.22 LR shot shells.

Started by camo, August-14-24 11:08

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No particular reason but I've only shot CCI shot shells. Today, after doctors visit, I stopped by academy and they had Federal shot shells. Bought a box. Hope to see how they perform in the sheriff and B/W late this afternoon. Anybody have a favorite between Federal or CCI?


Shot 5 of the federal and 5 of the cci shot shells. I couldn't tell enough difference to pick one over the other at 6-8'. Some reviews I've read say the crimped ones are worse on the barrel.


The crimped ones have a metal shot cup. CCI are plastic. Can't see anyone shooting enough to damage the barrel. Federal comes in boxes of 50. One has a larger amount of shot.
Death before Decaf !!!!!


 These pages give all the data.      Federal box of 50 25gr 1000fps $.36 per round  https://www.midwayusa.com/product/953416334?pid=416334  -----     CCI silly little tray of 20 31gr 1000fps $.55 per round  https://www.midwayusa.com/product/100204184?pid=178005  Both are #12 shot.
Death before Decaf !!!!!


What I want is one of the smooth bore .22 rifles. There was a spring loaded launcher you  clamp on the muzzle. It would launch Ritz Crackers as targets  :o  ;D !
Death before Decaf !!!!!

top dog

If I am not mistaken I think that Henry rifle makes a smooth bore 22lr rifle.

I heard about the Ritz cracker launcher but never saw one.

Sounds interesting.

                                   Top Dog


My father learned to wing shoot with them. Late 30s. He was 8 or 9? He was a good boy. So they got him a Rem mod 41 target master. My son has it now. His father my G pa was was stage manager at the Pasadena Civic Auditorium in Pasadena CA. 1936 or 7.  This happened in the late 1930s when my dad was 10 or 11.  You all have seen it on TV. It is the place that American Idol used for Hollywood week and is NOT in Hollywood.It's about 1 block from the Rose Parade.  Gpa asked if he wanted to go to work with him. Of course he said yes. G-pa then said "and bring your "good boy gun".  When they got to work Gpa told him that they were having problems with bats in the rigging HIGH over the stage. He gave my dad a box of 22 shot shells.   Climb up to the cat walks and spend the day shooting bats for me!   I have had some real cool summers but nothing like that!  Can you hear the S--T storm from the nanny  state today if a kid with a gun was killing bats 90 feet over a stage with no harness or guard rails? Fast forward to August 1945 he is a  20mm gunner on the carrier WASP CV18 .He put 30 rounds into a kamikaze coming down his bore.
Death before Decaf !!!!!


As I recall, a few years ago someone on this forum reported on testing they had done with the shot shells.  As I recall, they used aluminum cans as targets, and at that time, the Federal crimped shells had more penetration than the CCI plastic cup shells.
Patterns with both were such that they didn't want to have to get close enough to a rattle snake to use them.

top dog

I bet that Remington Model 41 is still going strong.

I don't remember ever seeing a 22 lr bore being worn/shot out.

                              Top Dog


Shot a bunch of federal and cci shot shells today. Just showing 2 targets because all of them pretty close to same. The one at 10' is cci. The other one is 2 federal and 2 cci at 6-8'. Probably closer to 6' than 8. I can't see that much of a difference to pick one brand over the other, and I shot about 30 rounds total. I shot one round at 15'. Not much to say about that one. Looks like 10' would be about the max distance. Shot all with the Sheriff.


Quite a few holes in ones Camo . ;)  ;)  ;)
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


OV, I just wanted to see for myself what they would do from different distances. Researching them, some folks liked the federals, some liked the cci. Looking at all my targets, I just couldn't tell that much differences between the two. 6-8' seems to be the sweet spot. 10' max. I don't know about penetration. They did go thru the cardboard I had target on. The one thing I do know about them is they work good on rattlesnakes at 6-8'


Camo I can't see any differences . Some people think rat shot should be more like buckshot from a 410-12 gauges . That is not the case as we can see . Thanks for the comparison . ;)
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


While I'm interested in shot shells, I wish I had an easy way to test for penetration. But I don't. I kinda wonder say at 15', if they would go thru a layer of clothing. I guess I'm throwing this out there just to be talking to yall.


Like I posted earlier, some time ago there was a poster who was testing for use on snakes, and they used aluminum cans for testing, for both penetration and how close they had to get for what they considered a killing pattern.


Shot some shot shells thru both the BW and sheriff today. Best I could tell, the sheriff might of patterned a little tighter. But not by much. Then I set up some bottles of water. At 10',pellets penetrated but didn't go thru. Just made the bottle move, but didn't knock it over. At 6', pellets still just penetrated, but didn't go thru. But knocked the bottle over backwards. The pellets were in the bottom of bottle. I know not much of a penetration test, but least it made shooting more interesting.

top dog

In my experience,I am not sure if the 22lr shotshells or the magnum shotshells would be very effective on any large venomous snake. Best go with the 38 spl or larger calibers.

Bond Arms derringers in 410 sound good and years ago there was a company that made a single shot cut down version of a 410 called the snake charmer. Had room for 4 (I think) shells in the "buttstock"

                                                Top Dog


Top dog,
The .22lr shot shells do pretty good on the bigger rattlesnakes at 6-8'. Shot several 4 footers thru the years. Don't remember if I posted picture of the 5 footer from a couple years ago. Thing is, at that close, I can usually hit them with a regular round. But the bad part is if you shoot him and don't hit the head, he starts jumping and striking and then you start jumping around, you may step on another one. Now the good thing, I don't have cows behind my house now and don't have to walk thru them cane patches going around the fence.


  I thought it was longer but a rattlesnake will lunge half its length , so don't keep moving up on one to get a better shot especially when its hot its then they are in their glory ... :o  :o
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .

top dog

Glad that you had good results with the 22 snake shot.

Trust me on this,if I were that close to a venomous snake,I would probably break all high jump/pole vault records exiting the area!!

                                       Top Dog