What LR ammo do you carry?

Started by bflying, March-06-12 15:03

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Yellow jackets will not work in any auto that I have but I have thousands of them and they work well in all of my revolvers.


just the 4 I do think oil leached into them the crimp is not very tight,I think from now on I will pitch them out monthly,they cycle through my p22 well my mk 1 also worked ok with them


I have shot Yellow Jackets and the Golden

   Boy shorts, I found the Yellow Jackets to be

   O.K. but not quite as accurate as the Viper 22's,

   as for the Golden Boy Shorts, I found them to be

   fairly accurate out to 30-35 yards but lacking

   any real power, great for plinking and shooting

   soup cans down by the river but I'm not sure if  

   I would consider them for self defense.


   I have an uncle that used to use 22 shorts

   for hunting bull frogs, he was nuts over

   frog legs, cheaper than chicken wings and

   taste just as good.  I just took his word

   for it.  I have had coon jerkey before though.

   The stuff aint half bad.





And Boom......There it was!!!!