American Rifleman review of NAA Guardian .380 July 2016

Started by alc95c, August-05-16 17:08

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A long (1,400 words), detailed (13 photos), and very positive review of the Guardian .380 appeared on the American Rifleman website July 11, 2016. 

They tested it with the Cocobolo grips, which I enjoy having on mine.  Beefier grip, easier to hold and spreads out the recoil impulse.  And they're real good looking.

Accuracy testing with three different brands of ammo at 7 yards from a bench rest resulted in 5-shot groups averaging 1.77" - 1.85".  Some groups down to 1.60".

Pretty cool article. Check it out.


While those grips are attractive and durable, they aren't cocobolo.
They are made of a laminated, dyed wood (usually birch) that is commonly known as "Dymondwood."


They also render the Guardian virtually impossible to pocket carry, IMO...
NAA Black Widow
Bersa T380
NAA Guardian .32
Henry H001


I love those grips ;D wush my LCP 380 had wood grips.