Pug broke :(

Started by Voodoo6, February-09-13 14:02

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fired 50 rnds of Hornady CD, after the final shots i found the cylinder pin had disassembled itself (spring loaded part). i found the main piece (the part you pull down to remove it) after 30 or so minutes on my hands and knees in the grass  but the tiny pin and spring are lost for good.

hopefully this is just something they can mail out under warranty and i wont have to wait too long for it.


other than that it was fairly accurate and shot well enough for being so small.

cedarview kid

Bummer deal, but definitely covered under warranty.  NAA can probably just send you a new cylinder pin and you'll be good to go.


i have a magnet that i use to look for small metal pieces or nails, screws in grass when i drop them. works pretty well.
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today