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Messages - Jobrando

Quote from: Wumbey Goomba on September-29-19 12:09
Yeah, I like the cool factor, but I can't get past the goofy trigger. I  wonder why they came up with that. Is it really that hard to pull with one finger?
A real trigger and a guard and I bet it would sell better, than like you said just a curio.
You will never pull it with one finger and never pull it with two fingers and achieve any degree
of accuracy until you find break point just before boom. Who wants that?  If anyone buys you been warned.
Mine is in my curio collection and that's where it will stay unless standard fixes trigger.
369 but I recommend it as a curio only
Technically a machine gun. Makes big fireball and recoil more than u would think.
I purchased it for my car and it sits on the console now. I really don't recommend it for any other
Purpose. At 10 and 21 ft ok. Any thing beyound good luck. Now the reason id give it minus 1 star is the massive trigger pull and the trigger bar in the way for reset to fire again. Absolutely terrible firearm. Save your money.
Other Guns (Non-NAA) / Re: Something New
September-06-19 13:09
Let me know when its 22wmr and I'm in.
NAA Products / Re: Ranger II info
September-06-19 07:09
I think its all in the thumb. If the thumb is your weakest then you going to have problem.
Proof of purchase email tonight.
Just kept smashing like play dough and fits perfectly. No cutting.
I use these on my rimfires. No problem
NAA Products / Re: Cleaning and Lube
September-02-19 04:09
Eezox all my firearms
Quote from: OV-1D on September-01-19 14:09
Quote from: Jobrando on September-01-19 05:09
Quote from: Warthog on August-31-19 16:08
I have CVaang grips on one of my Ranver 2's, a little off the back of the ears on the grips and mine works fi e. I used a k ife to make the adjustments.
be most helpful if someone posted a YouTube doing it. I bought a pair of vang competitor
Grips that said they would fit ranger but were far off. I sent back for adjustments but still
Not right. Sent back got refund. Thats why im reluctant to taking my dremal to it.

  A lot of guys have carved theirs just fine on here , maybe someone who has any will walk you thru it . :)
a pic with a pointer to area to carve out would build my confidence. Also a top down pic
Of one thats been done. Gaps are unacceptable to me.
Quote from: Canoeal on September-01-19 09:09
Quote from: Jobrando on September-01-19 05:09
Quote from: Warthog on August-31-19 16:08
I have CVaang grips on one of my Ranver 2's, a little off the back of the ears on the grips and mine works fi e. I used a k ife to make the adjustments.
be most helpful if someone posted a YouTube doing it. I bought a pair of vang competitor
Grips that said they would fit ranger but were far off. I sent back for adjustments but still
Not right. Sent back got refund. Thats why im reluctant to taking my dremal to it.

That might be hard for some to post...
your right,,, oh well maybe Vang wiil leave California and start making.
Quote from: smokeless joe on September-01-19 07:09
Be sure and give us a good review (with pics) once you've received it and give it the once over.
they tell me i will have mine in two weeks
These are suppose to be shipping but ive yet to see a youtube review. I ordered one about six weeks ago to use for car gun. Anyone received one?
Quote from: Warthog on August-31-19 16:08
I have CVaang grips on one of my Ranver 2's, a little off the back of the ears on the grips and mine works fi e. I used a k ife to make the adjustments.
be most helpful if someone posted a YouTube doing it. I bought a pair of vang competitor
Grips that said they would fit ranger but were far off. I sent back for adjustments but still
Not right. Sent back got refund. Thats why im reluctant to taking my dremal to it.
Quote from: OV-1D on August-31-19 15:08
Quote from: Jobrando on August-31-19 13:08
Quote from: OV-1D on August-31-19 11:08
  Just gotta carve out for going over the shield , use a rasp file then smooth out with fine grit sand paper . Slowly but surely always checking for coverage , want to take off just enough no more no less .Good luck you can do it .
are u saying dig out around the shield deeper on both sides
Can you take a pic from above. I like my grips seamless as im sure most of us expect.

   On the grips . Is there any other place ?
Quote from: OV-1D on August-31-19 11:08
  Just gotta carve out for going over the shield , use a rasp file then smooth out with fine grit sand paper . Slowly but surely always checking for coverage , want to take off just enough no more no less .Good luck you can do it .
are u saying dig out around the shield deeper on both sides
Quote from: grayelky on August-30-19 19:08
The Vang's will likely Ned to be sanded/filed a little where the catch comes up over the top. The part of the Vang's that serve as a recoil whiled fit close enough to the frame the catch will not clear. Just takes a little time and just a little patience. Otherwise, any grip for a magnum frame will fit, as long as they don't fit the frame close like the Vang's do.
Ive taken the vang mag grips off my pug and applied to ranger and its not even close. Much more than sanding needed.
Who is making grips for Ranger other than NAA. Vang does not. Anyone else?
NAA Products / Re: Your first Mini
August-28-19 13:08
Quote from: Bigbird48 on August-28-19 11:08
did you buy it that way or did you order it with the wasp cylinder and cvang grips
on gunbroker..had both cylinders
NAA Products / Re: Your first Mini
August-28-19 11:08
NAA Products / Re: BO II
August-27-19 06:08
Looks like my talo pug
NAA Products / Re: BO II
August-27-19 05:08
And whats a BO 2?
Canoeal, Yours looks great but that's not a ranger. The ranger front sight is like the size of pencil lead. I tried to paint it but it offers little help. The earnut worked perfectly on my ranger.
NAA Products / Re: Abalone magnum gri
August-25-19 06:08
Quote from: gebe on August-21-19 21:08
Quote from: bill_deshivs on July-20-19 19:07
For what it's worth, I guarantee my work.
Had Gebe simply said his grips don't fit and he wasn't happy, I would have simply returned his money.
It is my recollection that he said he had to do some fitting (which is to be expected) but that he was satisfied with the grips.
This is strictly for the record, as this incident has caused some "interesting" things on this forum.
BTW- the latest customer said his grips fit great and he is happy with them.

Yes Bill, I agree, I should have done that. But when you pay a premium for grips and an extra high fee for shipping, and another fee for shipping them back, I didn't want to go through all of that.

Yes, there should be a little bit of fitting but over 4 hours of fitting was quite a hassle! When I posted the pictures of the grips, you made a comment that they weren't as fitting as they should have been.

Look and I admit and as Bill said, I should have sent them back but after all the expense, I just wanted them to work. I still look at them with pride but always notice they could have been better
i ran into the same annoying problem with thing meister grips I purchased. However he foot the bill on shipping. So waiting for them to return.
Pic of ear nut
Quote from: PaducahMichael on August-24-19 12:08
Great idea! I'll give it a try.
go to hobby/craft store and for rubber ear nut
U want be sorry. Once you get it on cut it down to the pin
Pic with rubber ear nuts
found some jewelry ear nuts rubber that fit perfectly. My groups went from 24 inches to 6 inches at 21 feet.
What a find. Love it.
I guess folks content with the invisable little bead. My pug front sight is outstanding. I think i will take a tiny necklace bead and stick on it. If that fails off to tooltech it goes.
Has anyone changed that tiny little bead? If so to what. Thanks
NAA Products / Re: Ranger II
January-07-18 10:01
I m a potential ranger buyer but after the disappointing start I'm done.  I made that mistake once with another brand but not again. Forums can ruin gun makers or make them prosperous. Thanks folks for making me Delay my purchase.
I'm patiently waiting for you birds to be made happy so I can buy one from a retailer. Maybe by March 1st things will be resolved.
Silver black is very nice.