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Messages - jim c 351

The Ranger 11 appears to have a shotgun bead front site.
If it does, the  barrel is probably tapped for a 8/40 or 6/48 thread.
If this is true then a variety of front beads sights are available from "BROWNELLS" gun parts, including a "Bradley type front sight.
This would probably solve the problem of shooting too high.
Can someone confirm if the barrel is tapped for one of these threads?????????????????????????
Jim C
Very nice 45. Make a good backup gun if your NAA derringer fails to stop a bad guy.
I've got the standard model and really like it.
Jim C
NAA Products / Re: New NAA, Cylinder Play?
February-18-14 06:02
Quote from: Whiterook on February-17-14 21:02
Thank you all. Does anyone have any thoughts on how it went from tight and not moving at all to how it moves now?

The only explanation I can think of is this; When the cylinder was tight, your hammer was actually at half cock not the cylinder safety notch.
Later when it was loose, you had actually succeeded in correctly getting the hammer in the cylinder safety notch.
Like others have said, until you get this resolved, carry with empty chamber under hammer.
Jim C
NAA Products / Re: New NAA, Cylinder Play?
February-17-14 17:02
Are you confusing the half cock notch with the cylinder safety notch?? They are two different things.
Jim C
NAA Products / Re: New NAA, Cylinder Play?
February-17-14 17:02
When properly in the safety notch the cylinder will have more play than when at half or full cock. Its suppose to be that way.
Before removing the cylinder the hammer should be brought to half cock.
Please reread the manual.
Jim C
Quote from: adp3 on August-26-13 21:08
I used to use the +V Maxis too.  When the Gold Dots and Critical Defense ammo came out I checked them both out.  The CD ammo was disappointing.  I carry Gold Dots in my BWs now.  Good velocity, good expansion and good accuracy.  I just wish I could find it on the shelf more often.

Best Regards,
Would you mind elaborating about why the Hornady CD was disappointing???
I was planning on buying some if I could ever find them.
I shot some water filled milk jugs this past week. Used my NAA 22 MAG 1 5/8 barrel. A lot of fun, you should try it. The big surprise was the CCI 30 gr +V. Went thru 2 jugs and no expansion. So perfect it could have been reloaded. Just like a FMJ.
20 year old Winchester 40 gr JHP also went thru 2 jugs and was heavily deformed at the tip.
I won't be buying anymore CCI 30 gr +V ammo.
Jim C
Are you saying that Hornady rimfire ammo is more likely to misfire??
I've got the 1 5/8 inch barrel.
What is your opinion of the Winchester 45 gr 22 mag.
Jim C
I want to thank you for the information you provided on improving the accuracy of the NAA 22 mag. I followed your advice and was amazed at the improvement. I went one step further than you. After lowering the front sight I painted the back with white finger nail polish. Depending on lighting this sometimes helps.
Today I shot a 1 1/2 inch group at 8 yards from a rest. I was shooting Win 40 gr 22 mag HP. Theoretically I should be able to hit 4 1/2 inch groups at 25 yds. Unfortunately , I' m not that lucky. 12 inch groups is more common, sometimes worse.
Have you hit any tight groups at 25 yards.
Thanks again,
Jim C
I'm a little confused. Would you please explain what you mean by "nasty" concerning the Hornady CD 22 mag. Going by what I've read It looked to me that the Hornady CD or the Winchester 45 gr ,22 mag would be the best self defense load in the 22 mag cal. When your opponent is a squirrel expansion is important. When you opponent is a person, penetration is more important than expansion, in the 22 mini.
Thanks ,
Jim C
NAA Products / Re: Magnum problems
July-24-13 13:07
Here's the rest of the story.
I received my NAA 22 mag back from North American yesterday and took it to the range today.
Absolutely no problems. Worked perfectly.
Shot one box of mags, half  CCI vel + 30 gr and half Win 40 gr HP. Both grouped about the same at 8 yards.
Sue at NAA took super good care of me both in advise and service. Since my gun was less than 2 years old, NAA paid shipping both ways and work was done in one day. They replaced the cylinder for free and a new hand. As I mentioned above the problem cylinder throats would not allow a 22 mag projectile to enter all the way to the case. The new cylinder allow this.
Based On the advise form Dinadan, I bought a 22 lr cylinder at this time. Shot 50 Fed 36 gr hp bulk with no problems. Hit to the same place at 8 yards as the mags.
Sue also gave advise on how not to align the sights. Worked just like she said.
Thanks to Sue and all who responded.
Jim C
NAA Products / Re: Magnum problems
July-16-13 12:07
I called NAA this morning and talked to Sue.
Turns out my NAA 22Mag is less than 2 years old, so I get free shipping.
So, my gun is on its way to Provo.
Thanks for all the advise.
Jim C
NAA Products / Re: Magnum problems
July-15-13 16:07
Thanks for the replies.
Now for the math.
I could have bought a new NAA 22 mag for , I believe, $220.00, from the same dealer.
My used NAA 22 mag was $175.00, a price that encouraged me to act.
In checking the return policy, it appears that overnight shipping to NAA is $25.00. Return shipping is another $25.00.
So even tho the repairs are free, I would have $50.00 in shipping fees and end up with a used gun. $175.00 plus $50.00 =$225.00. In other words, $5.00 more for a used gun than a new gun.
I could return this gun and pay the difference toward a new gun, but now I'm afraid I may have the same problem with a new gun.
It looks like I should definitely return this gun to the dealer, the question is , what should I do then??
Jim C
NAA Products / Magnum problems
July-15-13 06:07
After reading all the favorable posts on this forum, I decided to buy a NAA 22 mag 1 5/8 inch revolver.
Last Saturday I found one at a good price, like new cond, at a local gun store so I bought it.
I only had 2 brands of 22 mag ammo on hand, but had trouble with both.
Brand 1 was CCI , 22 mag 40 gr HP. This was the worst. After 2 shots the cylinder wouldn't turn unless helped with other hand.
Brand  2 was Win ,22 mag 40 gr HP. This was a little better. Could get off 3 shots before the cylinder froze up.
The rims are expanding and binding against the frame.
The only explanation I can think of is the cylinder throats. The holes at the end of the cylinder are smaller in diameter than the projectile . This might be creating excessive pressure and causing the case rims to expand excessively.
Ant comments or suggestions???
Jim C