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Messages - ArmedPatriot

I grew up with a 410 single shot. Tried to hunt with it a LOT but never got a thing. Always did with my Marlin 22 though.
I bought a pump 410 a few years back...same thing, couldnt hit a thing with it. Traded it in for a Mossberg 535 12 gauge that doesnt ever seem to miss. At a decent range a squirrel will have between 5 and 10 shot in it which has yet to fail to knock it out of the tree and have it quite dead by the time it hits the ground.
Nothing but 12 gauge for me as far as shotguns go.
Just depends.
If Im going golfing or just running out for bread and milk the NAA is my primary.
If Im going out a lot for the day running to different places my Ruger SP101 357 magnum is primary and the NAA 22mag is my BUG.
Quote from: relichunter1864 on January-04-13 12:01
WOW !  what a charming ,
know it all , degrading bunch!
I found out by having to leave a number of golf and law enforcement forums that you really need a tough skin to survive on an internet forum. A lot of guys are just ribbing you even if they sound serious most of the time. And on occasion you just run into a real jerk and its really not worth getting too bent out of shape over.
Ive been reading here for a while and this forum actually seems to be very laid back compared to ALL of the golf forums Ive been on...and God help you if you say the wrong thing on a law enforcement forum.

The best thing to do is just dont take things so seriously. 99% of the time people are just horsing around, but because you dont see it in their facial expressions you can miss it.
Even if theyre serious its really not worth getting the knickers bunched because once that happens things get said that make a person just leave a forum they might actually enjoy if they lighten up a bit.

This whole sale is really distressing. Worst fears come true sort of thing.
If it sells whats to stop an antigun group from gathering up the money and buying Bushmaster, for example, then just shutting the plant down entirely? Or Marlin or Remington? Not like I can build a pump 12 gauge or a semi auto tube fed .22lr.
Quote from: theysayimnotme on January-05-13 00:01
There are those who said Ruger was a sellout. I will be happy to take all the guns that anyone doesn't want because their makers are "sellouts".
Just reading about Cerberus selling Freedom Group who owns Bushmaster, Marlin, Remington and a list of other guns/ammo makers
The guns I own right now are made by Ruger, NAA and Mossberg.
I didnt see any of those on the list of gun mfr's owned by Cerberus/Freedom that the case, does anyone know for sure?

Its apparent that if these people cant BAN the Bushmaster again, they'll pressure the companies into selling then shut down production.
I certainly do not want to own a single gun made by sellouts.
Wanted to add that I tried a few different ammo types out and the one Im sold on is the Gold Dot Short Barrel Personal Protection.
Holy crap, bout wet myself when I dropped the hammer on the first round of this stuff. VERY stiff. Glad I got the same folding grip on mine because Im not sure I could hold onto this little gun with this particular load without it.
The noise level was matching the .40s in the stall next to me. Actually  had a couple people looking over like they were confused that this micro gun had that much sound and muzzle flash coming out of it.  ;D

I had about a 97% round count in a 12" circle at 20 feet, which surprised me given this was the first time Ive gotten to shoot the gun. The rest were just slightly out of that zone but still would have been self defense hits, just a little low.
Got the 22mag for myself earlier this year. The wifes been eyeballin it for some time now, but wouldnt just say she wanted one. Got her the combo version so she can shoot some of that 4000 rounds of 22lr ammo we've been holding onto since big O got elected the first time and ammo was scarce.
Stories / 750 rounds today at the range
August-05-12 20:08
I love my guns and I reload but honestly I prefer playing golf over shooting. Just got a season pass to the half dozen city courses so Im golfing like crazy when Im up for it.

   When I shoot its generally just so I can come home and play with my reloading press more than the shooting itself.
Stories / World Arms Destruction Day
July-13-12 10:07
I know a list of people who voted the idiot in who, all but one who is undecided now, are ready to vote him out.  


   The only way Obama is winning this election is by fraud or by exposing some criminal act by Romney
Wow...a cougar. That freaks me out man.


   About the worst I have had in the woods was a big racoon that I managed to piss off.  

   He started running at me and I fired off a few shots and managed to get him in the spine and paralyze his back legs.

   Took a few shots because he was on the run and all I had was a  22lr semi auto rifle (old Marlin).


   Racoons I can handle. I dont want anything to do with a cougar.
"The man that went and got his gun and fired off the two shots was in the wrong. I base this on that there was nothing saying that the young men had any type of weapons threatening the people at the house. "



   Florida law must be really different from Ohio law here.

   We only really have to show that we felt in danger of death or 'serious bodily harm'...which two guys with fists can easy cause.
"Assault in FL is: An UNLAWFUL threat to do harm along with an action creating a well founded fear that the threat is imminently going to be carried out. (this is a misdemeanor)


   And AGGRAVATED ASSAULT is: An assault where a deadly weapon is used. (this is a 3rd degree felony; 5 years MAX)


   If the deadly weapon used is a firearm, the 10-20-life kicks in. "



   I see.

   What this makes me think, however, is that FL is still as antigun as it gets.

   So someone could threaten my life with a machete and get off with 5 years and most likely less, but if a gun is used its 10 to life?


   That doesnt sound like a state that wants to prosecute criminals, but instead wants to tell us just how evil guns are.
Well, its good to know....

   However the judge's thoughts are a bit confusing if what you say is accurate. Why would a judge feel that way about the sentence if the sentence were justified?
Holy crap. What moron came up with a TWENTY year sentence for discharging a firearm to begin with ????


   I am all for minimum sentences and absolutes in the law but for REAL criminals. INTENT HAS to be taken into account. Did the man INTEND to break the law or was there a very good reason to.


   ANY time a gun is fired in defense of innocent life it simply MUST overrule whatever law is in place.
Stories / Fighting the urge
June-03-12 19:06
Dinadan - Ive been talking to the wife about doing the same...just getting a second NAA revolver. Im looking at getting the same one I have now but getting the conv model with the 22lr and 22 mag cylinders so she can shoot up some of her thousands of rounds of 22lr ammo we have for her Ruger 10/22 (bought a ton during the Obama election period when I saw the prices were jumping thru the roof...also got a lead melter, bullet mold and a reloading press for the 357 at that time just to save on ammo costs for the Ruger).


   I like the idea of packing 2 of these in 22 magnum.


   Only thing is I can see someone laughing when these little things get drawn. Probably have to fire a warning shot so they can hear that loud 22 magnum round going off before they take the gun serious, Im betting.


   I may try the fanny pack idea with the SP101. Might be easier on the back than the set up I have now.

   I loved the stomach belt I made for the Ruger, but right after I started wearing it my heart starting getting arrhythmia problems. Not sure if it was related or not, could have been coincidence, but Im not going to risk it again.


   I never leave home without a gun since I got my CHL. Every time I start to I remember that Suzanna Hupp story and thats all it takes to make myself strap the gun on.
Stories / Fighting the urge
June-03-12 16:06
Just got back. Took the NAA alone clipped on the belt. The only thing that came up was a family with a couple dogs. Sometimes dogs on the trails dont act like they should. I had one guy tell me his dog didnt bite about 4 seconds before his dog took a chunk of fabric out of my pant leg a few years ago.

   I dont trust ANY dog I dont know at this point.
Stories / Fighting the urge
June-03-12 13:06
"comfortable" is the main issue.

   The 357 is very heavy and is ok as long as Im not sitting or bending or swinging a golf club. Going for a walk, for instance, is ok, but bike riding where youre in a sitting position makes it very noticeable. I had a holster I made that made it very comfortable to wear but I had to stop wearing it for other reasons.

   Still in search of the perfect holster for the SP101. Ive been thru about 2 dozen so far and after a while didnt like any of them other than the pancake holster Im using now, which still ends up being a bit uncomfortable depending on what we're doing.


   The NAA with the grip holster is completely unnoticeable, lighter than light and is easy as to draw quickly so it works on all levels other than being intimidating to look at.
Stories / Fighting the urge
June-03-12 12:06 take the Ruger along on a bike ride the wife and I are going to take here in a bit.

   Do you guys carry just the NAA a lot....or is it mainly just a BUG ?


   Think Im going to take the NAA by itself today, but there is a strong urge to grab the 357 too.
"I know the statistics and I know that guns are used in the majority of homicides. The trick to that number is that they do not differentiate criminal homicides from non-criminal homicides. "



   And the interesting point is that in giving us all these crime statistics the anti gun agenda is proving OUR case for us by giving conclusive proof that there IS a lot of violent crime out there that the law abiding need to be aware of and have ability to defend themselves from.


   With every violent crime mentioned by the antigun nut they prove that we MUST have a tool we can protect our families with from that violent crime...seeing that most of us cant afford armed body guards.
..and ban metal poles too...


   "Since the last crackdown ended police have continued to seize a variety of weapons that could kill or maim. A 15-year-old was found with an 18in metal pole with a homemade handle at a park in Elgin, Moray. "">
Stories / National Reciprocity
June-17-12 09:06
"The fiscal problems in America are not just "those mean rich people". I don't know what we should tax the rich at exactly for them to be paying their fair share. I do know that with somewhere around 40-50% of Americans paying no federal income tax that there are plenty of people not paying their fair share as I am certain 0% is not a fair share as we cry to shift the burden to other people."



   One huge problem with our economy is these tax credits whereby a family can not pay a single dime in taxes, but because they cant quit having kids they cant afford they end up getting upwards of $5000 back at refund time.


   $5000 x the number of families who get it is a huge amount of money.


   For the last 6 years or so I have figured our taxes and we were supposed to get what we paid in back in refund.

   EVERY single year of those the IRS has REfigured our taxes and sent us back WAY more than we paid in. In one case it was FIVE times the amount I had figured.

   Its not free money, although some people seem to think it is. Its TAX PAYER money that should be being used for something other than going on a big screen TV for a family who wouldnt otherwise be able to afford one.


   The numbers I saw were staggering concerning these 'credits' and how much gets paid out each year to pay them. It wouldnt balance the budget to stop paying these ridiculous tax credit refunds out, but it sure as would be a good place to start.
Stories / National Reciprocity
June-17-12 09:06
"......yet there are bucket loads of those that say he is great and has kept all of his promises, simply dumbfounding!"


   Willful ignorance is the most disgusting human trait short of being a criminal.
Stories / National Reciprocity
June-14-12 07:06
"As for Obama, the only thing I heard him say about guns is he's not going to take them away. Those are the words he used. If you want to base your position on fear or conjecture then you better not leave your doorway, because if you are paranoid it doesn't mean they aren't out to get you, LOL. "



   Fast and Furious mean anything?

   How about a UN Small Arms Treaty?

   'Under the radar" gun control ring any bells?
Stories / National Reciprocity
June-14-12 06:06
I dont know which woman it was but her suggestion for national carry was a wonderful little detail that 'need' had to be shown to carry concealed.


   Im all in favor of being allowed to carry in every state. Im just not in favor of it being the federal government giving the ok.  

   Theyve made it clear they cannot be trusted with ANY of our rights.
Stories / Dog Shot by CCW holder
June-13-12 08:06
"Once I called animal control because when I was not home there was an aggressive dog standing on my porch. I was asked if I owned a gun."


   The wife and I had a jerk living next door when we lived upstate NY a few years ago who had a Rott pup. Very nice dog until it hit that stage they do when they start getting more aggressive/defensive.

   This one would be running loose chasing down old ladies and children. I call animal control at least a dozen times but all they did was come out and threaten to take the dog.  

   The dog literally came out and assaulted the DOG CONTROL person and they STILL didnt actually take any action.  


   Finally I told them next time I get confronted by the dog in MY yard Im shooting the mutt. Both animal control and the local police agreed that I could do it if it was on my property, not its own.


   So they both called the owner and tell him that they have instructed me to shoot the dog next time its in my yard trying to bite us. was on a leash after that and never ran free again that I ever saw.


   Was that so hard?
Stories / Dog Shot by CCW holder
June-04-12 07:06
In Ohio here the law is pretty clear. I can shoot a dog that is even remotely making me think its going to bite me....but not if its attacking my dog or a cat.">


   I carry mainly for dogs, however. We've walked out our front door three times in as many years recently and before I even get 20 feet from the door the wife and I end up being confronted by a nasty dog (wont mention the breed, but its been the same with all three dogs) that was definitely giving me the right to put it down based on its behavior and the law here.  

   Ive managed to handle the situation each time without having to put the animal down, but my patience is starting to get a little thin.


   I absolutely hate irresponsible dog owners who let their aggressive mutts run free and hope they all burn in forever...
Stories / More Anti-Gunner Fuel
June-03-12 20:06
The idiocy of the anti gun joke is that he actually believes that if guns are gone then everyone will be good...including that mass murderer out on parole and that rapist who didnt get caught yet.


   These morons cant seem to get it that the very crime they rant about is actually the very proof backing OUR case up...that criminals ARE out there and the law abiding MUST have more than harsh language and a 911 call to cops that wont get there till someone is dead.


   These dopes have two options;


   1. Claim that there is no crime out there in which case since there is no crime there is no damned reason for these whiny little girls to complain about our guns.


   2. Admit that there IS a lot of violent crime out there in which case the law abiding MUST have a tool to defend themselves from that crime. A tool that actually WORKS...not a damned call to cops that wont get there until someones being outlined in chalk or taken to a rape crisis center.
Stories / SOLICITORS!!!
June-03-12 12:06
I LOOOVe the JW's.

   Every time they stop by I invite them in and then proceed to preach at them so they can find Jeeeesus.

   They never come back for another visit while Im living wherever it is.

   After I move to a new place a few years later I usually get another JW visit.....once....
Personally I wouldnt ever fan fire a rim fire revolver.
"It's not just NAA, I've had stinkers from S&W, Colt, and others, and neither is it just guns. Anybody ever buy a new car that was a P.O.S.? TV, or refrigerator? "


   The wife and I switched over to flat panel monitors some time ago. I had one for 5 years so I was really confident in the technology so I decided to get a new TV.  

   Got it 10 months ago and its already having trouble firing up.

   Ive got every sort of guarantee on it that money could by, including use a credit card that added more protection when I bought it...and its getting pretty clear Im going to have to use it sooner or later.


   With my TV its not a big deal. My life isnt on the line.

   If I have to pull my gun, its a whole different ball game.  

   The TV can go down and it just means I dont get to watch reruns of Seinfeld for a few days.

   My gun not working right might mean I get taken down and my wife gets raped and murdered.


   These gun companies need to get their together and put out products that work EVERY time or get out of the business entirely.


   what s&w 22 did you have trouble with?"


   It was some target model back in the 90's.

   Every piece of metal on it that could be punched out of sheet metal was.  

   Seems like it had an aluminum frame.

   Its been far too long to remember a model number.  

   I thought seeing the S&W logo on it meant quality. Not exactly true.
"I wonder if part of the problem has to do with how we buy firearms. Most people would never purchase a vehicle without test driving it yet VERY FEW gun dealers allow potential customers to fire a new gun they are considering"



   DEfinitely agree here.

   There are list of guns I wouldnt have bought if Id been allowed to shoot them first.

   A S&W 22 pistol comes to mind. That piece of junk was a better hammer than a gun.
To the OP.


   Try wire brushing the front of the cylinder after 10 15 shots or so.


   My wifes Taurus 22 gets bound up after 18 rounds or so because of the buildup on the front of the cylinder. The gap is WAY too narrow between the cylinder and the forcing cone and so any buildup makes it pretty tight.

   I was going to get it fixed but some guys seem to like it that way and offered to buy the  gun from us so we just deal with it. I take a wire brush with me when we shoot it at the range and it fixes the problem every time.

   Just brush the front of the cylinder after every 10-15 rounds and see if that helps.
"I am not concerned about what a gun owner thinks of my trigger. I am concerned about what a DA might convince 12 non gun-owners what a "customized" trigger might indicate. "



   I understand what youre saying...but can you show us ANY real cases where the DA actually used this sort of thing against someone who LAWFULLY used a gun for self defense?


   I have gone thru THOUSANDS of self defense accounts for my websites and I have yet to find a single case like this.

   If you have one Id be very interested in seeing it.

   My guess is that its worrying for nothing.

   Either the shooting was justified and lawful...or it wasnt.