PUG kydex, horizontal (cross draw) belt holster?

Started by Wasabi, March-23-13 12:03

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I'm looking for a good kydex holster for my PUG. I carry cross draw and prefer my PUG to be horizontal, grip towards my belt buckle (about 10-11 o'clock). I already have one kydex holster that does this but my gun belts are too thick for the clip. Anybody have suggestions for a good holster that fits my needs? I'm open to a good leather suggestion too.


Kentucky Kevin

I'd like to find a kydex IWB for my mini master
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Well, I have this one now:

I'm looking for something that holds a little better (the shell) with a different belt clip. The one it came with doesn't fit my gun belts. They're too thick. It says they're standard blade tech clips so maybe I can just change the clip out? Leather might be more comfortable so maybe I need to go that route, possible custom made. Leather would probably be more comfy too.


Quote from: Wasabi on March-25-13 06:03
I'm looking for a good kydex holster for my PUG. I carry cross draw and prefer my PUG to be horizontal, grip towards my belt buckle (about 10-11 o'clock).

I'm looking for something that holds a little better (the shell) with a different belt clip. The one it came with doesn't fit my gun belts. They're too thick. It says they're standard blade tech clips so maybe I can just change the clip out? Leather might be more comfortable so maybe I need to go that route, possible custom made. Leather would probably be more comfy too.

I like kydex for knives, but hate it for guns. Personal opinion, there. If "blade tech clips" fit, then yes... change it out.

The "horizontal cross-draw" holster layout you're talking about is also referred to as a "driving holster." Bond arms offers a factory driving holster for their derringers.

If you want to go the custom leather route, there are too many makers to list.


Thanks for the reply,

Yes, I've seen some driving holsters out there. Seems that most don't feel that's a good way to carry (outside of driving). I'm usually an IWB/4-5:00ish kind of guy with my larger handguns but I'm liking this 'cross draw' belt position with the PUG. Would have never had tried it before but the holster I noted above came with the PUG I bought so I gave it a shot. Thinking I could carry my Seecamp this way too. Cross draw vertical or horizontal wouldn't work for me with anything bigger than the PUG/Seecamp.

I've got a few custom leather/exotic skin folks I've worked with for other holsters so maybe I'll have one of them work me up a leather/better clip version of the above. I agree, kydex isn't my favorite either.


I read your post Wasabi, and thought of a possible holster design, a stud with a circular lip around it, the top of the stud goes into the barrel a wee bit and the lip acts as a stop, below the lip and around the rest of the stud is a spring, the top of the spring would rest on a cylinder which is drilled for the stud, push the stud through the cylinder a bit and then drill a hole through the bottom of the stud which is protruding from the bottom of the cylinder now, pop a pin through it to hold the stud to the cylinder... Attach a bar to the side of the cylinder so it runs alongside the stud, the bar should be long enough to go past the rear of the hammer by a bit, then compress the gun which is mounted n the stud and drill a hole through the bar behind the hammer and fit a pin nut an bolt say, the spring wants to still have some compression room in it, attach the bar so it is raised a bit off the cylinder at the top so it's like a belt clip then fit a loop on your belt one which the clip will go over and another which the top of the bar slips into, horizontally.

Push the gun against the stud thus allowing you to slip it off from the stud via it not being compressed against the bolt thing, might work, if you have a shed have a go maybe


Like this, see...


Be ok that, what do you think? Light gun, small.

Snap holder type thing...



My guess, is that it would work.
There is something somewhat similar available
