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Messages - WECSOG

NAA Products / Re: Black Widow on order
November-09-18 12:11
Welcome and congrats! The BW is a very popular Mini around here. I like mine a lot, too.
NAA Products / Re: 2nd Pug, combo or not?
November-09-18 12:11
Quote from: Adk.IBO on November-09-18 10:11
For those who want to know the new cylinder, timing service and return shipping, for a Pug is $75. Plus shipping to them.

Thanks! That's good to know.
NAA Products / Re: 2nd Pug, combo or not?
November-09-18 07:11
Quote from: Adk.IBO on November-08-18 21:11
Yup. Through an FFL. Only way when you sell a gun. Your numbers may vary...You can bet I'll research it before buy one. Non FFL sellers (me included) on GB ship guns they've sold through FFLs for a lot less than $75. When there are no transfer fees FFLs around here are reasonable (I guess).

The prices I quoted were for shipping a handgun yourself, directly to a manufacturer or FFL (such as a gunsmith).
You're right, having an FFL ship it for you can be a lot cheaper if they don't charge much for the service. An FFL can send a handgun through the mail, which is much cheaper.
A lot of FFLs though will charge $35 or more to ship it for you, then another $35 or more to transfer it back to you when it returns. They can do that because when you have an FFL ship a gun, you are transferring it even if it is for a repair. Then when it returns, they transfer it again back to you. It goes in their bound book both ways.
But when you ship directly to the manufacturer or a gunsmith to work on a gun and send it or a replacement back to you, no transfer is taking place. The gunsmith does have to keep a record, but it's not the same as a transfer.
Lots of FFLs will argue that point, because they don't know.

It's much cheaper to ship a long gun for repair. Even as a non-FFL, you can mail it through USPS.
NAA Products / Re: 2nd Pug, combo or not?
November-08-18 20:11
Quote from: Adk.IBO on November-08-18 19:11
...hmm, I've shipped guns before and it's no where near the numbers you're talking about. My dilema is my Pug is ported and the only ported Pugs I've found are magnum only, except the one like mine that has Wasp cylinders, cheesy holster and a laser. I want plain cylinders so I don't mix and maybe not match and I don't want a laser or another holster. I don't want to get one that is not ported because I want it to shoot similarly to the one I have. That's my story and I'm stickin' to it :D

Handguns? Recently?
Unless you are an FFL holder, handguns cannot be sent through the mail. They must go common carrier (UPS or Fedex) and the common carriers will only ship them overnight. The only way around that for a non-FFL is to just ship it and don't tell them what's in it... which is a felony.

I've shipped a handgun through UPS, following the rules. It was $75. And that was a few years ago. Rates have increased since then.
NAA Products / Re: 2nd Pug, combo or not?
November-08-18 18:11
I think they used to list the price of an additional cylinder under "parts," but it doesn't seem to be there anymore. IIRC, it was about $40. Or maybe it was $59. That's oddly specific I know, but it's what came to me.
Anyway the biggest problem is shipping it to them. You can ship it direct via UPS, but it has to go overnight air and that costs upwards of $100. Or you can take it to your local FFL and have them ship it (they can send it through the mail), but they will charge you a transfer fee in both directions. So it might not be much savings there. Bottom line is it's gonna probably cost at least $150 including the new cylinder, for something you could have bought with the gun for a lot less.

If I were gonna ship back my 1-5/8" Magnum (which I bought used for ~$180 but it just has the one cylinder), I would just ship it direct rather than messing with the FFL. And I would go ahead and get at least two additional cylinders, to make it worth the trip. Maybe an LR and an additional Magnum. Or maybe even two LRs and a Magnum. That way I could go all Josey Wales and have 20 shots on tap! 
NAA Products / Re: 2nd Pug, combo or not?
November-08-18 09:11
Personally, I would always go for the additional cylinder.
Quote from: Warty62 on November-07-18 15:11
Well WESCOG, it is even better in a group buy.  I know a few folks nearby who will do this and some even have cannons that got through BP like it is going out of style, so they will get with me eventually and we can group buy.  Grafs is also good about this when we tell them this is what we are doing, they put stuff back for us so it will be there when the order arrives.  I only want a few ponds to shot my flintlock and my other revolvers.  It is fine for me to use the substitute until the GB can be done.

Well ok then!
Quote from: Warty62 on November-07-18 07:11
As Uncle Lee says, you must have a special magazine to store BP so most places, who are in towns, can't do this so they sell the substitute.  I will order from Grafs next time I can get a bunch of folks to order with me so the hazmat isn't so bad for all of us.  I love the smell of real  BP.

Actually even buying only one pound from Graf's would be cheaper for me than buying locally. I can get it locally but it costs about $35/lb plus tax, so a little over $38. That's not even counting the gas and time it takes to go pick it up.
Goex black powder (which is what I can find locally) is $18.59 at Graf's. Add $10 Haz Mat and 7.95 S&H and you end up with $36.54.
If I decided to buy 2 lbs it would be $18.59 x 2 = $37.18, plus $10 plus $7.95 = $55.13 or $27.57 per lb.
The more you buy the less effect the shipping and hazmat has on the final price, but even a single lb would be worth it to me vs. picking it up locally, if only for the convenience factor.
Quote from: Warty62 on November-06-18 17:11
You have a lot more BP stuff than I 1858fan!  I love your stuff, I love BP too.  Just wish BP was sold here, only that substitute stuff.  :(

Graf's will ship you some. Shipping is only $7.95 plus $10 HazMat, and the prices are good too.
NAA Products / Re: open carry
November-01-18 06:11
Just yesterday I was working around the property while carrying my Ruger Redhawk strongside. I shot it for awhile on my range, testing a new handload. Also it was just what I wanted to carry that day.

At one point my truck was running low of fuel, so I drove to the nearby town to refuel. I was still open carrying my Redhawk. I neither know nor care what anyone thought about that. I wasn't trying to make a statement nor an impression. The Redhawk was what I was carrying and what I wanted to carry. That short trip was such a small part of my overall day, I saw no point in removing the big revolver in favor of something smaller and lighter.

I've seen a lot of people on forums making assumptions and generalizations about open carriers. Those assumptions are not always true.
NAA Products / Re: open carry
October-29-18 19:10
Quote from: Warty62 on October-29-18 10:10
Yeah, I know Rogue, it just makes me wonder when  the youngsters will learn to think on their own.

Unfortunately, they've been taught not to.
NAA Products / Re: open carry
October-26-18 13:10
Quote from: Ruger on October-26-18 12:10
Quote from: SteveZ-FL on October-26-18 09:10. . . . . . It's hilarious (again, to me) that we can have mandatory public-funded sex education in schools, but no true civics education on our Constitution, especially on the Bill of Rights and why each Amendment exists.  . . . . .

If you want a good education on the Bill of Rights, watch the Netflix show "Turn".  It is a great show, limited episodes, but shows how the British pissed off everyone by enforcing the opposite of almost all of our bill of rights . . . throwing you in jail if you spoke your mind at the local pub; searching your bags, carts, and homes just to exert authority;  forcing you to house their soldiers, feed them, wash their clothes, while they raped your daughter, conscripted your sons, sold your stuff, and threatened your life everyday; put you on a prison ship in the harbor with no length of sentence or real reason; and assumed you were guilty because you were a colonist.  Remember, the shot heard around the world was from defending the arsenal the British were coming to confiscate, at a time when firearms meant the difference between life and death on the frontier.  It was these reasons the founders wanted to identify the rights of the people under this new form of government.

We need to teach our youth that the Constitution grants powers to the branches of government, but identifies rights of the people, from whom the powers to government flowed.

NAA Products / Re: open carry
October-26-18 13:10
I'm always wary when I'm out in public, especially in an urban setting.
When I see an open carrier I think, "Cool; another person who is exercising his rights despite all the noise from those who wish to curtail them."
I by no means equate open carrying with implied threat. And I disagree about the urban vs. rural OC argument. Yes, there have been (and are) more open carriers in rural environs, but IMO that is just another symptom of the cultural differences between city folks vs. country folks.

Historically, open carry was seen as the accepted way for an honest person to carry a gun. Hiding one's gun was what criminals did. Most states saw OC as Constitutionally protected; that's why they didn't require a license. A lot of those states also didn't allow concealed carry, period. Then when they started allowing some concealed carry, all but one state (Vermont) required a license with an approval process, to control who could do so.
NAA Products / Re: open carry
October-25-18 05:10
Quote from: Warty62 on October-23-18 20:10
It seems myself and Bigbird agree about Open Carry.  Of course I may be mistaken as I don't spend a lot of time in these threads except to check out how things are proceeding.

Bad Guys want folks they can take easily, they don't want people that they feel might be able to defend themselves.  I used to lived on the South Side of Chicago, this is a very dangerous area to be in if you are whiter than others and tend to be out after dark.  I had to work though as I wasn't able to just sit around and get paid for doing nothing and I wasn't a drug dealer so I worked.  Often that meant walking home after dark, I didn't even own a car then, way too much money and I was working three jobs just to have money to eat and pay rent and bills.  I walked by gangstas and all the bad folks and walked with my head up, meeting eyes of them and walking confidently as I went by keeping sure they weren't going to do me harm.  Yeah, I did keep a pocket knife with a very sharp blade and easy to flick open on me at all times but they usually had guns, no permits for regular folks in Chi-Town and gangsta don't care if it is against the law.  No one ever bothered me or made any move on me, ever.  Sure, back then I was a really big guy and was extremely strong but that does nothing against a firearm.

My Point, the bad guys want people that they feel can be taken EASILY.  Often I would walk some of the older women who lived in or near my building to and from the store, carrying their groceries.  It was to protect them and some of them were GREAT cooks and would often invite me for a great meal for doing this for them.  I was a bachelor and so I would go and eat a decent share, never glutting as they too ere poor.  Then head back home or to work. 8)
Quote from: Bigbird48 on October-23-18 18:10
Quote from: RICKS PLACE on October-23-18 14:10
While open carry is legal (with permit) in Texas, I have not seen a single example since the law came in.  In fact, I am told that in most permit classes, the newbies are warned against it.  I am for having the open carry law, in fact don't mind seeing the 'open carry folks'  take advantage of it.  I am old and much slower in reaction time, so I figure if someone comes in to rob or shoot up the place, I figure he/she will shoot the open carry guys first and give me a chance to take cover and use my concealed piece.
Why do you need a permit to open carry? thats weird.
I think this is the wrong way to think. Bad guys are basically cowards and prey on the weak. If they see you have a gun they know your going to fight back and in all likelihood will turn tail and run. Its been shown over nad over again that most of the time this is what happens.

I'm in this camp too. And over the course of 30+ years, I have been in a few situations where the sight of my open carried firearm caused one or more BGs to immediately stop what they were doing and look for easier pickings.
Could be. Thanks, Warty!
Quote from: Warty62 on October-10-18 19:10
Grips look like Hogue Fancy Hardwood grips to me as I have a few of those on some of my revolvers and pistols as well.  They look great guys, nice looking revolvers and ones I might even want to own if I had money.  Keep up the great pix and posts!

The Model 15 pictured above wears factory S&W finger groove grips.
Speaking of the Combat Masterpiece:
Lots of people have been found dead with a nearly full magazine in their gun, too.  Even with a 5 round revolver, there is no guarantee of living long enough to fire all 5.

I think it was cb151 who recounted being in a restaurant with a bunch of guys, having a conversation like this. So he challenged everyone to produce their carry gun. He pulled out his NAA, which had a 5-round greater capacity than anyone else... because everyone else had left their "carry gun" in their vehicle.
NAA Products / Re: Sad, Indeed
October-04-18 04:10
Quote from: bill_deshivs on October-02-18 09:10
Sad, but the melted puddle is not part of his gun. The cylinder and frame would have both melted at the same temperature.

The puddle looks like aluminum. That does look like an NAA cylinder, but NAA minis don't have aluminum frames.

Did the copies Charter Arms sold for awhile have aluminum frames? I don't think so, but I could be wrong.
I once left a comment on a youtube video, where I quoted Col. Jeff Cooper saying he didn't think the ability of a sidearm to carry that many rounds was of any real advantage.  You should have heard the howls of derision. According to some of the respondents, only a complete moron would walk to the mailbox with less than 13 rounds in their gun and an additional 26 rounds in spare mags.  ::)
Quote from: Gun1 on September-29-18 04:09
...if the NAA mini was all you had against an assailant armed with a gun would you guys feel confident engaging the assailant with the NAA mini or would you rather try to make a run for it or comply with the assailant's demands because using the NAA mini against an assailant carrying a gun is more likely to get you killed than help you?

This is a very common misconception: that you need to have power, round count and rapid fire ability to match or exceed your assailant. Those things would seem to be of utmost importance, but are in reality relatively irrelevant.  In fact, that attitude can get you killed. It doesn't take 13, 9mm or larger misses to kill you. It only takes a single .22 Short in the right spot. Any missed rounds fired before the lethal shot don't matter except to give your assailant more time to get that one shot into you. A 15 shot, .40 caliber Glock is no more (nor less) deadly than a single shot .22.
NAA Products / Re: Now this is a knife!
October-01-18 16:10
Quote from: grayelky on September-30-18 18:09
In your first pic, is that a .44 sp?

I can answer that: yes, it is a .44 Special Charter Arms Bulldog.
Quote from: billmeek on September-30-18 10:09
Quote from: WECSOG on September-30-18 06:09
In fact my 701 worked with the space pen refill without modification, although it is a bit sticky in retraction.

Cut off the tip of the tip of the plastic insert and you won't have the problem of it being sticky.  The plastic sleeve that comes with the space pen refill can also be trimmed to make it retract better.
You're right about the plastic insert. But it works ok, so I'm waiting to see if it will "self-clearance."  :D  If I don't have to take out the insert, so much the better.
As for the plastic sleeve (the Parker adapter), it's not used in the Zebra pens.
Quote from: billmeek on September-30-18 10:09
Quote from: WECSOG on September-30-18 06:09
If the "all metal" 701 still has the plastic insert, that won't be an issue.

I'll let you know once I get the all metal version in-hand.  It'll be several days as Zebra Pen is closed through October 2nd for inventory.  With luck I might have it by Saturday.

I'm looking forward to it.
Quote from: billmeek on September-29-18 15:09
Quote from: WECSOG on September-29-18 05:09
Some people mod their F701 with the metal clicker bezel from the F402, swap in a space pen cartridge, etc.

I just looked into this after reading your post.  While you can mod the 701, I read about people importing the Zebra F-xMD from England which already is an all steel version sold by Zebra.  Checking around, they currently sell for ~$18 including shipping.  But with a little more research on my part, I found that Zebra now sells a "all metal" version in the USA too for $8.99 :

Note - the URL indicates a 7mm but the description says 8mm.

I didn't see it on Amazon so I ordered direct from their website.  When you add it to the cart, they also (currently) automatically add a 'F-301 Retractable Ballpoint 0.7mm Black 2pk' for free.  Shipping is $5 flat rate or free for $30 orders, but if you put in the promo code "FREESHIPPING"... you get free shipping (duh!) without having to load $30 worth of stuff into the cart.   So I got an all metal version of the F-701 for $8.99 (shipped) and a couple of the F-301 pens to leave laying around on my desk.  That's a much better deal than modding it yourself.  Now off to Amazon to order the space pen refill.

Thanks! I was aware of the overseas version, but I'm going to act on this new info.

BTW, if it's truly all metal the space pen refill might not work. What a lot of Zebra modders don't seem to notice (or at least mention) is that the F-402 actually is all metal except for the rubber overlay on the grip area. That includes the entire nib, unlike the F-701 with its plastic insert in the metal nib. I attempted to use a space pen refill in a 402, and it doesn't work because the narrow portion of the refill isn't long enough to allow the mechanism to click open. It can probably be modified to work, but it will definitely require more work than the standard 701. In fact my 701 worked with the space pen refill without modification, although it is a bit sticky in retraction.
If the "all metal" 701 still has the plastic insert, that won't be an issue.

I find it interesting though that the "lower grade" F-402, which is half the price of the "premium" F-701, has higher quality internals than the 701. 
Quote from: Dirty Bob on September-27-18 17:09
When going through metal detectors, I like to have along my crook-top hickory cane. It's a stock cane I bought at a feed store. I reshaped the hook. It used to curve back and point toward the shaft of the cane. I cut some off, so it's just a half circle, now. I then brought the end of the hook to a dull point that doesn't look threatening. I sanded it and gave it a nice finish. There's a rubber tip on the bottom. There's no metal, no finger grooves, or other stuff. Just a simple, heavy duty cane. No one looks twice at it, beyond telling me they have to put it through the x-rays, and do I need the cane to walk through the metal detector?

I also have a sturdy pen (Zebra F701).

Fly under the radar!
Dirty Bob

Those stainless steel Zebras are good pens. I have an F701 too, as well as several F402s.  Some people mod their F701 with the metal clicker bezel from the F402, swap in a space pen cartridge, etc.
NAA Products / Re: Lead or no lead
September-26-18 02:09
Never take gun advice from a gun salesman, auto mechanics advice from a parts store employee, or legal advice from a cop.  :D

Do take advice on medications from a pharmacist, though. He probably knows more about it than your doctor.
Stories / Re: cbl51
September-23-18 06:09
Nope. There is indeed a troll on this forum, but it's not you, Al.
Stories / Re: cbl51
September-22-18 16:09
So will I.
NAA Products / Re: NAA Mini 22 LR Revolver
September-19-18 20:09
Stories / Re: cbl51
September-07-18 21:09
Quote from: Dinadan on September-07-18 15:09
Fellows, what happened with cbl51 was definition of politeness compared to what used to happen here. Ovid and I both resigned over attacks that came our way, though we both came back eventually. (Maybe not everyone was happy about that...)

Some things may have been said to cbl51 that should not have been said, true. But, when a member starts talking about seeing the light go out in an enemy soldier's eyes when he has killed him ... that is some serious stuff. cbl51 certainly implied that he had that experience ... but he did not definitely state that he did. Ever, that I saw. When a man starts that kind of talk he needs to be ready to back it up. Either he did it or he did not. It seems to me that cbl51 was quite careful to avoid stating that he did or did not do the things that he implied that he did.

I disagree. Yes, that is some heavy stuff. But I support cb's right to talk about it without owning it as personal experience, on an open forum. If it's not personal experience, and especially if it is.

Personally I'm more likely to doubt someone who brashly states that "I did this." Someone who has real experience in something like that might discuss it when he feels he is among friends, just to get it off his chest. But it might still bother him too much to come right out and say he's talking about personal experience. And then of course there's the matter of opsec.

I knew a former CIA guy who operated in SE Asia during the war. He didn't talk about his experiences there. But he did write "fiction" and share it with a few people. There wasn't enough hard info in those stories to pin down specific events. But there was definitely enough there to make it pretty obvious that the man had seen things he couldn't talk openly about.

When it comes to someone like that, I either believe him or I don't. If I don't believe him, it makes no difference to me what he says. But if I do believe him, I have too much respect for his privacy to ask for proof.
NAA Products / Re: Niche markets
September-07-18 20:09
The two rounds I have been shooting a lot of lately are .22 LR subsonic, and .454 Casull. Variety is the spice of life.
NAA Products / Re: Niche markets
September-07-18 01:09
I like .32 S&W Long and even .32 S&W. But then I still like .22 LR even though we now have .22 WMR.
I like .22 Short and .22 WRF too, and usually keep some of both around.
Stories / Re: cbl51
September-06-18 01:09
It is a shame, indeed. CB added way more to this forum than... well, let's just say he was an outstanding member. I enjoyed his stories. And I believe them, too.
Furthermore, a man's military service is his own business and shouldn't be called into question unless he is known to have done something wrong.
Technically a snowbird is someone who travels south for the winter, then returns north for summer. Even a Florida native who moves north for the summer is a snowbird.

There are other terms for people who move south and never go back.  ;D
Stories / Re: Snakes and Me
September-01-18 19:09
Quote from: Dirty Bob on September-01-18 10:09
Sorry for the misunderstanding. It is an unusual little cartridge.

Dirty Bob

Yeah, it is. I wish Lone Wolf would make an inexpensive Glock barrel chambered in it. That would be fun to play with.