Trigger pull?

Started by Terry treefish, January-07-22 11:01

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Terry treefish

I only own one mini, the Black Widow.  I find the trigger pull to be perfect.  I am planning to buy another mini, & it?s come down to a Sheriff, Earl, & a Sidewinder. 

My question, of the 3 contenders, which one has a trigger pull similar to the BW? 

I ask this question after reading reviews of complaints of the NAA trigger pulls, especially the Sheriff, Ranger, & Earl.  I can?t remember complaints about the Sidewinder.


I have the 2 BW?s and the 3? Earl and the trigger pulls are identical

Terry treefish

Thank you.  I?m guessing NAA?s goal is to make um all the same.


All of the Magnum frames likely have the same innards, and just slight difference between them and the LRs. I think the LR frame has a different mainspring. Someone else here should have a better knowledge of the parts.
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