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Messages - Kevin55

Quote from: heyjoe on January-04-19 11:01
how does the crown look.
My first thought, if it isn't the shooter.
There were some issues with Minis key holing targets. The crown on the muzzle wasn't properly shaped.  The factory fixed them.
Rimmed cartridges can cause problems.

My Beretta Bobcat 21A is reliable with good ammo. But without an extractor, I need to have a stick to remove duds and cases. Plus,it seems wide.

I would much rather see the Guradian 32 with a plastic frame, like the Keltec.
Actually what I really want is more than 2 models on NAA sold in California.
Due to the cost of selling handgun models, only the 1-1/8 22mag, 1-1/8 22mag and MiniMaster are sold in California.  I think they could sell a lot of Black Widows if they put up the ridiculous amount of money to certify them.  Kel-Tec told CA to shove it.

I would like to see a Guardian .32 with a plastic frame and 22mag with 2" or 2.5" barrel.
I live in California, so they have made the decision process much easier...
Only about 5% of all handguns available in the USA are available here.  :P

The Seecamp website has nice comparison chart of the small guns. 

If you search for reviews, for a really small pistol, the 380 round is often described uncontrollable and uncomfortable to shoot.

I wish NAA had a polymer frame model.  Of course it probably wouldn't be available in CA.
Quote from: oughtsix on May-08-18 13:05
Quote from: top dog on May-08-18 05:05
By the way,when will you be getting your second and third mini??  They tend to "multiply".

                                                                       Top Dog

I couldn't decide so I started with two right out of the gate!  The 22 lr 1 1/8 and 22 mag 1 5/8.  I am really like what I see in the Ranger II.... very tempting!  Just have to find one... and hopefully for a decent price.
That is the right choice. 
I have the 22lr with 1-1/8 inch barrel. I find the stock grip impossible to hold.  I now have the holster grip on it. It's easier to shoot, but seems bulky.  The CVang grip seems ideal. Just enough to add one more finger.

There are ballistics on the 22mag barrel lengths.  Look for "ballistics by the inch" and the ballistics page on the NAA website.   Shorter than 1-5/8 seems like a waste. Unfortunately the barrel length choices in California are 1-1/8 or 4".
Quote from: Rick_Jorgenson on November-26-17 13:11
Quote from: Kevin55 on November-26-17 00:11

"I wish NAA would sell the Black Widow or a the 22mag with a 1-5/8" barrel or 2" barrel."

The Black Widow is a 2" Bbl.  &  the .22 Mag. is available 1-5/8" Bbl. 

Do you mean that a BW w/ 1-5/8" Bbl. ?
and a .22 Mag Frame with a 2" Bbl. ?   (hypothetically)  Would be good?

Maybe check with a gun smith it may be easy to cut down a BW to the 1-5/8" length.  I'm not a gun smith nor play one on TV. lol!!
Cutting down a barrel can be a risky proposition. See Ruby Ridge. Not going to risk it.

If I could, I'd buy a 22mag in 1-1/8" and have NAA put on a longer 2" barrel, but I'm sure CA would find a reason that I am in violation of their safety test due to the extra weight.
I wish NAA would sell the 1-5/8" 22mag instead of the 1-1/8".
The 1-1/8" barrel is fine for the 22lr, but 22mags need more length.
I really wish they would sell the Black Widow in Kommiefornia.
Quote from: Warty62 on January-03-18 11:01
California never appealed to me.  I guess I was never a big beach person.

In any case, California is starting to get smart with the whole gun control idea.  Take away the ammo and who cares if they have a gun?
The legislature got slammed every time they tried to ban a type of rifle. Ban AR-15s, OK they change the name and keep selling.  Define the "assault rifle".  OK, swap in the "bullet button" to remove magazines. Ban those, OK now it's a take down lever to release the magazine.

Make ammo hard to buy. Well, ***, now it's an expensive club.

Born in Californa. Raised in Berkeley.  I was told to "go against the flow," so I became a conservative gun owner.  Happy now hippies? 

What is the difference between Berkeley and Russia?  Berkeley still has an active communist party.

The stupid stuff that defined Berkeley politics has gone state wide. It's nuts.

I lived in Nevada for two years. I miss the more rational government.  We moved to the San Diego area a few years ago.  Beautiful, great weather, and nutty traffic.
NAA Products / Re: Ok, Which One?
December-11-17 14:12
Old Colt revolvers are like family jewels.

If you go to a big gun store, I would check out the Ruger LCR.  Some of the Semi. auto guys like them.
NAA Products / Re: Defensive shooting
December-11-17 13:12
Doesn't the NYPD issue Glocks with that horrible 10lb NYPD trigger?  It was to make it like shooting a double action revolver with every pull.

Yes, most practice shooting in a two hand stance, not a quick point shoot.  Practice how you play.
Do both. And some weak hand shooting.

I heard the argument, if a bad guy is willing to shoot a cop, he isn't going to worry about hitting a civilian around them. Cops need to worry about NOT hitting innocent people.  It's one more thing to clutter the thought process.
NAA Products / Re: Ok, Which One?
December-11-17 13:12
Use the Right tool for the job.
Use the right ammo for handguns.  ;D

Testing the 22mag handgun ammo  with 1-1/8, 1-5/8, 2" and 4" barrels would be interesting.
I guess one 22lr and 22mag round previously tested would verify changes in testing conditions.

I would still go with the 1-5/8 or 2" barrel if it were an option in CA.
NAA Products / Re: Ok, Which One?
December-11-17 12:12
How much does she shoot?  Take her shooting, give her the one she likes to shoot most.

IMHO, single action hand cocking isn't a noobie defense gun.  The 317 would make more sense.  Ruger makes the LCR, which is a double action only self defense gun. Lots of praise for it.

AS for NAA, 22lr and 22mag were designed to shoot from a 16" or longer barrel.  There is a table showing the ballistics. Also a site called "by the inch" where a barrel is cut down and the ballistics recorded.  The short 1-1/8" barrel makes the 22mag and 22lr very close.  The longer the barrel, the more the 22mag stands out.  For 22mag, I would only get the 1-5/8" or longer. The 2" BW seems ideal.

I can't buy a 1-5/8" barrel mag or the Black Widow in Califorina.  I'd have a BW with fixed sights, If I could.  I bought a 22lr in 1-1/8" before it was banned due to the small size. Even f I bought a MiniMaster, the third option in CA, I'd get the fixed sights.
Quote from: seak on December-07-17 00:12
That mag grip comes up almost like the c vang grip
Another reason I may order the Slip on mag grip for my 22lr mini.
Why I was curious how the 22lr and 22mag grips compare.

The 22mag slip on grip looks like the grip the Pug ships with.
Which do you prefer on the 22lr?  The mag or LR slip on grip?
The mag grip looks a bit thicker, which might be good.

I really dislike the stock grip and the holster grip is a bit bulky.
I regret not buying a 22mag in 1-5/8" barrel length when I could.  I just can't see buying the 22mag with a 1-1/8" barrel since the ballistics aren't much better than the 22lr with the really short barrel.

I wish NAA would sell the Black Widow or a the 22mag with a 1-5/8" barrel or 2" barrel.
California pretends the law is about safety, but it really is about making California an economically bad state to sell firearms. 

Each firearm model must be submitted for testing.  I believe the cost is about $5000.  Now here is the kicker, every model must be submitted and tested independently.  So for the 22mag, the 1-1/8" barrel model and 1-5/8" model require both be tested.  I guess one could argue that adding 1/2" of barrel changes the weight in a drop test, but it is really absured.  I believe different finishes need to be tested independently if they have a unique model number.

So as a result, the latest Glock generation 4 pistols are not available.
NAA only sells the 1-1/8" barreled 22lr and 22mag.
Some firearm companies like Kel Tec won't sell handguns in CA.

And the result of the crusade against Saturday Night Specials? 
We keep shooting ourselves.  We need to take a test on safety.
Gangs no longer shoot each other with a 22, 32, 380, or 38.  They moved up to the more lethal 9mm, 40, or 45 rounds.
Gun sales skyrocket at the hint of a ban.

Totally crazy, but being a Native Kommieforinan, it s the stupid government regulations I have come to expect.  If Nevada had access to the ocean, I'd move back.

NAA Products / Re: Mouse gun..
November-11-17 20:11
Quote from: smokeless joe on November-11-17 14:11
Quote from: OLD and GRUMPY on November-11-17 14:11
Moose like peanut butter?
Only jif

Yep, spread it on the tip of the diving board.

For mice...
One of a few variations.  Roller, teeter totter, ...

There is a screen top trap.
NAA Products / Re: Mouse gun..
November-11-17 10:11
Mouse traps.

Water bucket mouse catcher. 
5 gallon bucket with 1 gallon water.  Wire across the top, roller with peanut butter.
Plenty of examples how to build them.  YouTube has examples.  Catch them by the bucket full.

crosman american classic pump air pistol
I loaned mine to a friend who shot rats with it. Slow to load, super accurate.  At 18 feet, I shot across my apartment.  I used 25 cent size target centers as the target.  Put 3 shots with 1/4" if I was careful.  Fully pumped, it will do serious damage.

These air pistols are addicting.  Everyone who shot one, went out and bought one. Improved my aim tremendously shooting it every day.
Google single shot pistol 22lr

Google Chippewa Little Badger survival rifle
The ballistics by the inch is a good article.
NAA Products / Re: Newbie Here
July-30-17 09:07
Quote from: mainstreet on July-29-17 07:07
Welcome to our forum, Valvestem!  I have tried several different grips for my 22 LR 1 1/8 Mini, and for me, I prefer the rubber slip on grip. To me, it has the best feel and stability.
Is that the Hogue slip on grip from NAA?  The standard grips are way too small.
I always wrap handguns in a silicon cloth before placing them in a case.
I've noticed handgun case foam will suck the oil out of most blued guns.

Why clear? You know what is inside.
NAA Products / Re: Used Black Widow
July-30-17 09:07
I saw a 1-5/8 inch barrel for sale on Gunbroker.  That made me wonder if NAA would install a longer barrel on a 1-1/8" 22 mag?  1-5/8 or 2" barrel.

The situation in California truly sucks.  Most of my recent purchases are based on "buy it before they ban it."
NAA Products / Re: Used Black Widow
July-29-17 21:07
Quote from: OLD and GRUMPY on July-29-17 17:07

Good people.
I didn't see the black widow.
NAA Products / Re: Used Black Widow
July-29-17 17:07
Yes. I agree 100%.  It is a scheme to make selling handguns too expensive in California, so many manufactures sell a limited portion of their line or just don't sell to CA.

You can't buy any new Colts or Gen4 Glocks!  >:(

Result?  Probably saved a few NEgligent discharges from dropped guns.  Criminals have gone from 22, 32, 380, and 38 to more lethal 9mm, 40, and 45 handguns.

That link looked like gamers were selling online fantasy weapons.  Too weird to even pursue.
NAA Products / Re: Used Black Widow
July-29-17 16:07
I have been looking for a BW or 1-5/8 magnum for sale in California for years.  You found a unicorn.

In California , Only 1-1/8 in .22lr and 22mag are sold.  Along with the 4" MiniMaster and black powder revolver.  So only 4 of the NAA models without even the barrel length option.

Kommiefornia requires every handgun to pass their expensive safety test.  The 1-1/8 and 1-5/8 barrel lengths are considered two different models. Due to the 4" barrel and single action, the MiniMaster is exempt.  The Black Widow can only be imported by law enforcement officers.
Many hotel rooms have small safes.
The NAA is small enough to put in another container.

Personal alarm & fishing line makes a good alarm.

While driving keep up with state laws.

I could never be accurate with the small grip. Look into the Cvang or other grip. I went the folding holster grip.
Post up your results.  I put on the holster grip because the standard wood grips for the LR frame are too small.
Anyone have a blued Black Widow?
If I could buy a BW (not for sale in CA)  I would want both cylinders.   Twice the chances of finding ammo.
The 22mag is going to be a major noise maker.   Which could be good if the first shot misses.

If you're going to buy a larger magnum frame, why not get the magnum cylinder?
I bought the .22lr frame as only 1-1/8" barrel minis can be sold in California.

A police officer on a motorcycle board I frequent claims he has seen too many people shot with .22's and have little effect to consider one for self defense.    I'd rather have a .22lr than nothing.   He has the luxury of carrying a 9mm.

If you look at my profile, I have posts where I researched the ballistics.
22lr and 22mag are close with REALLY short barrels.
22lr ammo choice is the biggest factor.
22mag, the longer the barrel, the better performance.

This article is about the recent shootings and other police actions. 
However, is shows lots people getting shot, Tasered, or sprayed with little effect.   Interesting take on self defense.
NAA Products / Re: Ported or Not?
December-03-14 19:12
Quote from: OV-1D on December-03-14 15:12
Quote from: daveyinpa on November-27-14 00:11
Has anyone shot a ported model ? What would the benefits be if any? I own a 22lr model but have an opportunity to buy a 22lr ported

Put it in the gun safe next to the S&W 460 and 500.

  Novelties seldom have any practical use , like this , who needs more flash except on the fourth of July . :) :)
NAA Products / Re: Ported or Not?
December-03-14 14:12
Other than owning another mini, I don't see much advantage.

Many owners of ported pistols complain of having more flash due to the ports.  Blinding the shooter seems to be the #1 change.   Considering the short barrels, how much downward force can be leveraged?  If the barrel was 6 inches or longer...  Also, 22lr is designed to burn as it travels about 16 -20 inches, so it is still burning as it comes out the ports.

I have a bushing compensator on my 1911, but it is a mainly for show.
That pin looks perfect for putting a hole in your pocket.

I can't remember using the retaining pin, but it might work.
I just used a short cleaning rod.

If you want a pin, I would design on to slide into the grip.  Drill the inside of a grip.  (remove I first, use a block to hold it.)

Boxes  or memory card boxes for holding 5 rounds would be flatter in your pocket.
NAA Products / Re: naa black powder
November-01-14 11:11
If I was going to get into black powder, which I considered a while back,  I would start with a more standard revolver, like the 36 Navy or 44 Remington reproduction.  Then read, read, read. So much to learn to avoid a bad day. Sometimes smaller firearms are more difficult.

Or start with reading up on full size black poweder handguns.  .  Also, learn how to avoid a chain fire where all the cylinders go off.  Sine ther is only one barrel, the results can be bad.
NAA Products / Re: Black Widow CCW
September-24-14 06:09
The black paint is a nice touch... Why didn't I think of that solution!

That many fail to fires and my firearm would be going back to the factory.

FYI: the folding grip is known to scratch the frame.  I just put a piece of Scotch tape on the frame on both sides, the put the grip back on.  Problem solved.