NAA not alone advancing an old standard

Started by CavScout, March-16-12 06:03

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"It is a lesson of history that it is ethically, morally, and philosophically impossible to have too many personal weapons, whether they be edged, impact or projectile."
- David W. Loeffler



My fault... haven't been monitoring that board.


   Any way to delete a thread?
"It is a lesson of history that it is ethically, morally, and philosophically impossible to have too many personal weapons, whether they be edged, impact or projectile."
- David W. Loeffler


LOL, I don't think it matters man. I just didn't want you to be sad when no was acted interested!


Dumb.  One good thing about the 1911 is how thin it is.


yea, as long as you don't drop it into an oily mudhole.........  talking about DUMB
"Deeds; Not Words"


If an oily mud hole is so smart, go ahead and do that to your guns, Louie.


   Let us know how it works out.


M-2 carbine fired just fine, as did the Garand, and my Mil-spec (Remington built) 1911


M-2 carbine? Be very careful how you answer that knock on the door.


I have the proper stamp, and documents  


   Surprised more here didn't recognize it.  Fun range toy, but that's about all it does these days.


I recognized it. I just figured you did what was necessary, or you wouldn't have it.





     machine gun license

   Here ya go


   Class III Weapon Ownership Info


   YES, chances are you can own a Class III weapon. We have heard all kinds of myths surrounding the ownership of these weapons, below is a list of some of the FAQ's we get asked.




   Q. Do I have to have a license to own a Class III weapon ?


   A. The ATF does NOT required you to have a "license" to own Class III weapons, there is however a $200.00 transfer tax to be paid on each Machinegun, Suppressor, Short Barrelled Rifle & Short Barrelled Shotgun & there is a $5.00 transfer tax on AOW's (Any other Weapons)




   Q. Do I have to pay this tax annually ?


   A. No, this is a one time tax. It will never have to be paid again unless you sell the weapon & transfer it to another individual.




   Q. What are the requirements to own a Class III weapon ?


   A. * You have to live in a state where Class III weapons are legal.

   *You have to be a US citizen.

   * At least 21 yoa.

   * Never been convicted of a Felony or Domestic Violence.

   * Never been disshonarbly discharged from the military.

   * Never been adjuticated mentally defective.




   Q. How long does it take to get my weapon after I have paid for it.


   A. Once you have completed your Form 4 in duplicate & sent it to BATF NFA Branch you will be waiting approx. 3-4 months for the paperwork to be approved. Once it is approved ATF will send us back one of the approved Form 4's & we will call you to come pick up your paperwork & weapon. If you are purchasing a weapon from us & you live out of state you can add an additional 2-4 weeks for the weapon being transfered to your in state dealer.




   Q. Are Class III weapon legal in my state?


   A.Machineguns are ILLEGAL for individuals in DE, DC, HI, NY, WA

   ONLY Class 3 dealers are allowed possession in CA, IL, IA, KS, MI, NJ, RI


   Silencers are ILLEGAL for individuals in DE, DC, HI, IL, MS, MT, NY, NJ, RI

   Class 3 dealers only are allowed possession in : CA, KS, MO, MN, IA



I certainly wouldn't talk about it in an open forum if it weren't legal


"Surprised more here didn't recognize it. Fun range toy, but that's about all it does these days."


   No one here saw it........
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


I saw it. It had already been responded to, but I saw it. Would not mind having one, though...
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"