then and I didn't get a computer until 2007. Hey, I'm a technophobe.

I didn't even know this forum existed until 2016, so joined then. I thought I was the only nut obsessed with little pocket sized guns.

Still plan on getting a black widow.


I joined the forum when the NAA Sidewinder had caught my eye.  I was familiar with the standard firearms, but jus wasn't that thrilled with having to disassemble them to reload.  I started lurking and then joined when I found the level of information I could get from those already members on any of the NAA firearms.  I was very impressed.  Afterward I purchased two (2) Sidewinders for my wife and I.
Never Take anything Too Seriously . .Just Enough Will Do.



I've long been a NAA owner (several Minis, two BW's & a Guardian), and joined many years later because I like that NAA has sponsored this forum.

I've always enjoyed my time spent here.

Be careful if you follow the masses - Sometimes the M is silent


I joined having a lot of questions about minis. I got some helpful answers,  and some well... not so helpful... but I joined anyway...
"All it takes for evil to prevail, is for good men to do nothing."  Edmund Burke


I joined after getting my first mini. I now have 5 Minis, all with conversion cylinders, and a Guardian.

I really only shoot two of the minis and the Guardian. I have never fired a round through my SW or my new Ranger II; though I figure I will sooner of later.
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.


I joined after getting my first mini.  It is a Wasp.  I put the folding holster grip on it and then my wife took it away from me.  I then got a BW and carry it all the time.  She has never laid a hand on it and I won't let her.  Right now I only have the two mini's but should pick up another before too long.
A gun is like a parachute; if you need it and don't have it, you probably won't need it again.


When I gave up on carrying my .357 I started searching the internet for information on what other folks were carrying. That led to this forum. I joined in 2010 and a month or so later bought my first NAA: a Pug.


Don't recall which came first, nor when I joined.  Forum has changed a time or so. Not sure what a FDorum is. Guessing a miss spelling.


i got a 32 acp Guardian in 1997 in a group buy, and then a 22 magum convertible mini revolver 1 1/8" in march of 2003. i joined the forum at that time. I now have 7 mini revolvers and the guardian.
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


I discovered (and joined) the forum after buying my first mini, a short barrel 22lr. Since then I have purchased a 22lr BW and a 380 Guardian. I shoot all three of them, although I probably shoot the BW the most.


My Avatar is an older picture of my collection of Minis, before the Ranger II.  I have since added a Hogleg and BUGout and another 22 Short I use as an anchor for my pocket watch chain.  I didn't put the Guardians into that Avatar Shot either, used to have all of them, including the 32 NAA and 25NAA but have since sold off those two and my 380 since I have plenty of other, easier to carry 380s.  Only the 32 ACP Guardian remains.  Eventually I will take them all out and take a new Avatar shot but this works well for me now. :)
"The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it."
-Albert Einstein


I joined the forum after buying my first mini,
now have 2
shoot them every so often,
I first seen a black widow on the cover of some gun mag.
3 years ago
"God and Guns"
"Lets Go Brandon"

Uncle Fatso

I had a .22 magnum 1 5/8" mini 18 or more years before joining.


I got my first pair of Minis in 1976. Cute little shorts.
When I saw the Earl, I just had to have a pair of those. (then a pair of those and a pair of those and a pair of those)
I joined the forum around 08 or 09. (I miss chopprs)
There is now several shoe boxes of Minis & Guardians around the apartment.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


For years, I was one of those guys who only collected full-size guns—Berettas, Kimbers, etc.  Then my Father-in-Law passed away, and bequeathed me one single little gun—his original Black Widow.  I knew nothing about these little mini revolvers, and I sure didn't think they were worth my consideration as a collectible or carry asset.  I joined this forum to learn more about the BW ...

Two years later, I now own at least 30 NAAs—seven of which are Rangers.  It's a sickness, I tell you.  If you haven't been infected yet ... RUN!!!
So, making guns illegal will take them off the street?
Perfect!  We should probably make heroine and meth illegal, too!


Quote from: RangerJim on May-27-18 20:05
It's a sickness, I tell you.  If you haven't been infected yet ... RUN!!![/font]

There may be variants of the virus.  I think I have common version where I can't stop buying firearm equipment in general.  (Typed while shopping for another 22 rifle.)

I won't carry a laser device... unless it has stun, kill, and disintegrate settings.


Got my first mini before there was a forum or the internet for that matter. I currently have four bur I don't shoot the Freedom Arms one because I am afraid the front sight will fall off.


I found this an interesting thread to read. The How, Why and when of NAA ownership. Even tho the pole has ended I hope new people keep posting, telling us how they came to be here and all about there Mini's :) :D ;D


I joined AFTER buying my first mini.
I did not even know about NAA and was fairly new to gun ownership and shooting. I saw a mini master in an ad and asked my LGS to order me one.The gun shop owner had never stocked any NAA's before. He now regularly has a mini or two in the case. I now own 9 minis.

Doc Holliday

Joined when I bought my first NAA..the 1 5/8s mini. Have since added an EB Sidewinder, a Pug, a Black Widow and a Ranger II. Would like an Earl, but have not found one locally yet. Will get one when I can. I love this forum! Lot of fun and great info! Recommend the forum and NAAs to everyone!
Doc Holliday
All would be well and all would be well and all manner of things would be well.


Didn't know about this poll, and it closed three days ago. Joined when I ordered a Guardian. Don't own a mini, never have, probably never will. Just doesn't fit a need for me.
"If you get it and didn't work for it, someone else worked for it and didn't get it..."

* Guardian .32 (2) * Zastava M70 .32 (3) * Bearcat stainless (2) * SP101 .22 * Ruger SR22 (2) * S&W M&P 15-22 Sport