Wheel Gun Wednesday

Started by smokeless joe, October-18-17 06:10

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hey folks! is it Wednesday already? btw, there's some mighty fine lookin' pieces in this thread - congrats to all...

knocked off from swimming this morning (slightly sore shoulders), but i did hit the range with one of my favorite and inexpensive range toys - a Charter Arms Undercover in high polish... Charter Arms also sells a $25 hammer for converting your Undercover (and other revolvers) to double-action-only. It's stupid simple to replace the hammer:

1. remove grips
2. slightly cock hammer
3. insert paperclip end into hole in hammer spring guide
4. remove hammer spring assembly
5. unscrew hammer screw (just below cylinder release latch)
6. slide out old hammer
7. insert new hammer and re-assemble

So that's what i did last night... I think I like my Undercover configured this way, and it only took a little work to polish up the new spurless hammer to match the finish... i think i also like the 125gr JHP i recently acquired:

on the 'havin' fun down in the land of sun' Gulf of Mexico

smokeless joe

Thanks for bumping the thread with your new find willie. I wish I had a new wheel gun to post pics of. Maybe I can shoot new pics of my old guns until that day comes  ::)


Quote from: smokeless joe on September-18-19 16:09
Thanks for bumping the thread with your new find willie. I wish I had a new wheel gun to post pics of. Maybe I can shoot new pics of my old guns until that day comes  ::)
is that aloud LOL new pics of old guns  ::) ??? :o ;D


Maybe a new thread
Semi Tuesday
What do ya think LOL

smokeless joe

Quote from: Bigbird48 on September-18-19 17:09
Maybe a new thread
Semi Tuesday
What do ya think LOL
Hmmm... or firearm Friday  ???


Shoot em up Monday[/size] :P


Fast draw Friday

Yee haa!

Wanna see it again?


Quote from: barrytheprof on September-18-19 19:09
Fast draw Friday

Yee haa!

Wanna see it again?
No we already have friday try again LOL


Tough crowd . . .

I don't get no respect. When I was born the doctor slapped my mother . . .

<loosens tie>

smokeless joe

Quote from: barrytheprof on September-18-19 22:09
Tough crowd . . .

I don't get no respect. When I was born the doctor slapped my mother . . .

<loosens tie>



hey folks - wednesday already? wow, time flies... well, here's my contribution: a Ruger Bearcat Shopkeeper... took it out for a function check yesterday and i'm glad to say that it passed with flying colors... this is my first single-action and i think i'll gain some enjoyment by slowing down, shooting less, and enjoying more... i've found that the process of loading and unloading a single-action revolver is fun for me (of course, i also like cleaning my weapons after every range session, so go figure)...

the short barrel and plain fixed stainless sights make this little piece challenging to shoot - but that's part of the fun...

some nice touches here, such as the laser-engraved cylinder:

it even comes with a handy finger-slicer built in:

i kinda frowned when first attempting extraction, but by the end of the first range session i was zipping empties onto the bench with no problem... it's all in the wrist action, as the chamfered extractor rod can push out the shells by their lips:

ran 120 rounds of various ammo... this little Bearcat really seems to like CCI minimags, but ate CCI shorts, Aguila HV and Super Extra, Winchester M-22, and Remington Goldens...

i never realized how single-action revolvers are so much fun! i think i'm keeping this little guy...

on the Gulf of Mexico


That is a fine looking Ruger, Linux_author! I have always liked the way the Shopkeeper looked. If you are getting one .22 revolver, a Bearcat, either kind, would be at the top of my list. Very nice photos, too!


Nice Linux!

I am fond of my basic Bearcat. Mine shot well and for a little bit I had it in my BOB. That was 2hen 8 had a BOB, but that was to show how nice I thought mine was...
"The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it."
-Albert Einstein


Jeepers! Wednesday already? Well, I just got back from the range. Ran about 150 rounds through my MKIII w/suppressor, but honestly, had a tad more fun with my Ruger Shopkeeper... I think I'm getting a bit more used to the sights (will add a yard or so as I go along):

The more I shoot the little bugger the more I like it!

on the 'one cylinder at a time' Gulf of Mexico

smokeless joe

Quote from: linux_author on October-09-19 09:10
Jeepers! Wednesday already? Well, I just got back from the range. Ran about 150 rounds through my MKIII w/suppressor, but honestly, had a tad more fun with my Ruger Shopkeeper... I think I'm getting a bit more used to the sights (will add a yard or so as I go along):

The more I shoot the little bugger the more I like it!

on the 'one cylinder at a time' Gulf of Mexico
You're gonna make me start looking for one of those. I like Rugers almost as much as minis.


hey folks! here we are again on Wednesday! here's my story:

stopped by a local shop to return some malformed .38SPL loads from a bulk purchase (it happens, right?)... the shop always has a nice long counter filled with range toys for sale (Browning Hi-Power, Smith 500, Alaskan, antique rifles, etc.)...

but willie spied a couple goodies in the back: a pack of snubbies! and you know, snubbies are my special fun friends, so i came away with two of 'em! here's a hint; first, one in stainless:

the next in an alloy:

can you see why i like 'em?:

took them to the range and boy howdy, my first 15 rounds (dbl-action) out of the '-1' alloy model, destined for pocket carry, surprised the heck out of me:

the other, which is destined for cool-weather hip carry, wasn't too shabby either (50 rounds, dbl-action):

the no-dash 60 and the 637-1 (+P compatible, but not marked as such) are going to keep me happy...

until the next find!

having a lot of fun, so i thought i'd share...

on the Gulf of Mexico

smokeless joe

I like the little airweight. If I find a used one of those I may "pull the trigger" myself.


I love the Model 60 Linux. I am a big fan of S&W snubbies.  ;)
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.


hey folks - Wednesday again?! my pic today has a little back story with an accompanying rant... here goes...

i like shooting rimfire... it's a lot of fun... i recently discovered the joy of single-action revolvers with a new Ruger Shopkeeper, but because i'm such a sick monkey if i find one gun i like then i like to have a couple two or three of the same type and/or model...

a LGS (the biggest near me) isn't my favorite place... its prices are kinda high and its range fees per session or yearly membership are stupid expensive... however, it put a big ad in the paper two weeks ago and i decided to check out its sale... here's the rant:

i saw a lot of people buying guns... a LOT of people... many were seniors who for any number of reasons decided they needed a gun - in a number of cases you could tell they really didn't know anything about guns at all... now this LGS employs a lot of very young men (early 20s), and due to an unusual crowd was in full-on sales mode... browsing around i watched this couple in their 80s getting a successful sales pitch for a Kel-Tec Sub-2000 Glock 40 .cal model... the sales twink didn't seem to have the sense that not only was there no way either of the couple would have the hand/wrist/arm strength to cycle the bolt, or handle the recoil (no pads on stock subbies), but getting a cheek weld with glasses on would have been very difficult...

i thought at the time that i saw the reason for so many used guns on the market, many unused or with a low-round count...

i thought some of sales were inappropriate (the seniors weren't the only gun newbies being sold weapons), but hey, it wasn't my place to say anything, so i kept browsing... so here's the story for Wheelgun Wednesday:

there were quite a few guns on display... if i had to estimate i would say nearly a thousand, with a half-dozen large tables stacked with multiple police trade-ins, a wall of M&P 15s, Kel-Tecs, CZs, etc... the majority of weapons out for handling were semi-autos, but there was a table full of Smith, Taurus, and Colt revolvers...

interestingly, all the Ruger revolvers were under glass in the counters, and one end of one 75-foot-long counter held Ruger single-actions... when i went over, i had to duck my head down, but lo and behold i saw a red mark-down tag on a blued Ruger Bearcat... i had to look twice as the price was 60% off retail, but once i got one of the sales twinks to pull it out i bought it on the spot...

(turns out the Bearcat was a 2013 and had been sitting for 6 years)

there were so many sales going on that customers were directed to a large classroom to fill out the 4473s... each weapon purchased was placed in a plastic bin, and the bins were queued around three corners of the classroom's walls... there was standing room only, but the background checks were coming back pretty fast... i noticed that nearly all (90 percent) of folks walked right out with their purchase due to having a CWL... it only took about 30 minutes to get out of there and i had 20 folks ahead of me in the queue (i could watch the progress as my Bearcat in its bin moved around the floor along with walls to the register)

so, short rant, long story, but the great news is that i had fun the next day with my Bearcat Shoot-out:


Quote from: linux_author on November-06-19 05:11
because i'm such a sick monkey if i find one gun i like then i like to have a couple two or three of the same type and/or model.......the great news is that i had fun the next day with my Bearcat Shoot-out:

I really enjoy my two Bearcats, identical stainless ones from 2012. As you say, I like Bearcats and Guardians more than enough to want two. I'm sure you found your second 'cat well worth the wait, at a great price, too....
"If you get it and didn't work for it, someone else worked for it and didn't get it..."

* Guardian .32 (2) * Zastava M70 .32 (3) * Bearcat stainless (2) * SP101 .22 * Ruger SR22 (2) * S&W M&P 15-22 Sport


linux - nice bearcat.  I assume at 60% off it was a good find.  Enjoy.  There just seems to be something about a single action revolver that makes me smile.

I can't say that I've ever witnessed a scene like you described.  I stay as far away from most stores on Black Friday and most other days for that matter.


Nice score! Looks like lots o fun with a new Ruger.


I do love the old single action revolvers. SAA's to be precise have a special place in my heart.  ;)
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.


Me too on the single actions.
I love conversions.

God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


tks fellas, and boy howdy, those are some purty shootin' irons!

on the 'gonna grow me a walrus mustache' Gulf of Mexico


I am more of a exposed hammer, double action kind of a guy. I like my options... ;D
"All it takes for evil to prevail, is for good men to do nothing."  Edmund Burke

smokeless joe

Nice pics guys. Beautiful wheel guns. I either have to buy some more or take pics of my old ones from different angles and repost them  ::)


Quote from: smokeless joe on November-08-19 03:11
Nice pics guys. Beautiful wheel guns. I either have to buy some more or take pics of my old ones from different angles and repost them  ::)

Different angles will work.
Would make nice pictures.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )

smokeless joe

Quote from: uncle_lee on November-08-19 04:11
Quote from: smokeless joe on November-08-19 03:11
Nice pics guys. Beautiful wheel guns. I either have to buy some more or take pics of my old ones from different angles and repost them  ::)

Different angles will work.
Would make nice pictures.
So it shall be written. It shall be done!

top dog

Those are a nice set of grips on that Charter 4" Pathfinder. Do you have the 22mag/LR cylinders for it?

I have a 2" Pathfinder that I have both cylinders for.

I have several Charters and am totally pleased with them.

I go to the plant several times a year and visit with the folks there.

                                                                                        Top Dog.


Quote from: top dog on November-08-19 08:11
Those are a nice set of grips on that Charter 4" Pathfinder. Do you have the 22mag/LR cylinders for it?

I have a 2" Pathfinder that I have both cylinders for.

I have several Charters and am totally pleased with them.

I go to the plant several times a year and visit with the folks there.

                                                                                        Top Dog.

Just the mag cylinder. All I shoot in both of mine are 22 mag.
The grips are a remake of the first ones I made, giving them a little more contour...in Walnut.
"All it takes for evil to prevail, is for good men to do nothing."  Edmund Burke


Fabulous Uncle Lee .............. simply fabulous. I love that conversion piece.  ;D
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.


Quote from: RogueTS1 on November-08-19 13:11
Fabulous Uncle Lee .............. simply fabulous. I love that conversion piece.  ;D

Well Pilgrim,
When I shoot that I am The Duke.. 8)
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )

top dog

You did an excellent job on those grips. The wood on your knife,is it the same??  Looks like it.

                                                                          Top Dog