NAA products for shooters with stiff muscles

Started by Astrosaint, December-26-21 13:12

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Seasons Greetings:

A lifetime of repetitive motion due to typing for long periods have made my right hand and shoulder a bit stiff and sensitive to recoil.  I have tried different calibers and find the .22 family to be the one that give me no problems.  My investment in a .22 Mini-Magnum with 4 inch barrel was a wise choice.  I am able to fire it without any soreness for an hour of target shooting.

I can fire larger calibers lie 45 ACP but the soreness will start to appear after a few magazine dumps. 


Rex T. Dog

Aches and pains part of getting up in years...when we shoot our naa .22lr we prefer low velocity ammo, it is so much easier on our hands...some of our heavier caliber handguns have stiff recoil, and thus we tend to limit the number of rounds we shoot for practice...and when we think about it, after 2 or 3 cylinders/magazines with any hand gun we are just wasting ammo...that view comes with the caveat we go to the range just about every week, and shooting is takes us a month of range visits to shoot everything in rotation, but our naa is just about every visit, it requires more constant practice than any other gun we own...better 10-15 rounds every week than 50 rounds once a month, works for us...


If I shoot 25 rounds of 22 mag out of any mini, the next day I am at the doctor's office getting shots in my wrist. Dang RA.
10 is my limit.
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