shooting my BW

Started by dk, January-11-14 13:01

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Guys tell me if this is about average for your BW! I have been shooting about every day.I am to the point were I can consistently put five shots in a 4 to 5 inch spread at 30 feet.This is as far as I would even think of shooting it practising let alone a real social situation with a bad guy.


I have not shot a BW, but there are those on here who have reported hitting a paper plate at 100 yards. The fixed sight model seems to be easier to make hits with. There are several who have modified the adjustable sights to get them to shoot low enough. The max useable distance really depends on the shooter and his experience. Keep practicing, and one day 50 yards will seem like an acceptable distance.

As to the max "social situation", that is really determined by the bad guy, isn't it? I would not hesitate to take a shot with my 1 5/8 barrel Wasp at 20 yards, or more. The area behind the bad guy and how effective he was with his weapon would have a huge part in my decision to let him know I was not yet out of ammo...  If you never practice beyond 30 feet, how will you ever know if you can make a hit at 40 feet? I think. 4" circle is ok for self defense. A 2" circle would be better. A 2" group at 30 feet might easily be a 4" group at 50.
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"



Practicing those long shots makes the up close shots seem even easier and thus builds confidence.


dk - what you describe is pretty close to my average with my Minis. I have a hard time thinking of a scenario where I would shoot in self defense at over twenty feet. I certainly would not shoot at a bad guy over twenty feet away unless there were definitely no innocent bystanders behind him. Of course, in a real world shooting situation both I and the bad guy would probably be moving, which would make ten feet a more realistic range for actually hitting someone (for me)and that is on a good day!


Grayelky's right on. Try the longer distances. You will surprise yourself. These guns are capable of keeping up with you.  I am not one to generally quote a movie but I heard in one "aim small-shoot small" and I find that to be true. If what you are shooting at is smaller than your site, place your target in the middle of the site.


I'm going to keep trying until I get their.