Black widow issues

Started by Setarip, December-19-19 04:12

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I have a black widow, bought new not too long ago. I have noticed a couple minor, but to me glaring issues that I wanted to get your opinions on...

One is around the trigger. The part of the frame and side plate that extend to the trigger are two different sizes. Best I can see online is near perfect symmetry. It's not the end of the world, but now that I've noticed it I can't un-notice it.


The second issues I have noticed is the muzzle. I didn't notice it until after I brought the gun home, but you can see some marring from what looks like someone who tried to force the cylinder pin back in place. Again, not a massive issue, just something that is annoying in a supposedly new gun.


Final issue is the dovetailing around the front site. It appears that the site pushed up the edges of the dovetail when installed. It's not smooth and you can see the upturned edges. One question for you guys, are these issues common? Or am I being overly picky? Or is this how they all leave the factory? Thanks for any input.


  Brand new from a local dealer isn't necessarily new and untouched , heck this guy might have tried to change things himself and that's not uncommon . Had a bozo ffl guy use pliers to try and remove the cylinder pin on a Freedom Arms piece I had sent to him for pick up . Luck had it I stopped the jerk before he starting to grab it , the moron didn't realize the pin turned to a certain position , a lot of dummies out there dealing weapons .
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


Quote from: OV-1D on December-19-19 07:12
  Brand new from a local dealer isn't necessarily new and untouched , heck this guy might have tried to change things himself and that's not uncommon . Had a bozo ffl guy use pliers to try and remove the cylinder pin on a Freedom Arms piece I had sent to him for pick up . Luck had it I stopped the jerk before he starting to grab it , the moron didn't realize the pin turned to a certain position , a lot of dummies out there dealing weapons .

Yep OV-wan is correct, some dealers are idiots. Right now there are only two GSs that I trust with NAAs. One is not even local, but he stocks 4 or 5 in the store at any given time, the other is my LGS and the regular staff owns them, as does 1 of the owners.

My suggestion? Call customer service and talk to them. I am sure they can straighten it out. Great people and they really do back their products..
"All it takes for evil to prevail, is for good men to do nothing."  Edmund Burke


Sorry you're having issues.  Mine has a weird half cock problem.  Called customer service, and a few minutes later I had a return label for repair. I suggest giving them a call.


I got my Pug five years ago at an LGS and found all the cosmetic issues that you described. I don't expect perfection, but I do wish NAA would smooth out more of the sharp edges.


Mine shoots every time and hits what I aim at , outside that I don't care about minor cosmetic blemish's ;D Its a great gun and very dependable and thats the main thing. You can have the most perfect looking gun in the world but if it doesn't shoot straight ,and all the time ,its worthless


Thanks for the responses everyone. I ended up selling it for a decent loss.

On a side note, my frustrations with NAA have only gotten worse. I ordered the ranger 2 convertible last week, and when inspecting it at my FFL I had to turn it away. Several burrs, the latch wouldn't snap shut all the way, and the hammer rubbed the top of the frame!

I'm at the point where I'm really nervous ordering another NAA. I would like a Pug, but now it seems like I'll just receive another lemon. What is going on with quality these days?


Quote from: Setarip on December-27-19 04:12
Thanks for the responses everyone. I ended up selling it for a decent loss.

On a side note, my frustrations with NAA have only gotten worse. I ordered the ranger 2 convertible last week, and when inspecting it at my FFL I had to turn it away. Several burrs, the latch wouldn't snap shut all the way, and the hammer rubbed the top of the frame!

I'm at the point where I'm really nervous ordering another NAA. I would like a Pug, but now it seems like I'll just receive another lemon. What is going on with quality these days?

this is why i havent bought a new gun since july 2018
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


My new Wasp came in fine: I always planned to change the grip... My LGS is experienced with NAAs; in fact on the shelf is a Guardian 380, and a standard 22 mag at more than decent prices. Mine looks good and 45 rounds thru it, flawlessly, last week.
"All it takes for evil to prevail, is for good men to do nothing."  Edmund Burke


Don't give up, guys. My first Guardian 32 was virtually perfect. The second one had a machining issue, and the replacement took a while because a vendor sent some bad frame castings. It finally arrived, as nice as my first.
"If you get it and didn't work for it, someone else worked for it and didn't get it..."

* Guardian .32 (2) * Zastava M70 .32 (3) * Bearcat stainless (2) * SP101 .22 * Ruger SR22 (2) * S&W M&P 15-22 Sport