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Messages - dbmjr1

NAA Products / Re: I want a .25 acp mini
December-07-14 16:12
Quote from: grayelky on November-26-14 07:11
Pull up some ballistic tables. (I made a post some time back about this issue. I used Hornady.) From equal length barrels, the only thing the .25 brings to the table is center fire reliability. When I started my research, I was extremely hopeful for the .25 ACP, for several reasons. When I started looking at actual ballistics, I was very disappointed. I suggest you do the research with an open mind. If you still want a .25 ACP Mini, you have my blessings. If NAA were to build it, I'd buy one, to go with the rest of my safe queens, and possibly 2 more: one for each of my sons for after I am gone.

While I agree that factory .22mag ammo has better ballistics than factory .25acp, I think you are overlooking one other advantage to the centerfire round.  It can be reloaded.  Run your ballistics again.  This time use a 60gr fmj over 1.3gr of Bullseye.
NOTE:  Max load data is 1.1gr of Bullseye.  Do Not Take Reloading Advice from the internet.  This charge may be dangerous in your firearm.  I'm not suggesting that it would be safe in a firearm manufactured by NAA, but I'd be willing to sacrifice a revolver to find out.

NAA Products / Re: This makes nine.
June-22-14 07:06
Quote from: Bubba on June-21-14 18:06
that is an awesome set up
thanks for sharing

And welcome to the 9 club..

but be careful, you are just one little revolver away from the double digit club...  8)

In Search Of a .17 cal NAA.  ;D

Scored a thousand #11 Remington Caps yesterday.  Got a pound of Bullseye.  Just need some Crisco. ::)
Where's the one chambered in .22 short? 8)

I don't see any Cap & Ball models either.

No Earls or Hoglegs?

I think someone needs to go shopping. ;D
NAA Products / This makes nine.
June-20-14 18:06

NAA Cap and Ball with a spare cylinder, two packs of spare nipples, powder measure, wrench, seven hundred fifty conical ball shot, pouch, holster, loading tool, and a lock.
NAA Products / Re: Hi
January-25-14 07:01
Here's a BP in stock.  Ryan is a good guy and he'll ship.
They're getting in a matched pair of Color Case Hardened NAA's, soon.   I'm told that they're gorgeous.   

I'm off to a gun show today.  Gonna meet good friends there, then go to lunch together.  I hope not to spend more than I can afford, this time. ;)
My local dealer went to the Shot Show, where he visited the NAA booth.  He brought me home a surprise.  ;D

NAA Products / Re: SHOT Show 2014
January-11-14 12:01
My dealer will be there.  He has instructions to bring me home a NAA in .22 short and one in .17HMR if'n he finds one.
FAQs / Re: Show us your NAA!!
January-01-14 14:01
NAA Products / Re: New Guy
December-31-13 10:12
My wife is actually a music educator herself.  So she was able to translate your comments for me, a mere layman. ;)

If you query the maker of the bicycle rifle pictured above, you'll discover some faults.  It was made my a fellow that goes by 'Teddy Bear Rat' on

According to TBR the rifle suffers woefully from barrel whip and is wholly inaccurate.

The other failing he mentions is one that's common to all revolving rifles.  Flash cuts on your arms and wrists.  So much so that he says he's restricted his rifle to Colibri ammunition.

If you make one in WMR I suggest the addition of a flash guard to protect you from gas cutting.  This is the solution of Rossi and Taraus when they designed their revolving rifles.
NAA Products / Re: New Guy
December-29-13 19:12
Quote from: the hammer on December-29-13 10:12
Welcome nice collection indeed, just picked up the Mini Master myself, looking forward to a range report.Hammer out

It was my intention to go to the range this morning, but it was foggy out and my cat had me pinned to the bed, under the warm covers.
NAA Products / Re: New Guy
December-26-13 15:12
Quote from: G50AE on December-26-13 15:12
Quote from: dbmjr1 on December-25-13 15:12
Yes it is.  G scale.
Welcome to the forum.

I hear my initial being used.  ;)

Thank You for the warm welcome.
NAA Products / Re: New Guy
December-25-13 19:12
Quote from: Whizzer on December-25-13 16:12
Hi,I'm a new guy here too.Got my first NNA pistol today for a Christmas present.My wife gave it to me.I am looking forward on getting more ;D

Mikey(got to love her)Whizzer

Hey there Mikey.  What did she get ya?  Pics?
NAA Products / Re: New Guy
December-25-13 16:12
Don't think I have any.  I got a new Holiday Trolly for Christmas. Aristocraft. The track is a simple oval on a small deck out front.  We do Christmas lights, so the Trolly is part of the display.  I don't have any pics and it's too dark outside right now for good ones.  Perhaps tomorrow.
NAA Products / Re: New Guy
December-25-13 15:12
Quote from: heyjoe on December-25-13 15:12
very nice collection....merry christmas! is that a garden railway you have there?

Yes it is.  G scale.   
NAA Products / New Guy
December-25-13 14:12
I've lurked around for a while.  I mostly post on a rimfire forum, although I'm a member of many others.

Thought I'd say Hi and Merry Christmas.

Wife gave me this for Christmas, . . .

Santa brought this, . . .

This is a family picture. . .

As you might surmise, I like North American Arms revolvers.

Next on the bucket list is one in .17HMR and one in .22short.

Well, . . .
