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Messages - masterdebater

definitely something to look into my friend i appreciate the info!
yea its got the bobbed hammer on it its a beautiful gun and have seen the same as you, 1500-3000 but didnt know if thats what they were pulling and not just what crazy collectors are asking... so to shoot it or lock it away, cuz im not one to just let a gun go un-used
just picked one of these up all original box and cardboard box with all papers from a buddy, anybody know what the going price is on one of these? cant seem to find a stable answer and from what ive seen, well my hopes are up lol
i believed you so.....
so thats what my nails would look like if i didnt bite them so much... do want! (the grips of course, not your claws)how much would you charge for a set?
Stories / Black widow barrel
March-26-12 09:03
biiiig saving compared to all the mag ammo ive been shooting lol. thanks for the help guys 'tis appreciated
Stories / Black widow barrel
March-24-12 13:03
sure did! guess it would be a good time to get an lr    cylinder also...
Stories / Black widow barrel
March-24-12 11:03
sadly i dont have a camera to take any pics but maybe someone can clarify, where the barrel on my black widow meets the frame, you can see that the barrel is turned and the ribs on top dont line up worth a ***. i dont think theres an issue with it just a little anal retentive (giggity) with things looking aesthetically pleasing. how to fix? are the barrels pressed or turned into receiver/frame?
Stories / Dog Shot by CCW holder
March-13-12 11:03
what if u did get attacked by a dog and shot it in front of people, more than likely it wont kill it in one shot (im talking about carrying a mini) so do u let the dog scream and holler in pain or unload into it until its dead?
i still need to send me BW in due to the barrel being twisted and throwing off my front sight lol glad you got it worked out frazier!