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Messages - mndoug

SWOLF - Well, actually I'm not in Minnesota anymore... last winter BROKE my spirit.  Sure glad I wasn't there this year!  I guess I should change my handle to FLDoug... 'cause I relocated to Naples, FL in October.   :)
I haven't been on the board for a long time, but back when I was, others had this same interest.  So I created a series of t-shirts, etc. with the NAA logo and NAA product stuff.  You can still buy them here:

All items are sold at my cost.

Have fun!
Test area / Other Archives
March-19-11 00:03
BUBBA - Won't burying your guns in foam like that eventually have an effect on the finish?  A dealer friend once told me that the paper Smith & Wesson uses to wrap their new guns inside their cases is there because the foam leeches something onto the finish if left too long.  Anyone else heard about this?
What I've been saying all along... check out this website for an eye-opening new film:"> "Dreams From My Real Father"


   Amazing that this, too, will be ignored.


Had to cut the top off a dying River Birch tree.  The pieces were too beautiful to toss, so.... my BP rifles have a new home.  (Funny story: I started out trying to glue the rifle pegs into drilled holes.  They wiggled, weren't rigid.  So I did what the original makers of rifle racks probably did.  Just whittled some material off the end of the pegs, and whacked 'em in there nice and tight!)  



I've had a couple of good Ravens, too, and always wondered why everyone dumps on them so badly.  For the money...
Saw this at a gun show last weekend.  Wow.  Guy said the engraver "probably isn't going to do it anymore" (he's elderly.)



Nice... I've never thought of the "in-between" design (the turret press.)


   Is that adapter a drill chuck?  :}
LEE --> To me, ALL the progressive presses are "mysteries of the universe."  I'm amazed that they work at all - somewhere, Rube Goldberg smiles every time the handle is pulled on one of those things!  


   CHOPS --> You would like those almonds... sure, they taste a bit metallic, but man, they give you a bang at the end!


   You guys' use of the term "jury-rigged" made me think:  I had always heard it as "jerry-rigged"... which got me wondering, were did THAT come from?  (Inquiring minds want to know!)  So I did a little research.  The best explanation I could find was this:


   The phrase has been around since at least 1869, when it was defined in the Lonsdale Glossary: "Jerry-built, slightly, or unsubstantially built."  By 1901, the term began to be used figuratively - a sure sign of acceptance into the general language.


        The derivation is unknown. What is certain is that the term has nothing to do with the UK slang term for German  (Jerry/Gerry.) That phrase is of WWI origin. Some guesses, although none of them appear to have any substantiating evidence:  


        - The cheap, flimsy constructs of Jerry Brothers - supposedly a Liverpool building firm at the time of the phrases' origin.  

        - The walls of Jericho which, as everyone knows 'came tumbling down'.

        - The Romany word for excrement - 'gerry'.

        - A corruption of 'jury-rig' - although if that were the case we might expect to see some printed reference to 'jury-built' or 'jerry-rigged'. The former is unknown and citations of the latter all date from the 20th century.



   Weeeeelllll, that clears THAT up!


OK, it really isn't much, but little things make me happy - and maybe someone else here can benefit from my idea.  I bought a nice powder measure at a recent gun show, but it didn't have a stand to hold it.


   When I started looking for one (new, used, whatever) I discovered the "big name" stands were going to cost more than I paid for the measure!   At least $30-$40.  And I sure didn't want another cheap-o Lee piece of bent metal.  O whatever to do?


   While at Home Depot the other day, I had a flash and picked up the parts to MAKE a stand... for a total of $13.00.  Below is my handiwork.  It's simple and strong... like ME!  




I wonder what's behind the name - sure is a strange one.  Sounds like some nourishment drink for you older folks.   Now with luscious Caramel flavor!
Here's a photo.  They're priced at around $350-$400.


#13">Caracal is a firearms company based in the United Arab Emirates.  They make a nice-looking 9mm.
UNCLE LEE -->  So Bart Simpson's behind gets your blood pumping? Hmmmmm....
UNCLE LEE -->  So Bart Simpson's behind gets your blood pumping... hmmmmm....
Hey, you guys... leave me alone!  I DID misspeak (to use the parlance of the day.)


   I guess I was thinking of the plastic grips (now standard - yuck) and the light weight of the gun confused me.  


   I bow, corrected.


I picked up one of these not too long ago... a lot of fun.  Same design as the Bersa .380, which is basically the same design as the Walther PPK.   So in the .22 you have a lightweight, accurate, polymer PPK with 10 rounds.


   Fun to shoot...
Quality will probably improve now that Taurus owns them.  They'll move the empty paint gun to only 15 feet away!  (Kidding. - I like Taurus.)
I've been thinking of getting one again to keep in a small compartment in my car where full-size pistols won't fit.  Sure, there are many micro-6s out there these days that WILL fit, but they're not cheap (at least not as cheap as a decent Mak).


   My research finds that in terms of "punch," a factory Makarov round falls right between a .380 and a 9mm Luger... but it can also be hand-loaded to increased pressures.


   I used to have one, and I remember shooting it and feeling it was quite a bit "snappier" than any .380 out there.


   Whatchu think?


   Some of you may have seen this, but I hadn't -- a new "military style carbine" in pistol calibers.  Made in New York state by Just Right Carbines.  I'm guessing the retail price will be between $700-$800.  Here's the manufacturer's info:


   • Semi-automatic pistol-caliber carbine

   • Simple, reliable, straight blowback operation

   • Ambidextrous bolt - configurable for left or right-hand ejection

   • Bolt handle switchable to left or right side

   • Converts to other pistol-calibers with simple conversion kit (available separately)

   • Magazine included - Glock or 1911 depending on model

   • Lightweight 16-1/4" barrel

   • Free-floating quadrail forend

   • Picatinny rail machined into top of receiver

   • Telescoping 6-position collapsible M-4 style buttstock

   • Receiver, trigger housing and magazine well machined from aerospace grade 6061T-6 aluminum

      with black hardcoat anodizing for extra protection and durability

   • Standard M-4 buffer tube, buttstock, and pistol grip

   • Utilizes standard M-4/AR-15 furniture and trigger components

   • Lightweight - approximately 6.5 lbs.

   • Overall length: buttstock extended 33-1/2", collapsed 30-1/4"

   • Made in the USA, in New York State
You know what they say:  "Shoot Smith & Wesson, but collect Colt."
Collector -- Did the thing work OK for you?  I remember I had one a lonnngg time ago (four or five years) and I sold it as soon as I could because it sucked for some reason or another... just never really performed right, I kind of remember.
I second that projection...


Louie... I commend you for removing the High-Vis sight... man, that thing on that gun is ugggg-leee!  Totally doesn't belong.
Following up on something Chopprs said... maybe it'll grow up to be a .22Mag.  And if you want an ugly gun in .22Mag, you can get THAT right now from Kel-Tec in the PMR-30!


VERY cool... I agree with the "convertible" idea.  Can I get it in an alligator print?
32NAA JHP ammo is not range ammo... and it looks like you can buy a 20-round box for $20 directly from COR-BON.  So it's in the ballpark of any Personal Protection Ammo out there.  ">Cheaper Than Dirt even lists it at $17 for 20 rounds!  (Neither seller has them listed as "out of stock," but who knows.)


   I have a 32NAA Guardian, and my biggest beef with the gun is the weight... but then, that's my beef with every gun in the Guardian line.  They're relatively small, but they sure aren't pocket guns (unless you're wearing a belt AND suspenders.)


   Oh, and I paid MORE than $200 for it!  
Yeah, nice job, Joe.  You may be hearing from me.
Joe, I *told* you not to buy those roadkill hides!  


   Have a good holiday, Joe.


Louie - did you build it this way, or was it sold as a package?  Cool gun.
So Louie, with me not knowing anything about the Silver Shooter...


   Is it basically a lightweight Ruger Mark?  From your perspective, are there other cool things to know about it?


   Inquiring minds want to know...
Beauty!  Now I'll have to get a Black Widow...
For the past few days I've been wrestling with my own big "leather grip" idea... it is a MOTHER to do leather-wrapping work on something so small.  And then to implant a decorative element... Sheesh.


   So I admire somebody who can craft nice grips.
Wow... where'd you learn to do that?  Nice work!
Ahhh... always the simplest fix is best!  Thanks Chopprs.