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Messages - jswi2374

Here are a few of my favorites:

   "Pink Pistols- gay, not limp wristed." Too funny!

   "I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I only love that which they defend" JRR Tolkien, The Two Towers. So true.  

   "Peace through superior firepower" T-shirt. Because I'm really a peacefull guy...

   Each of these has been the background of my school issued laptop over the years. Our IT Dept. loves me...
Sleddogn: I live in Dayton and can honestly say that I've seen some strange things flying overhead. No UFOs, though. Especially not doing loop the loops on nice weekends. Nope. Never. Doesn't happen. (Grin)

   Some very cool stuff being researched at the base. No UFOs though.
NAA Products / Coward to the end
January-27-11 15:01
I watched the movie "Sgt. York" with a class of 10th graders this week. For those who don't know, he was a devout Christian drafted into the army at the start of WW1. He tried to get an exemption as a consciencious objector but was denied. When his squad was pinned down by machine gun fire and taking heavy casualties, he killed 19 Germans to stop the guns and force the surrender of over 120 German soldiers. His explanation was that he killed those 19 men to stop them from killing hundreds of other men. Although he was considered a hero and became the most highly decorated American soldier of the Great War, he never capitalized on his actions and regretted them all his days. On his deathbed, he asked those around him if God could possably forgive him for breaking the most basic commandment against killing others.  

   There is no easy answer but my students were struck by how seriously he considered the morality of killing both before and after his combat experiences. I would hope that all of us who have guns, and are able to take a life so easily and quickly, carefully consider the ifs and whens of lethal force.  

   +1 to Redhawks quote
NAA Products / Coward to the end
January-25-11 17:01
Gray: I am sorry for your loss.  

   Doc: thank you for saying what I fumbled towards earlier. When the government can decide who "deserves" and doesn't "deserve" rights, we all effectively have no rights.  

   Im just a civilian teacher but I take my oath every morning with the kids... its the Pledge of Allegience. Thats enough
NAA Products / Coward to the end
January-24-11 16:01
A defense attorney's job is to force the prosecution to prove "beyond a shadow of a doubt" that the accused is guilty. Be glad they do... it forces the government to be thorough and obey its own rules before imprisoning or executing a person. Out of control governments kill far more people that out of control citizens...  

   That said, the guy is guilty as sin and will (hopefully) be proven so.
Someone in Tuscon didn't trust reality so he left it. Nothing political about that at all. Crazy happens
It was disappointing that when the new House of Representatives read the Constitution aloud, sever portions were skipped over. The entire section on slaves being counted as 3/5ths of a person was left out. The 18th Ammendment banning the manufacture, sale and transport of alcohol was aslo ommitted. The apparent infallibility of the Constitution was preserved by leaving out its obvious compromises and mistakes.  

   I support the goals of the new Congress and Tea Party but wonder if this is the right way to begin....