Shooting a 22lr from a 22 mag cylinder in a Sidewinder 22mag gun

Started by Jorena, April-01-19 10:04

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I know that you are not supposed to fire 22lr rounds out of a 22 mag cylinder, and I never have nor will I ever, but theoretically it should be possible with no ill effects.
I did see a demonstration of this on U-tube and the only effects were the 22lr shells bulging in the cylinder and some gases leaking out between the cylinder and the barrel, with more residue being deposited on the shooters hands.  It didn't seem very dangerous.

If you hold a 22lr bullet to the end of a 22mag gun barrel, you will see that it cannot be pushed into the barrel.  Obviously, the same holds true with a 22mag bullet as it has a larger diameter. With this in mind, it seems to me that the 22lr bullet being smaller in diameter would have a harder time engaging with the "rifling" of the barrel and therefore possibly not be "spinning" on it's way to the target, but the 22mag bullet having s bigger diameter would be "spinning" better than the 22lr.

With this in mind, would not the same effect be so when you fire a 22lr bullet in a 22lr cylinder being fired out of a 22mag barrel?  Would the bullet tend to "tumble" and not "spin" in it's travel to the target?

I did see another U-tube video where the shooter fired bullets out of both 22mag and 22lr cylinders from a 22mag gun and the targets showed that the 22mags fired from the mag cylinder had nice small round holes while the  22lrs fired from the same gun through the 22mag barrel the bullet holes were not round but elongated meaning the 22lrs tumbled in flight.

So, is it such a good idea having a gun with 2 different size cylinders firing 2 different size bullets through a single size barrel?


Quote from: Jorena on April-01-19 10:04
So, is it such a good idea having a gun with 2 different size cylinders firing 2 different size bullets through a single size barrel?
It works for me!

Regarding shooting LR our of a NAA mag cylinder, I did once accidentally load a mag cylinder with LR. The cartridges sat just a little further down into cylinder and did not fire. After the second or third FTF I realized what I had done. With some guns, like the Hi Standard magnum Derringer, the LR will fire out of a magnum chamber.

Feasible or not, I would not recommend shooting a round out of a firearm that is not designed for the round in question.


.22 LR uses a soft lead bullet. .22 magnum uses a jacketed bullet.
The soft lead LR bullet has no problem engaging the rifling in the barrel.



Please understand I am stating an opinion.  There will be better informed people along soon.

I have never tried shooting 22lr out of 22wmr cylinder.  I don't think it's advisable.

There are many happy owners of convertible models that shoot 22lr in a 22magnum frame. 

The slight difference in bullet diameter between 22lr and 22wmr in theory could make shooting 22lr out of a gun designed for 22wmr less accurate.  You sometimes hear of issues with other convertible revolvers like the Ruger single 6.  At practical distances for a NAA revolver, not as much of an issue.

Yes, I think tumbling is a possibility.  I've seen several you tube videos of tumbling occurring with 22 lr in NAA revolvers.  I haven't taken notice if this is more prevalent in convertible models.   It seems that some videos mention this problem is resolved by shooting a different brand of ammunition.

Bottom line:  It really doesn't matter what someone else's revolver does.  It is what yours will do.   As with all guns YMMV.


Not really with it one day, I intended to put my LR cylinder in my B/W and re inserted the Mag cylinder by mistake.   Loaded it with Hi Vel LR's and started banging away.  At 7 yards, I was shooting off to the right and high, no group whatever.  When I started to reload the cylinder, I saw the poor fit and realized my mistake.
Saw no harm done, however.  Will try not to do again.   

PaPa K

Can it be done?-Yep
Should it?-only if I was in a very serious situation and had no choice.

If the case bulges it could be tough to remove, if a case should split near the rim you might get hurt. My dad had an old revolver when I was a kid that split cases regularly (very cheap .22 lr) Burnt our hands frequently so he got rid of it. Just sayin'


Purchased a very new production Ranger 2 about 3 weeks ago. Sent back for a minor warranty issue (No big deal)  and while it was there I paid to have a 22 LR. cylinder fitted. Pistol came back yesterday with 22 Lr. cylinder still in pistol.  A note was sent with pistol to only shoot Federal or Remington 22 Lr. ammo. Took it to range today. Left 22 Mag. cylinder at home. Pistol functioned perfect.

Noticed that with 22 Lr., shooting at just 3 yards she shot about 5 to 6 inches high. Do all the little N.A. pistols shot a little erratic when shooting 22 Lr. ammo through the "Longer then usual 22 LR. cylinders" ?  IMHO, it makes since to me that the 22lr., would not be as accurate because of the farther jump the bullet has to take to get to the barrel.

However, these are not made to shoot long distances at. I get it.


The cylinder will not cause the gun to shoot that far off.


Probably has the first, shorter front sight. Send it back for a redo.
"All it takes for evil to prevail, is for good men to do nothing."  Edmund Burke

Uncle Fatso

I doubt that NAA makes a different bore diameter for the "LR only" version of their revolvers. The difference in bullet diameter is miniscule. Like a thousandth of an inch.