Wow never thought I would really see it.

Started by 45flint, February-26-12 19:02

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And seeing as you live nearby, when yours are sold, I'll let you come over and see mine so you don't get too lonely LOL
Old Enough to Know Better - Still Too Young to Care

I "Acted the Fool" so often in School they made me get an Equity Card

cedarview kid

That'll work, Redhawk! Thanks!


   I just tried to edit the subtitle and I can't. So, it is what it is.


   However, I think the name Ranger is pretty well known. Just those of us here who talk about the "break top" know it as that, because we learned about it before NAA badged it as "The Ranger." All of the documenation that I've seen about it, including all 3 magazines that I'm including, call it the Ranger. So, I think I'm probably good.


NAA COLLECTOR, dont feel bad about not selling them to me for 3k. Everybody wants as much as they can get out of their investments (including me), you shouldnt feel bad about that. Its not like we actually know each other lol. You sir are a true gentleman and that will play into my bidding. Normally 3k would be all I would be willing to go, but by conducting yourself the way you always have, you will probably get a couple more hundred out of me in bids. Even at that do I think I will win them- NO more than likely not, but you never know, stranger things have happened... Remember I have been watching every Ranger listed on GB for over a month now, and it is strange none have come up for sell other than the one thats been on there forever-the one day listing guy. I believe people are waiting to see what the market will bear on these with what happened lately because of course they want to be sure to extract maximun value. It shouldnt have surprised me these things "double in value overnight" out of the blue for no reason when I start looking to buy one, thats how my luck runs... I do think its cool that you have the magazines with them. I had the American Handgunner and gave it to my Dad like all my month old issues, and I'll never get it back lol so I will probably have to buy one off of ebay or where ever when I do get mine (the used one I recently bought that hasnt came in yet) if I dont win your auction.

   Added: I always search "NAA Ranger" as my primary search everyday, but then every couple of days I search "Break Top" and go through the about 5 pages it always brings up to make sure none didnt slip through on me.

"If a Psychopath runs over 20 people with a car, should you be banned from owning a car? People are hit EVERYDAY by cars... Gun Control makes as much sense as Car Control!"  Myself

NRA Endowment Life Member and Proud supporter of the Second Amendment!! :)

cedarview kid

You and I seem very much alike, Gus--except that you're in the market to buy some Rangers and I'm in the market to sell some. LOL.


   I didn't really consider my Rangers complete without the magazines. I couldn't keep them while selling the Rangers. I have some old magazine ads from the 50's for some of my old guns. There's just something about having documentation to go with your collectibles that makes them more real and more interesting. Unfortunately, I think I missed one of the magazine reviews of the Ranger, but I forget which one might have been. And these ones that I got didn't come easily. I had to look around for them for awhile! Not all book stores carried them.


   I am certainly interested in getting what I can for these Rangers, but I'm also interested in getting them to somebody who appreciates them as much as I do--hence my listing of them together.


   So, good luck to you! If nobody else bids, they are certainly yours! But, for my sake, I'm hoping you are right that they will go higher. :-)


   Thanks for the comments.


i think you did a nice job on the layout of your listing. it grabs the attention. well described. you generate desire to own it.  makes me want to bid on it.  


   Louie did a really nice job also on the content and layout of the listing of the NAA Ranger that started the gold rush. In no small part due to his efforts in my opinion.
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today

cedarview kid

Thanks, Joe. I've sold a lot on eBay and I know that usually MORE is BETTER, as long as you present it nicely and not in a jumbled fashion. The best way to drop your selling price is have a short description or crappy photos.


   You're probably right about Louie. The sellers out here LOVE YA, Louie, but I'm betting the buyers are grittin' their teeth. Hehe. Even so, it's the buyers who are driving the prices, not the sellers.

cedarview kid

Looks like I have picked up 13 watchers and 228 page loads in 24 hours. I guess I have attracted some interest.


Collector , I don't think it's you, I think it's the Dillon girl. I heard Chopprs has been going round saying what BT's?
Old Enough to Know Better - Still Too Young to Care

I "Acted the Fool" so often in School they made me get an Equity Card

cedarview kid

If I get watchers for the Dillon Girl, as least they're coming back to see MY GUNS.


   I'll take what exposure I can get!


   (What BT's? LOL)



    I was watching it and I was gonna hammer $4500 at the last minute!

   I was then gonna give them to louie to sell for me......

cedarview kid

Give what to Louie, the two extra gun magazines?


   You DO know there are two guns in that auction, too, right?




.....Ok, I wasn't gonna let my secret out but I have the button on $5500. Louie can make me a grand or two I am sure ! )


Collector, I think you sent yourself a subliminal message that you should "cleave" to your BT's rather than selling them.


   Don't do it Choppr's once word get's round Collector is selling his, the market will tank.
Old Enough to Know Better - Still Too Young to Care

I "Acted the Fool" so often in School they made me get an Equity Card

cedarview kid

Well, I could always "accidentally drop" one of my break tops on the floor and "break it," forcing me to end the auction early.


   Or maybe I'll just wait for Chopprs to press the button.


......are you kidding me? You are selling your Breaktops man, you will have nothing after that! I will sell them back to you in a week for twenty thousand!!!!!


wait that was my plan.  


   by the way Collector when was it you wanted me to bid on them to get Gus to open his wallet a little wider?
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today




   Somebody call the inernet auction Nazis.....

cedarview kid

Only if you want to pay for them, Joe!


my credit rating is excellant.  


   only if it looks like Gus might get them.
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today

cedarview kid

21 Watchers, 382 views, no more bidders. Everybody waiting until the end to bid? So far, it's still Gus's.


good things come to those that wait........
"Deeds; Not Words"

cedarview kid

Can't I be like Veruca Salt from Willy Winka? ;)


I'm glad you mis-spelt Wonka with an "I" and not an "A"
Old Enough to Know Better - Still Too Young to Care

I "Acted the Fool" so often in School they made me get an Equity Card


great british term. really hits the mark when it fits.
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


Old Enough to Know Better - Still Too Young to Care

I "Acted the Fool" so often in School they made me get an Equity Card

cedarview kid

I'm glad you missppelled mispelt.


   Willy Winka, huh? LOL. Didn't even notice that. I could correct it above, but what's the point?


   BTW, using the a-spelling isn't something most Americans get.


Collector, that was Google Chrome misleading me, it doesn't think there is such a word . . apparently as they say, "pride comes before a fall"  


   Those in the know will understand the consequences of typing Willy Wanka, even if the Wonka/Winker/Wanka part is mispelt, should end in ER and as a clue it's not a term of endearment.">


   As Willy seems to normally refer to a penis also in proper English, the whole Willy Wonka thing is just open to cause school boy giggles.
Old Enough to Know Better - Still Too Young to Care

I "Acted the Fool" so often in School they made me get an Equity Card


dont look now but there is a redwasp here now. so we have redhawk, rookhawk and redwasp. my headache is gettin worserer
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


I'll change my name to Winka if that will avoid confusion and help your poor little throbbing head
Old Enough to Know Better - Still Too Young to Care

I "Acted the Fool" so often in School they made me get an Equity Card


''dont look now but there is a redwasp here now. so we have redhawk, rookhawk and redwasp. my headache is gettin worserer''







''I'm a humble man, indeed, I have a lot to be humble for.''


It'll be alright as long as you don't mistakenly accuse the other two of being "Limey Bleepity Blankers" - I'm used to it
Old Enough to Know Better - Still Too Young to Care

I "Acted the Fool" so often in School they made me get an Equity Card


my family stopped saying that when they left the olde sod (Antrim) in 1928.
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


Old Enough to Know Better - Still Too Young to Care

I "Acted the Fool" so often in School they made me get an Equity Card

cedarview kid

My Ranger auction looks a bit like the Republican primaries--lots of interest (625 views), lots of watchers (28), but very little momentum going on. Still at the original bid. Lookin' pretty good for ya, Gus!


   Maybe the last few Rangers had unwarranted and unsustainable hype.


I would have been all over it but when I saw the mastodon grips were not in play my interest was crushed.