Re-shaping grips?

Started by peeshootah, June-09-12 09:06

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My original thought was to pick up a BW and use the Magnum grips for a smaller package in my pocket.  After trying the gun with both sets of grips I think the BW grips print less even though they are larger.  They are flatter and taper in at the bottom.  The Magnum grips seem to poke at the front of the pocket and really show in a pair of jeans.  Certain holsters augment the problem by turning the heal of the grip outward.


   I'm wondering if anyone has re-shaped their magnum grips to make them less noticeable when in the pocket.  Did you taper them in instead of out?  Did you come up with any shaping tricks that make them easier to hold despite being smaller? (finger divots or...)  


   Hopefully someone has already been down this road and can share some ideas that will help reduce the number of Magnum grips that I render useless.  




Peeshootah - I have never tried altering standard Magnum grips, however I have  

   changed a set of Mini-Master grips (which are identical to Black Widow grips,  

   except for the logo.) I sliced off some parts I did not like and thinned them  

   down until I hit the screw. The result still retains a lot of the ergonomic  

   features of the oversize grip without having such a large footprint. I really like  

   the way these oversize grips fill the space behind the trigger: the extra support at  

   web of the thunb and one extra finger grip.  






   I wish I could find a simular grip ready made.


I have a set of the old style wood oversize grips that I can part with at a good price if someone wants to trim them down to make some kind of custom setup.  They are nice walnut just like they are, and a lot smaller and flatter than the current laminated wood oversize offered.  Wood would be easier to trim down with good results if someone wanted to get all crafty......
"Deeds; Not Words"


Look like this:







   The current oversize wood made from laminated stamina wood are $35 plus shipping.  If anyone wants these to use or modify, $27 shipping included will do it to your door.


"Deeds; Not Words"


I'll take those sir


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"Deeds; Not Words"


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Dan - Thanks for pointing out "the way these oversize grips fill the space behind the trigger"  That is a big part of what makes the BW grips so nice.  I'm thinking a little less fat, shorter, and less across the backstrap, which is pretty much exactly what you did.


   Just when I was going to start carving up the Magnum grips I've picked up...


Grips are sold to Peeshootah


"Deeds; Not Words"



I make custom grips for revolver taking ideas on how you guys want them made I'm going to start on my new master mini mag




   We can always use and appreciate a custom grip maker.  


"Deeds; Not Words"


I personally like the Secret Service grips in the dimensions offered by NAA, aka the oversized Rosewood sets. I would like to see something akin to those but with a choice of different materials and woods.


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