How do you shoot this thing???

Started by Snake plissken, April-07-15 07:04

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Snake plissken

I've had my mini in 22lr for probably 10 years now and love it. About 500 rounds through it. I see people showing that they are getting 2" groups at 15 feet and I'm beat. My groups at that distance are about 18". I definitely don't think there's anything wrong with the gun, I think it's just that I can't figure out how to grip it properly. I went from wood grips to pebbled rubber and that helped a bit, but still not satisfactory. Im a fairly experienced marksman, but I haven't figured this gun out yet.

Please tell me all the tricks you guys know!


Hello! Anybody out there? I am not a very good shot with my Black Widow, either.


  Myself I'm pretty suspect of 2 inch consistent grouping at any considerable range with a short barreled mini  . ???
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


I have a BW and at my home range I have a 3" metal swing target set a 20". I have not set up any paper targets so I am not sure of the spread but  I can hit the target with the stock grips. I do better when I remember to stroke  the trigger down and back and to hold the same from shot t shot.  I am no expert but have been shooting for a long time so maybe I am doing something I am not aware of. Many have said the real key is practice - practice - practice.


Two hand grip, proper sight alignment and squeeze the trigger. Don't anticipate the recoil and remember to breath.
Not sure if all that will result in a 2" grouping but it should get you pointed in the right direction.


I think it has mostly to do with people using the back hammer groove as a rear sight. Doing so will result in some pretty off shooting. Figuring out the correct sight picture will result in consistent shot placement which will result in tighter shot groups.
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.


Photos are worth a thousand words; or so they say:
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.


Watch the front sight that's on the target, and pull the trigger without moving the gun while watching the sight making sure gun doesn't move when you pull the trigger.
You can see how steady you are by dry firing.
A lot of people look at their target when shooting. Hard habit to break.



Welcome to the NAA forum !

IMO, it's a mistake to shoot NAA Mini single-action revolvers one-handed, with the thumb & index finger of the shooting hand both cocking the hammer & pulling the trigger - as you would shooting larger single-action revolvers.

FWIW, I get the most accuracy from my Mini's this way - which was the subject, over 25 years ago, in what I remember as a Gun Digest (?) article:

The shooting hand grips the Mini's gripframe in a tight fist (only).

The off hand cups the shooting hand from the front, with the fingers wrapped tightly around the front of the fisted hand, the off hand's index finger to actuate the trigger and the off hand's thumb cocking the hammer.

While shooting, the shooting hand pushes the gun forward into the off hand, which simultaneously pulls the gun rearward - thus forming a stiff-armed  isosceles triangle variation of the Weaver stance.

With a Mini:


Be careful if you follow the masses - Sometimes the M is silent

Snake plissken

Quote from: pietro on April-07-15 15:04

I get the most accuracy from my Mini's this way:

The shooting hand grips the Mini's gripframe in a tight fist (only).

The off hand cups the shooting hand from the front, with the fingers wrapped tightly around the front of the fisted hand, the off hand's index finger to actuate the trigger and the off hand's thumb cocking the hammer.

While shooting, the shooting hand pushes the gun forward into the off hand, which simultainiously pulls the gun rearward - thus forming a stiff  isosceles triangle, a variation of the Weaver stance.


So you grip with your strong hand index finger and work the hammer and trigger with your off hand? Interesting

Snake plissken

My main problem is the gun moving around inside my hand while firing, I can't get a good purchase on it


Snake plissken - do not despair: You are not alone!

I probably should not reveal my shame; hope Admin does not attach a scarlet letter B for bad shot to my avatar. I cannot shoot 2" groups at 25 feet. Don't shoot much at 15 feet, but what the heck, I doubt I could do 2" groups at that range.

I have never been a super marksman with handguns, but I have been shooting them for over forty years and like to think that I am not too bad. If you have the birds head grips on your LR I suggest switching to a bigger grip. I use a boot grip on mine. If you have normal man size hands, then I doubt that there is any way you can grip a LR with birds head grips good enough for good shooting. I also grip the mini really tight when I shoot it. Mainly I just shoot it to have fun. The guys who shoot 2" groups can probably help you more.


 I'm a whole lot better with L.R. that's for sure and those South American rounds do shoot easy maybe a little lighter than American stuff but Mags are a different story . Single handed and both eyes open is my way of targeting with mini's but two hands , which is difficult for me , for shooting those Mags , almost have to to keep from gun flipping . 2 inch groups are some fine shooting anyway you look at it . I like close as in hand grenades and horseshoes .  ;)
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


Good shooting Rogue!
Good advice Pietro! Ditto!!

But OV-1D I remember it as "Close only counts in horseshoes, hand grenades and crap fights!" (substitute S word)


Grip is a huge part of the battle, but I also find getting the right sideways stance makes a big difference in groups.  For some reason I tend to want to stand facing the target with my mini, and I have to intentionally get a more sideways stance to get a good balance and foundation to keep the gun steady.  I have the same problem with air guns.  I end up with a bit more support standing more sideways with my left arm tucked along my body, and groups are better.  But not 2" groups.  Colibri powderless rounds certainly look better on paper than anything with more bark.


I hold it Pietro's way - stumbled upon it by accident as it really seems to be the only way to get a good grip on the gun. Still can't hit the broad side of a barn with it (from INSIDE the barn!), but I'm getting better...

Snake plissken

Well I'm still a probationary member so my replies are taking forever, sorry. It sounds like peitro has the way to go, I'd still like to find a way to shoot it one handed, it pulls extra duty as a back up gun at work. I'll keep playing around. Thanks everybody, keep the advic coming


Why all the fuss over 2 inch spreads at 20 feet?  Minis are for 3 to 8 feet of quick shooting, one hand cause a thug may have a hold of  the other. no possible chance of seeing the sights. just shoot.  Oh, by the way,  I couldn't hit a  paper plate at 10 feet if I  had to:)


Quote from: Snake plissken on April-07-15 15:04
My main problem is the gun moving around inside my hand while firing, I can't get a good purchase on it

I always Make sure I press down on the back of the grip with my thumb to hold it down during aiming and recoil. Use your thumb to help tame the flip.


Try a set of Cvang grips.
Gives you a rock solid one hand grip.
Holds the mini with two fingers instead of one.
Keeps the middle finger out from behind the trigger. If you have fat fingers like me, with a regular set of grips, the trigger mashes into the middle finger making for a hard trigger pull and sore finger.

God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )

Snake plissken

Quote from: uncle_lee on April-08-15 05:04
Try a set of Cvang grips.
Gives you a rock solid one hand grip.
Holds the mini with two fingers instead of one.
Keeps the middle finger out from behind the trigger. If you have fat fingers like me, with a regular set of grips, the trigger mashes into the middle finger making for a hard trigger pull and sore finger.

Seen them and really want them, but money is tight and I can't come off with the $50 right now. I was thinking of trying to replicate them with wood and a dremel, we will see.


For ME, what made a huge difference was the grips.  I was horrible with the pretty little bird's-head standard grip.  WAY better with the oversized rubber (BW or "Secret Service") grips.  They fill my hand perfectly giving a very solid, repeatable grip.

- Jay


Quote from: Snake plissken on April-07-15 15:04

So you grip with your strong hand index finger and work the hammer and trigger with your off hand? Interesting

Nobody will know exactly what grip works for them, until they try various styles - I would advise anyone to go with whatever grip floats their boat.

No matter the grip type chosen - practice makes perfect...................... (IOW, a few shots is not a fair trial)

Be careful if you follow the masses - Sometimes the M is silent


Quote from: bbgun on April-07-15 22:04
Why all the fuss over 2 inch spreads at 20 feet?  Minis are for 3 to 8 feet of quick shooting, one hand cause a thug may have a hold of  the other. no possible chance of seeing the sights. just shoot.  Oh, by the way,  I couldn't hit a  paper plate at 10 feet if I  had to:)

What's the fuss over a 2" spread? Consistency. Weapon control. Accuracy. Marksmanship.

If you can maintain a 2" spread at 20 feet the likelihood of you hitting what you intend increases. Remember, once you pull that trigger there are no do-overs. You need to know where those rounds will land.


Quote from: JRobyn on April-08-15 08:04
For ME, what made a huge difference was the grips.  I was horrible with the pretty little bird's-head standard grip.  WAY better with the oversized rubber (BW or "Secret Service") grips.  They fill my hand perfectly giving a very solid, repeatable grip.

- Jay

I agree with the above. I do not believe I could shoot these near as well without the good sized Secret Service grips. With them I can shoot the same group with any .22 round and almost as well with the magnum rounds. The Mags are shot slightly slower though for these small groupings. Once one has a decent grip and figures out the sights these little guns are amazingly accurate.
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.


  Sounds good to me just have a hard time parting with the ammo I guess . I save my marksmanship for rifles with scopes if needed . ;D ;D
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


I can hit a silhouette target at maybe 5 yards, other than that I don't worry about it.

My LR Mini has no real sights and is designed for use at spitting distance.   My Mini Master shoots very well but it actually has usable sights and a good trigger.