NAA .22 Mag Stops Three Gunmen in Shootout

Started by naalover, September-08-10 19:09

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I don't know if any of you have seen this, but I thought it would be of interest to everyone:">


   He mentions the gun blew up, but doesn't know why. I think it was hit by a bullet from one of the bad guy's guns.


It was on here some time back. There was a picture of the arm that the bullet hit.


I have followed several threads from this article and they raise a lot of  BIG ??? if it's true.




In my opinion, a mini in the hands of a skilled shooter who has his wits about him and remains calm and composed during a gunfight would beat several undisciplined, untrained thugs armed with more powerful weapons.


"....the revolver blew up in my hand ...."  WTF?  Doses anyone who has followed this from the beginning have any insight on this aspect of the story?  That just doesn't sound right to me.


There are a couple of things that could have happened. It could have been hit by a bullet from the BG s gun, or if something broke inside the gun and the cylinder didn't index properly with the bore but was close enough that the firing pin still hit the primer. I have had an internel breakdown in a mini that prevented the cylinder bolt from locking the cylinder in place.

   If he was shooting 22 Mags that could do a lot of damage. Some of the dents  from the firing pin on some guns go a long ways toward the center of the shell head so if the shell wasn't lined up it might still catch the edge of the rim. Would be a fluke, but just a thought.

   There was a picture of his, or somebodys arm that had been shot.


This self defense shooting was confirmed. Here are photos of the damage caused to the revolver.






Here's my first question, "Where's the cylinder pin?"


It looks to me like the cylinder pin slipped out, the cylinder slid partially out, and when the bullet fired, it blew the gun up.


Quote from the owner:


   "The barrel seems o.k. but is badly nicked where the cylinder slammed against the frame. The locking rod is sheared clean off and the frame is bent from the force. The barrel looks strait but I am not sure."  


   He also mentioned he was using CCI ammo, but didn't mention what type. He's had several gunsmiths look at the revolver but none of them can determine the cause. NAA offered to replace the revolver, but the owner chose to keep it, and frame it to display.


Being a new NAA owner, I have to ask.  This is a very rare occurrence, right?


It's the only instance of it I've ever heard of.


Thats probably the only one you will ever see or hear about..

   Just be sure to carry it where it won't get pocket fuzz or anything else stuck in the barrel.


Yes. Not only is it rare. It's the first such failure I've seen of this type involving s NAA revolver.


   The owner also mentioned that when the revolver blew up, it left pieces of shrapnel in his hand. He didn't mention if he was shooting one or two handed.  


   This is purely speculation, but I don't see anything on the revolver that could have left shrapnel in a hand. I'm guessing the failure had something to do with the ammo. Or the cylinder wasn't quite lined up with the barrel and somehow the hammer dropped on the cartridge.  


   But with it being an intense self defense situation, I would expect to victim to recall exact details.


Of course, I keep thinking the cylinder was hit by one of the BG's bullets, causing the damage.


Did the owner say he was using CCI ammo? NAA warns against using PMC ammo because it may cause a round to go off while not in battery.


Rather than pocket lint in the barrel how about something in the end of the cylinder? Or maybe just a very rare bad factory round.



   A round not in battery going off would do it. I never thought about that.


He did specifically mention he was CCI ammo. Now that I've zoomed in on the photos, this is a 22 magnum. The cartridges are gold. The rear of the cylinder must have moved upward causing the break in front of the rear sight.  


   Also he mentioned that when it blew up, the cylinder fell out, which would explain the pin sheer. He fired 4 shots before the failure happened.


   Add it all together and there's really only one possible explanation for the failure. It was Obama's fault.


@Legion... Are those your photos? Could I get permission to post them to my blog?


This story is a 100 percent true, it was confirmed by news stories as well as by the author's personal photos.  

   Cause of a blow-up was discussed extensively on a few forums. My guess is the pin slipped out during firing and the cylinder wasn't slligned with the barrel at the time the round went off. There were a couple of memebers here that complained of cylinder pin slipping out during firing.  

   Regardless, the revolver saved this guy's life and did a number on bad guys.  


   IMHO, Freedom Arms cylinder pin design is better in a way that it can't accidentally pop out of the frame.


They're not my photos. The administrator of "The High Road" message board posted them after other members had doubts about the self defense shooting.  


   There are pictures of the victims arms that were shot by the attackers, but I didn't share them.


I've never been holding a gun that's been shot by a Tokarev round, so this is purely speculation..but I'd venture that if his Mini had taken a hit by an incoming round, he would not only not still be holding onto it to fire that final exploding round, but would definitely have noticed that it happened.


   Cylinder pin slipping or some other misalignment issue would be my less-than-ejumicated guess too.


   Guess the first rule of gun fighting needs to be updated to have "at least" one gun?


About three months ago I was coming out of my office and heard a scream.It was some big black guy that had previously threatened to kill his ex-girlfriend who happened to work for me.He charged me like a wild man.When he got closer to me 15 feet,I reached down and pulled a S&W 357 mag. J frame snubbie from my Galco ankle holster and pointed it directly at him.He stopped in his tracks and yelled at me;"Are you going to shoot me MF ? I was calm and yelled loudly back at him;"No,I am going to kill you".I then yelled at him;"If you dont get the F out of here I will end your life on this planet".Our eyes locked and he knew that I wasnt BS ing.He turned and ran.A couple of minutes later several police cars rolled on the scene.I was very calm during the altercation and knew that I would have killed him if he took one more step.Im sure glad that he ran away.The next day I was very anxious about what happened.I dont want to shoot anyone but will if I have to.You never know when this will happen to you.I never leave my house unarmed.


Isn't it nice to be able to remain calm when all about you are going berserk? Knowing you had the ability to defend yourself helped you to remain calm and explain what was about to happen if he did not change his course of action, thus saving you from having to actually fire and possibly ending his life.


   Congrats on a job well done.
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"


That does not look to me like a stray bullet hit the gun. The fact that the cylinder pin is missing is key IMO. Since we know that NAA has had issues with the cylinder pins falling out this would be my assumtion for the reason this happened. THIS is why I carry a Pug. It has a positive cylinder retention devise that would be difficult to have fail.  

   It is a good thing that this happened AFTER he had already popped a couple of the perps. I would hate to pull my gun out and have it blow up on the first round......or any round at all but the first one would really suk!!!


The problem is that when the cylinder pin "pops out" it doesn't go all the way out. On my Black Widow it would only move just a bit forward & it would jamb the cylinder so that you could not have fired another round.

   I suspect the cylinder pin was blown out when the cartridge case failed. It could have been caused by a seriously bad load. Either too much powder or maybe way too much priming compound.


Am I correct in seeing that the bullet never left the case in that picture?


   That would make me assume case failure of the ammunition.  Just because it says CCI on it does not mean it is CCI in Africa.  Think of all the "fake" things you get from China here, imagine how much worse it is in countries that are closer and have virtually no government.
"If someone has a gun and is trying to kill you, it would be reasonable to shoot back with your own gun" - Tenzin Gyatso - the 14th dalai lama


Without more info on this story, I really doubt it.  Well written, almost too well;  The mention of a "drunk Mexican general at the Alamo"  seems unusual for a man in Africa to use.  Is there any actual newspaper articles or the writer's name.  PB, proud Boer, come on.  His wife "passed him a .45ACP?, my wife would have been shooting, not passing me a gun if she had one.  Without more information on this story, I would have to have a little more proof.  As for as the NAA exploding, looks as if something was stuck in the barrel to me.  Still searching the urban legends and news files.


The story set aside its still an interesting failure to discuss.  Looking at the picture though I still don't see how it is anything but ammunition failure.  The case literally came apart.
"If someone has a gun and is trying to kill you, it would be reasonable to shoot back with your own gun" - Tenzin Gyatso - the 14th dalai lama


I remember that entire original thread. I had started it by asking if anyone had ever used their weapon in an actual real-life SD situation.

   The gentleman who reported the story was new to sharing here if I remember right. This all happened in South Africa. If he was a liar he was a great one. His story was extremely detailed, calm, clear and neither hysterical nor irrational. I definitely believed him for what that's worth.


"Permission Denied". Really? Must be invited to view?   I feel so left out!
"The world is made for people who aren't cursed with self awareness."


Well, the thread is 12 years old so.....


I wondered about that......

Seems lately that everyone jumps on the same thread for days. At least this was a brief change.
"If you get it and didn't work for it, someone else worked for it and didn't get it..."

* Guardian .32 (2) * Zastava M70 .32 (3) * Bearcat stainless (2) * SP101 .22 * Ruger SR22 (2) * S&W M&P 15-22 Sport