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Messages - rattlehead

Thanks Terry. I hope to continue enjoying the hobby for a while longer. Might have to train one of my Grandkids to do the digging for me soon though. :)

Yessir, these big bore derringers sure can put a whipping on your hand! Especially with the .410 shells!
Quote from: Terry treefish on November-24-20 14:11

You are absolutely right.  I did find a number of rings and some silver.  My 18 yr old granddaughter said at the table Sunday night:  "Hey Papa, I still love my ring, wear it every day."  Gave it to her a few years ago.

With severe arthritis in both hands, it was a choice of giving up metal detecting, or stringed instruments.  Unfortunately, strings are my nemesis now.  My great passion, and now it appears I'll finish my life with my trusty harmonicas.  Never heard of arthritic mouths.

Gotta love seeing the glint of silver or gold when you pop out a plug.

Old age pain is starting to take it's toll on me too. Due to my worn out knees and back, I don't get out nearly as much as I used to.
Quote from: Terry treefish on November-01-20 17:11

Gave up metal detecting after basically ruining my hands from digging hundreds of holes.  2000 pennies is only $20, but it's also 2000 holes.

True, but there's also silver coins, gold jewelry and amazing relics mixed in with those pennies when you're on a good permission. I absolutely LOVE metal detecting. Been doing it since the late 80s.
Quote from: Boisesteve on September-29-20 09:09
How's that straight trigger feel to hand?

Hey Steve,
I love it. Feels great. To me, straight/flat triggers just make for a noticeably more consistent pull. I've put them on almost every gun I own.
Another new carry gun. Sig P365 with XL grip module and a few other upgrades.. I guess its technically a 365X? Anyway, I really like the modularity of these.

Love it!

I've got a similar pair, but the snubby version.

Quote from: Canoeal on August-03-20 09:08
JMO but Glocks are as pretty as a brick.

I tend to agree. Not pretty by any means. Although I have to admit, the look has grown on me over the years.. Somewhat attractive in a utilitarian sort of way? lol
Quote from: KEN AZ on July-31-20 12:07
Sweet Glock!  I have an old style 43 and put the Taren Tactical mag extension on for a Plus one and a Plus 3.
I have been looking at the 43X and 48 since they hit the shelves.  NIce set up and then like you I heard about the 15 round mag....
Somehow the 48 has moved up on my list of must haves.  Figure I can swap over my 43 slide if I want it shorter. but the 48 is still very compact.

I've got my discount coupon for the Blue Label box(Police/Military) price.  If you join the Glock Shooting Sports Foundation you can buy one gun a year at the discounted Police Price! Guns are priced different Blue label vs White label.  When you first sign up you have to do a two year membership in order to get a gun the first year. Just one of their rules but hey I can live with a good discount if I can triple the return on my money.

What all mods have you made to it thus far?

Hey thanks Ken. The 48 is a good choice IMHO. If I still had my G43 I'd definitely opt for the 48. That way you'd have 3 different guns to choose from. G48, G43 and then if you put the G43 slide on the 48 frame you basically have a G43X.

The mods on my 43X are: TruGlo TFX Pro sights, Overwatch TAC trigger, Laser Stipple by Kilo Arms, undercut trigger guard, grip plug, Deadpoint guide rod light, Ghost extended slide release, Shield Arms S15 mag and mag release.

Quote from: RangerJim on August-02-20 19:08
Wow, rattlehead!  I do like Glock, but generally not due to its aesthetics.  But I have to say ... that is one beautiful G43X!   8)

Thanks Jim! To be honest I've never been a big fan of Glock ergonomics or aesthetics either. Always thought they looked and felt really blocky. The new slim line Glocks have sort of changed my mind though. IMHO they're a lot more ergonomic than their thicker siblings.
My NAA Pug is always on me, but its not my primary CCW. Its used as more of a NY reload/BUG. On my belt I carry a slim subcompact in 9mm. For many years it has been the S&W Shield which has been outstanding. BUT, with all the new high capacity subcompacts coming out lately I've been thinking it would be nice to have more capacity. So I was looking at the Sig p365 for a little while but decided to hold off since it only holds a couple more rounds than my Shield with the extended EMP base plate. Plus Sig had a few QC bugs to work out. I considered the Hellcat as well, but to be honest I'm not a huge fan of Springfield.

I had zero interest in the Glock 43X until I heard that a company called Shield Arms was offering a 15 round metal flush fit magazine for it. Getting the exact same capacity of a Glock 19 in a pistol that small would be amazing! So I picked up a 43X along with the Shield S15 mag & metal mag catch. I've put 250 rounds through it so far and its been 100% reliable. I'm gonna put at least another 250 through it, and if it remains reliable it will be my new EDC CCW.

Also did a few other upgrades to help perfect "Glock Perfection".

NAA Products / Re: 22 mag grips
June-29-20 06:06
I've tried a bunch of different grips including the CVangs. My favorite is still the oversized BW/MM style grips. They offer a lot more grip and control on these little revolvers. Very comfortable. No issues with concealment.
Quote from: smokeless joe on April-22-20 12:04
Quote from: rattlehead on April-22-20 09:04
Here's some footage of my friend Josh and I at the range recently with the S&W 500 and CZ Shadow 2.
Was that S&W a pistol or a flame thrower?
Flame thrower. :)

Quote from: OV-1D on April-22-20 17:04
Rattlehead that's some real fine shooting , WOW . Just like you do for a living shooting .Excellent placement . ;)
Thanks man! I could actually tighten those groups up significantly if I slowed down a bit. The Shadow also makes me look like a much better shot than I really am. lol
Here's some footage of my friend Josh and I at the range recently with the S&W 500 and CZ Shadow 2.
NAA Products / Re: Dear Sandy
February-06-20 07:02
Pretty cool!

PS: Sandy, while you're at it, could you please make one of these for me? :D

Quote from: uncle_lee on January-03-20 07:01
The one of hillary gagged me.

Me too. I have to admit, this is a pretty good pic of her though.

Quote from: OV-1D on December-30-19 13:12
  That's just what porting looks like . ;)

Here's a side view of my old longer barreled on. Pretty mean blast coming from between the cylinder and frame!
.. well almost. One is just a little bigger than the other. :D

Anyway, new toy for me! Just picked up this short barreled S&W 500 the other day. I had the longer barreled version a few years ago but ended up trading it off. These aren't very practical for anything other than bear defense, but they sure are a hoot to shoot!
NAA Products / Re: Need Guidance
December-06-19 11:12
Pug! Of the ones you listed I vote Black Widow.
Quote from: RogueTS1 on December-03-19 14:12
Oh, by the way; this just showed up a few weeks ago. Figured I had a few minutes to get a decent photo of it so it can partake in this thread. So here it is ............ Ya'll have seen the pistol before ..... Beretta 21a in 6.35mm (one of several we have). The can is the new toy.

What a neat little set-up! Love it!
Other Guns (Non-NAA) / Re: Something New
November-19-19 07:11
Eh, It's a Kel-Tec. Might be awesome or might be a total piece of crap. With that company its a coin toss. I'll pass.
One of the main reasons I love these little NAA revolvers so much is the fact that they're made of stainless. With the size being so small, weight really isn't an issue even with a steel frame. Polymer has its place. I really like my S&W Shield for belt carry. I like plenty of other polymer framed semi-autos as well, but I have zero interest in a plastic mini revolver.
NAA Products / Re: Leather Holsters
October-04-19 06:10
I prefer leather as well. I also have a Ragsdale holster and a driving holster from Rick. Love them both.

Love the SP101! I had the 2.25" .357 Wiley Clapp model. Built like a tank!
Quote from: RogueTS1 on August-23-19 08:08
So toaster; does your Pug have the stock grips or have they been upgraded to Secret Service Grips as found on the BW? They truly make a difference.

This. Grip makes all the difference in the world.
Thanks for posting the pics Rick! The belt block is genius! I sent you a PM concerning an order.
Quote from: top dog on July-20-19 06:07
Sorry to hear that your first range session did not go too well.

The Bond trigger is "unique" and gets some getting used to. Again,it is DOWN towards the trigger guard.

Yeah its definitely me, not the gun. I think the fact that I'm pulling down on the trigger is whats making my shots go low. As I pull down on the trigger its pulling the whole gun downward. Just need some practice with it I guess.

Thanks again for the comments guys.
I took it out yesterday to put a few rounds on target.. Or I should rephrase that and say near the target. I'm not very accurate with this particular gun even at short ranges. I guess practice will help but I wasn't impressed with the first few shots. Trigger pull is more awkward than I originally thought based on dry firing. I fired a couple of Winchester PDX-1s and completely missed a soda bottle that was no more than 8 ft away. Fired some 45 LC and it seemed to be hitting low. From what I read, the bottom barrel is supposed to be aligned with the sights and the top barrel will shoot a little high. I'm pretty sure its my trigger pull that's throwing the rounds off target. Anyway, not sure if I'll keep this derringer or not. I may give it one more try at the range and see what happens.
Quote from: riadat on July-16-19 08:07
Well look here.

Guess a bond is in my future.

That's pretty neat. I'd like to have one in that thickness but made from all stainless.
Thanks for the replies guys.

Yours looks nice! Love the leather too!

smokeless joe,
The downward motion is a little strange at first, but not so bad once you get used to it.

top dog,
Yep, I've heard good things about Bond Arms customer service. One of the reasons I decided to pick one up. Going to the range soon and will post the results.
Anyone else here own one of these little gems? I just picked up a Patriot with the 45 LC/410 barrel. At 20oz and a fairly bulky size (for a derringer), I know its probably not the most practical thing in the world for carry.. I guess I just have a soft spot for small, well built stainless handguns. Should be great for when I'm out metal detecting in the woods to ward off snakes or wild dogs. Thats how I'm going to justify the purchase anyway. Comes with a neat horizontal leather holster too. Now I just need to pick up some extra barrels in different calibers.
I do have an extra 5 rounds in my pocket holster but I highly doubt I'd be able to get them loaded quick enough in a bad situation. But if 9 Rounds from my Shield, 8 more rounds from the extra mag, and another 5 rounds from my Pug can't save my ass, I'm in over my head anyway.
My last form 4 took a year.
My last form 1 took less than 30 days start to finish.

Wish they'd figure out how to get those form 4 wait times down into that range. Or better yet, get rid of the NFA altogether.
Quote from: RogueTS1 on May-27-19 10:05
Let me introduce you to the Suppressed 9mm Colt 635 smg:

Very nice!
Thanks guys!

Quote from: OV-1D on May-24-19 07:05
now your next needs to be 223 in the same configuration . ;)
I have a 5.56 Colt 6920 SBR too, but no can. I'd like to pick up another suppressor and a 300 blackout upper for it. 

Quote from: RogueTS1 on May-24-19 07:05
Now make it 9mm and I am all in.  8)
CMMG has a 9mm version of their Banshee line. Pretty awesome!
Here's my newest toy.

Tiny two-stamp 22LR terror. By far the most fun gun I own. :D

CMMG Banshee 300 series 22LR SBR with AAC Element II suppressor and Franklin Armory BFS3 binary trigger.