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Messages - Scott Free

Gold Dots (magnum) in the BW. CCI Velocitors in the LR.
Stories / Re: Roping a Deer
January-13-18 22:01
That story deserves a much bigger audience than it will have here.  :)
Stories / Re: Are we the tiny minority?
December-18-17 08:12
Hey CBL51!

I know you by a different name from over on that knife forum. I THOUGHT that was you from the info in your initial post about moving from MD to TX. Then I got down to your posting with the pic of your lil' gun and lil' knife and I knew for sure. It was that exact pic from over on bladeforums that originally got me started on minis. Glad to see you here!
NAA Products / Re: Grip advice
December-16-17 10:12
I have C-Vang style grips on my BW and really like them (mostly because of how they look on the gun.) I don't think they give any more control, though, than the original big rubber grips that come with the BW.

My advice is... If you want functional but cheap, go with the rubber oversize grips. If you want functional and COOL, go for the C-Vangs.
NAA Products / Re: Defensive shooting
December-12-17 17:12
For some of us, "defensive shooting" might include a rabid raccoon or a couple of threatening dogs in the woods. In such cases, I much prefer two hands and sights.
NAA Products / Re: Defensive shooting
December-08-17 22:12
I practice with one hand and with two. When shooting one-handed, I cock the hammer with the thumb of that hand. When shooting two handed, my grip is such that the thumb of my weak hand is wrapped around my strong hand (meaning the weak handed thumb is conveniently located right behind the hammer) so I cock it with the weak hand thumb. I wrestled with this same question in the past. Eventually, I realized that I don't really think about it when shooting. It's just totally natural (at least for me) to cock the hammer with the weak hand thumb when shooting two handed.
I had to send my BW back to NAA due to light strikes shortly after purchasing it. The problem started within a couple of cylinders or Aguila. (I can't remember the type but it was .22 lr, and not mag.) I mentioned this when talking to NAA about the problem and was told that they only recommend quality American made ammunition. So...I stopped shooting Aguila except for the primer fired Colibri. To be clear, it was not that the Aguila ammo was less sensitive to ignition. Once the light strike problem started, it also happened with CCI and others. It's just that the problem started with the Aguila (which might totally be just a coincidence.) I just thought I should mention it.
The Aguila Colibri I mentioned a few posts ago is fired only by the primer. It's still fairly loud out of a mini. 
I use Aguila Colibri primer-fired ammo which is quieter than CCI's Quiet ammo. Even so, I still wear hearing protection when shooting it from my BW. Out of a 4 inch Ruger, it sounds like a cap gun. Out of a BW, it sounds like a real gun.
As of 1:09 PM today (June 2) Midway has Golds Dots available. They never last long so...
How could they never have had them if the original poster bought several boxes??? 
NAA Products / Re: NAA in the Maytag?
April-30-17 16:04
Suppose your lil' gun did go through the wash or an accidental dunk in the river... What would you do? Compressed air? Leave it in the sun? Spray lube?
Those oversized grips will indeed fit your gun!  :)
NAA Products / Re: Black widow sights
March-05-17 07:03
Fixed sight are the way to go. Pop cans and sometimes even golf balls aren't safe out to 20 feet or so. I don't hit at 100% at those distances, but enough to know it's me and not the gun when I miss. Also, the adjustable sights are pretty big and will be much more likely to snag on the draw. 
You ain't kidding. I've gone to Midway in the past immediately after getting an email notice that a particular ammo was back in stock, and it was gone. Hopefully, things will settle down soon.
Yes, but the OP is specifically looking for Speer Gold Dots. They are not among the 8 listed.
cfsharry— I've clicked that link and the Gold Dots aren't there. Maybe they WERE, but not now.

I got mine by using That was a while ago, though, and haven't seen it since. It's still a good idea to get on the list for email notifications at ammoseek, midway and others. If you get the notification, don't hesitate!

MSG— where in PA are you located?
NAA Products / Re: Colibri shooting
February-09-17 19:02
The brick I am working on now has been extremely unreliable. I'm getting at least one or two misfires per cylinder. The brick previous to this one was pretty good, though. Out of a four inch barrel, it sounds like a pellet gun. Out of a mini and I have to wear hearing protection.
There's some interesting decibel level info for the Black Widow with various ammo in this video. The meter is placed ten feet from the shooter, and it's being shot from only a Black Widow, but there are still conclusions to be drawn from the data. Go to 29:45 of the video for a bit, and then jump to 33:28 for the data.
What ammo are you using? On the current Colibri I'm using I'm getting a failure to fire one or two times per cylinder. On anything else, it's 100%. At least try CCI before getting discouraged (unless you're shooting CCI already.)
I'm trying to improve my accuracy when shooting my Black Widow. I'm wondering which part of the finger others use when engaging the trigger. On other revolvers, I use the first joint mostly to help with long heavy trigger pulls. On the BW, I prefer to use the first joint, only for the sake of consistency. I could use the pad of my finger instead, though. I can't really say I'm more accurate either way. I'm mostly just wondering what others do.

If your gun has smaller grips, please don't comment unless you specifically say you shoot a gun with smaller grips so as not to confuse things. 
NAA Products / Re: Colibri shooting
February-05-17 13:02
At that price, I'd buy every box available!
NAA Products / Re: Just can't decide!
January-26-17 17:01
Some of my pants have deep big pockets. Others have thin shallow pockets. My BW fits them all. While both the BW and Pug are cool guns, I think only the Black Widow fits your need of plinking. Longer sight radius, and with sights that are designed more for precision than for speed. Also, the extra barrel length helps with velocity if you're carrying for defense. If you can only have one, make it the BW! It'll fit your needs, and it'll fit your pockets just fine.  :)
You can get decibel meter apps for phones. No idea if they would be accurate, tho.
1. I'm pretty sure no one has mentioned anything about aesthetics yet. I think a Black Widow with cvang or thingmeister grips is a very cool looking gun. There is no shortage of pics of interesting and beautiful little revolvers on this forum. (Thank you to those who post them.)

2. I have other revolvers in other calibers. My big .22 revolver is a Ruger SP101. I certainly like it. It's accurate and solid and just a great gun. It's also just a little bit boring compared to my Black Widow. There's just something about the BW that makes it a really fun plinker.

3. On the downside, I've had two issues that required service. On the plus side, if you ever need to deal with NAA, it is extremely easy, friendly, efficient and fast. Perhaps there are other gun companies that are equal to NAA for service, but it would be pretty much impossible to surpass them.
It seems very strange that this happened with both the "old" Pug and the "new" BW. I can't be a defect in both guns. Could the pins have gotten mixed between the two guns? In other words, could you be using the Pug pin in the BW and the BW pin in the Pug?
A "get off me gun" is a gun intended to be used at contact distances. Such as...a bad guy is on you. The gun (BANG!) is used to get him off you. His answer didn't address your concerns, though, as you asked about using it as a woods gun. As for me, I am plenty happy with my Black Widow as a plicking and woods gun. I would think a Mini Master would be even better for your purposes. I really don't mind the reloading procedures though. I think better sights trumps easy reloads. Obviously, not all will agree on this. 
NAA Products / Re: Greeting
November-14-16 19:11
I, too, had to return my little revolver to NAA after dry firing without the cylinder. If you're going to dry fire, use the yellow wall anchors as posted above.
Thanks to the Tru-oil suggestion above, followed by a bit of internet research, I think Tru-oil is the way to go!

Thank you!
I've asked for the grips to be left unfinished because I'm going to shorten them a little bit to fit my hand (and no bigger.) I'm going to have to finish the grips myself.

I just placed an order for a set of Thingmeister's walnut grips for my Black Widow. I asked that he leave them unfinished because I know I'll be shortening them so that they just fit my smallish hand. I'm hear to ask opinions on finishing them once my little modification is complete. I prefer to have a non-glossy finish, but of course I want the wood to look good, and also well protected. I'm not sure what to use. Can I just use oil—such as tung oil? Or is there something non-glossy that will seal the wood? I should mention that the gun is carried in a front pants pocket.

Those grooves may help dissipate heat a teeny tiny bit, but I suspect they're there for aesthetic reasons.
NAA Products / Re: sidewinder
May-21-16 13:05
I'm sure glad I decided to check in on this thread! Those are exceptionally nice!  :)
Quote from: OV-1D on May-03-16 19:05
   HUH ?????  ??? ??? ??? ???

I think your confusion is directed toward my post since I'm right before you, so if I wasn't clear enough I will try again...

I think those grips are very cool and the craftsmanship looks great. Someone with this talent has had to have done other creative projects with other guns or motorcycles, or treehouses or whatever. I wouldn't mind seeing some of his other projects whether they're NAA related or not. These particular grips are awesome and WAY out of the ordinary. I suspect his artistry is not limited to this one piece.

Sorry if I were not clear in my previous post.  :)
As nice as those grips are, they can't be the only cool thing you've ever done. What else you got?  :)