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Messages - big_gus

Just my 2 cents, I think ones that HAVE bought EBs before should be ahead of someone who can sit at home or work and chat it up all day. It proves they are a NAA fanatic if bought previously. I honestly don't know how many NAAs I own, I think I have most talos. Bought some here from some great members, thanks again😘👍🏻. Would like to have one but If I need to wait, I can wait. No big deal. Just glad they bringing it back, thanks sandy. I'll admit I bought an original for 1250+ whatever fees (used some) and sold it once I got my EB sidewinders. I thought market may drop on them. If I had a 500 one, I'd kept it but a used 1250.00, hard to justify. Such an amazing fit little gun😞, I do miss it lol.
When does EB sign up start? I bought 2 of the EB sidewinders, so cool they had letters signed by sandy!!!! Very cool, which I talked to him at Charlotte at the annual NRA meetings. I believe I mentioned a swing cylinder way back tyen lol. Sorry back on topic... thanks
If you can find a box to tide you over keep checking with Midwayusa, they have it in stock from time to time. They had Gold Dot 22 mags in stock for 3 days last week and they don't price gouge (Thank You Larry P.!!!). They limit you to 10 boxes of 50, which is probably all most would want at one time the mags. Shipping usually runs about $20 for me, but you can use code OFF20WEL14 and save $20 off of a $100 purchase. Code does work on ammo. I used it on ammo. Limit 1 code per customer though, so it can only be used once.
Wow, this is why I wish I would have stayed with the forum. I stopped after I got my Ranger (when prices went crazy), and then my EB sidewinders which I anticipated greatly!!! The gun I always said I would like the most (other than a swing-cylinder mini, which was long before the sidewinder was made) was a super long barreled mini and of course the Mini Master would be the top of that list for me to shoot. I did buy the hogleg which I like, but the 9.5 inch barrel MM in 22lr would be SO AWESOME. Anyone want to sell theirs :) ???

Any idea how many were made/ordered? Thanks.
That's interesting Jayne. When I started searching, I never found reference to any except for uncle lee's WTS Thread where he said he had bought 2 lr conversion cylinders and had them coated black.
I did find a place which just had the BlackJack incorrectly listed as 22lr only, but as you read the description, you could see it was a mistake. If there are some factory BJ conversions, they would have to be very rare and very desirable imo!!!
By the way, I've been wondering ever since I saw your first post, do or did they ever make a Super long barreled Mini-Master like in your pic??? :) IF so I want one! (I had the regular lr Mini-master one time but it didnt shoot good, my 1" barrel would out shoot it lol, so it went bye-bye)
Did they offer the Black Jack in 22lr also??? All I ever saw was 22 magnum...
Sounds like you stole it :) ... You didnt hold that mini on them while you paid them did you....??? Just kidding of course... Always GREAT to find a good deal, especially a great deal. They are really good guns in my personal opinion, never had an engraved one, but have had the III in both 380 and 22 ( never cared for the 32 caliber). Congrats on the Good Find!!!
Wow it blew my mind that Turnbull does the Case Hardening on these!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They are the best in the business for sure, I've seen some guns they which look better than the "Big Boys" did back in the day. I've held/seen pre-war Marlins they done which would knock your eyes out. If Turnbull does them, they have to be AT LEAST $600-$700 (maybe more?), right???
From everything I've read (which is credible), the reason for the shortage of 22 ammo still is these 2 factors:
#1: Manufacturers make VERY LITTLE on 22 long rifle compared to other calibers and hence are not buying extra equipment/space for 22lr. Just running what machines they have to the max. Some did re-up on centerfire calibers which they make ALOT MORE on which is why we see it now.

#2 and the biggest reason for shortage: People are panic buying, people who used to keep 200 rounds now want 2000, people who kept 2500 now want 25000, people who kept a case want 10 cases, etc. And of course people lining up who dont even care about it to double, triple, or Quadruple their money on it.

When people stop paying $50/+ for a $20 brick of 22s, is when we will start to see it on the shelves more and more... jmho.
One of my FFL's recommended the HV CCI Segmented as one of the best for self defense pistols, him being such a "gun nut" (that's a huge complement in "my world" by the way), great re-loader, etc., I never thought to question it. I did read somewhere that they left "nasty wounds" in stuff/things, of course disabling would be attacker is most important. I haven't shot any of the Gold Dots yet or haven't had to opportunity to buy the 45 grain Hornady's you spoke of. I would like to get those also, because research said they were good out of rifles too. All said the Gold Dots sucked out of a rifle, but rated #1 on most lists out of a snubby.
Sorry looks like they just sold out of the GD 22 mags (they had them the past few days and until a few minutes ago), BUT they still have 17 HMR's AND CCI 22lr SV's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW SV's in stock, its been awhile since I saw those! grabbed me a brick while I was there (Limit 1 of course :( )...
I was actually searching for ballistics for CCI segmented 22 long rifles. Velocity states on box is 16XX (without actually going back and digging for it), of course this is out of a rifle. I carry these in my NAA lr mini. Was wondering how it stacked up against the Gold Dot mags was why I was searching. Just got in my brick of GD's yesterday, first time I have found them in stock (reasonable price) anywhere since I noticed they made them. Midway has them right now, but shipping is always about $20. They have them for $139.99, but use code OFF20WEL14 and save $20.00!!! (it works on ammo!) I didnt get to use it on my GD's because the code wasn't available then (must have came out yesterday), but did get to use it on some 17HMRs this morning. Code can only be used once per person :(... Rare to run across codes that work on AMMO!!!
PS I also have a Snake Eyes too (bought here:), or old forum rather), they only made 500 of those I believe..., mines in the VERY late 400 range, I'm assuming one of the last ones made...?
I have the First Edition BlackJack NIB. I ordered it when they first came out and its been in the safe ever since. Mines in the early 800 range, they made 1500 of them-still has the "BlackJack 21" sticker in the box stating this. Hadn't really thought about selling it, but may consider it. Just chance I ran across this post searching for ballistics out of short barrels... just ordered a brick of Gold Dot 22 mags. big_gus (same as on Coltforum, over 2k posts there :) )
NAA Products / Re: Side Winder
December-09-12 15:12
Back when I was looking to purchase my BT, I saw at least 3 sell over 2800+ lol. I saw a couple more sell in the 2500 range. I truely fell sorry these guys now, I knew it would happen :( .  I will be interested to see what the first couple Sidewinders bring on GB. I dot think they will bring crazy money, but I'm sure they will bring a little more than MSRP until they get quite a few out. I am still waiting on my EB SWs, and hopefully will have them soon. According to Sandy's Soapbox, as soon as the EBs go out, they will immediately start shipping to suppliers, so I would start checking the first of the year. It would be best to try to get them before they formally announce them at the Shot Show, then the run will be on.
Considering Sandy said they had 190-some orders, My guess would be an even 200...
Needless to say no charge yet for me either... :-[  About the only time I can ever remember hoping for a charge on my card lol.
No charge for me either yet, but I missed out on the pool drawning by a couple of days because I didnt realize it had started. So I'm sure everyone who ordered in the first few days are in front of me. :(
NAA Products / Re: Sidewinder update
November-12-12 23:11
Thanks Sandy for the Update! I can get excited again lol.
NAA Products / Re: Sidewinder update
November-11-12 15:11
Anymore updates???   :'(
I just shot my Ranger :). I was gone most of the day so not much time to shoot this evening. I shot a total of 13 rounds. I shot 5 Winchesters of which 2 would not fire. I snapped each 3 times. The other 3 fired on the first shot and shot about 5 inches high. All of this was off hand at approx. 10-12 yards. I then thought that maybe the Winchesters were a bad box since I had the one light strike of the 5 I shot through my hogleg, but it did shoot on the 2 try. Then I got 5 Federals and all of then shot first try with them grouping approx. 4 inches high. Then I shot 5 Remington Premiers of which 4 shot on the first try, but one did not fire until the 3rd snap. These shot about 5 inches high. It seems to shoot pretty good left/right, just shoots high. Of course I will have to shoot more to get everything figured out. I am wondering though if this isnt one of the light strike BTs I have heard mentioned of??? The serial number is in the 160's. Only time will tell I guess. I know it has alot more recoil then my 4 inch Earl or Hogleg does, which surprised me.
Well I just made it in a little bit ago from picking up my Ranger/other stuff to do and was very surprised to see they went for 3425. When I picked up the Ranger I was amazed and it is a truely awesome neat little gun. I might wear it out opening and closing it, lol. I will try to post some pics before long (and will post with the NIB Python Elite I just picked up also so there wont be any doubt, lol) and will hopefully join the people who have shot a Ranger club tomorrow, good lord willing. I truely expected them to go for alot more. I mean if a guy paid almost 5700 for a pair that didnt even have the awesome extra grips, gun rugs, or magazines and higher serial numbers???? I just dont understand...

   NAA Collector, I wouldnt get too down on the auction, if you take those two auctions out of the equation and look at all others that have Sold in the past few months and recently, I think you did well on them. It shows that you truely did want to keep them together by your starting price and great care for them with everything the way you did it. From my standpoint I did bid a premium for your consecutive pair. I went to 3.4k, when the most I had went before on one was less than 1.5k for a single. I hope that helps some too ... I know it will be a sad day for you when you have to ship them out...
Darn, Im getting ready to leave to get my Ranger and dont know if I can make it back in time for your auction Collector. I will be sick if I come back and they sold for 3400... but I definetly am not wealthy and have to use my head when it comes to what I invest my money in. And with the announcement of the sidewinder I think you are right, I probably waited until the exact wrong time to have bought that one and paid "top" dollar. If the sidewinder is really cool (which I expect it to be), Im afraid I will take a bath on mine if I ever decide to sell it. There is a small chance it could cause more interest in the Ranger, but I have to just go on what Ive saw in the past. I hope your auction goes past 4k so I can sleep tonight, lol. GOOD LUCK!!!


   PS. Remember guys next bid gets high bid. I know because I done tied him. So if it hangs at 3400, you may be able to get it at the last few minutes but I wouldnt wait until less than 10 minutes because of that 15 minute rule...
I just noticed Louie's post before yours

   Louie FYI, the more you talk the LESS it makes me want to bid, but maybe that is what you want? Jump on in there if its a steal and you can make so much money... All bark and no bite?
Yeah me and him are now tied at $3400, of course he still has first place since his bid preceded mine as he should. I didnt see the 1500 ranger, missed that one. I will have to check it out. I truely wish you luck with your auction and you being a great guy, I hope you get 6k+ out of them Seriously I truely hope so. Sandy's announcement slowed my roll on the Rangers right now, I am really looking forward to that gun. Will have to sleep on it and I get to pick up my Ranger tomorrow so that will help me decide about these also. I havent ever held one and am looking forward to seeing the quality that everyone says they have. Good Luck, and dont worry I will be watching tomorrow evening
NAA COLLECTOR, dont feel bad about not selling them to me for 3k. Everybody wants as much as they can get out of their investments (including me), you shouldnt feel bad about that. Its not like we actually know each other lol. You sir are a true gentleman and that will play into my bidding. Normally 3k would be all I would be willing to go, but by conducting yourself the way you always have, you will probably get a couple more hundred out of me in bids. Even at that do I think I will win them- NO more than likely not, but you never know, stranger things have happened... Remember I have been watching every Ranger listed on GB for over a month now, and it is strange none have come up for sell other than the one thats been on there forever-the one day listing guy. I believe people are waiting to see what the market will bear on these with what happened lately because of course they want to be sure to extract maximun value. It shouldnt have surprised me these things "double in value overnight" out of the blue for no reason when I start looking to buy one, thats how my luck runs... I do think its cool that you have the magazines with them. I had the American Handgunner and gave it to my Dad like all my month old issues, and I'll never get it back lol so I will probably have to buy one off of ebay or where ever when I do get mine (the used one I recently bought that hasnt came in yet) if I dont win your auction.

   Added: I always search "NAA Ranger" as my primary search everyday, but then every couple of days I search "Break Top" and go through the about 5 pages it always brings up to make sure none didnt slip through on me.
You want me to send 3 $1000 USPS MO's right now LOL? I just noticed them and popped a bid in there, not that I think I will actually win them with what happened in the last 2 weeks, but I will be happy if I do. I would say I have about as much chance as a snowballs chance in well... I started not to bid until I saw you actually wanted to sell them in this thread. Good Luck, I will be watching also...
I am REALLY interested in the Snake Eyes and the Riverboat and possibly the Spider. Could we get some pics of these? Thanks.
I would like to buy a NIB or LNIB NAA Snake Eyes. Must be complete package, let me know if you have one for sale please, Thanks.
45 Flint, are you saying you would consider selling the one BT?
I will give either of you guys $2000 PLUS shipping/insurance to my FFL if either of you want to sell your pair of Break Tops. And Remember, I WILL CARRY ONE OF THEM! NAA Collector, I will give you $2500 PLUS s/i if you want to throw in the Snake Eyes. Come on dont you think its time to cash in your investments? With that new handejector mini coming out, it might cause the BTs to plummet! OK I see if I can find the money to buy both sets...LOL


   PS. I am serious about my offers, just let me know if you are interested...
I sure would have been interested if I would have saw it, Louie. I would have given 1200 for it with the stags, of course I guess you already know that with my bidding on it. I sure would have liked to have picked up that used one for 800. That is EXACTLY what I am looking for!!!
Thanks, I was high bidder on it until few minutes ago at $1125. I have met my bidding peak for now. I was also high bidder on the previous one for almost the entire 14 days until something strange happened... I am wondering if that transaction will even be completed? Anyway I noticed several NIB have sold for around 1000 and one NIB for less than 700. Of course I doubt I will find one less than 700 but would like to find one NIB around a grand and one used for a couple hundo less. Thanks.
I am looking to buy 2 NAA Break Top Rangers. I want one NIB and one used to carry as the title says. I have the money in the safe so if you have one for sale please let me know. Thanks.
Thanks for the info! I may decide to hunt those grips up and finally try to finish them.