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Messages - traveller

Wow - looks like it has a free floating firing pin.  I have seen other guns with that and the claim is that the force of the impact due to mass of the pin and speed of the slide return is not enough to ignite a primer.    But that dent looks a little spooky to me.   I suspect there is supposed to be a resistance spring on the firing pin?
NAA Products / Rimfire
January-31-11 19:01
If buyers remorse gets too unbearable, let me know.  I've been looking for one of those!
NAA Products / New NAA mini owner
January-31-11 19:01
Tim - nice find and welcome.  The 22 1-1/8" was my first as well, except without the holster grip. Not sure what it is, but there is something very neat about these little revolvers.  And they do tend to multiply!
Happy to help.   PM sent.
I am a fan of smaller pistols (as I suspect post people on this board are) and I think Ruger has done some neat things with small format guns in the last few years, but I think I will stick with my Kahr MK9.
NAA Products / 48 hour SALE
January-01-11 08:01

   Ummm - that is what I said (if they are for a 22lr).
NAA Products / 48 hour SALE
December-31-10 23:12
Since Quickdraw is backing out, does that mean a set of boot grips is avaiable?   If so, I am interested if they are for a 22lr mini and the price is right (not sure as the original post detail has been removed).  




   I just saw this.   I am truly sorry for your loss; know that his family are in our prayers.
oh, one more thing...  Sharpblade, you have some nice hardware there!
I do like the idea of those kydex lanyard holsters, but I get a little twitchy with a loaded gun hanging around my neck pointed under my jaw with the hammer and trigger uncovered...


   I guess it's the whole "Jeff Cooper's Rule Number 2 of gun safety" thing.
NAA Products / 2011 gun wishlist
December-23-10 21:12
Hmmm. For a rifle I'd like to get a JP-15 competition AR by JP Enterprises.   For pistols, a STI Eagle 5.0 and a NAA breaktop.  Then I think I will have all I need (at least that is what I tell SWMBO).  


   Oh yeah,  one more thing: a bigger safe.


   Merry Christmas!
I just caught the movie Minority Report (Tom Cruise) last night on HBO.  I wasn't paying a lot of attention, but at the end of the movie a commemorative pistol was given the the character Lamar Burges.  It sort of looked like mini, or maybe a very old S&W.  Anyone know?
NAA Products / Merry christmas to all
December-20-10 18:12
A very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you!
I am telling you... Wrap em up from Santa...  Act surprised...  Confused looks all around and all is well.    


   Or, if you dont think that will work than I am afraid you need to buy her jewelry.  That smooths over almost anything.
Might I suggest a "don't-ask-dont-tell" policy?  I find it works much better than my previous "evade-deflect-deny" approach.  


   Actually, I just stumbled across a great deal on a like-new kimber for a price that really was too good to pass up.  So I bought it yesterday, wrapped it and will sneak it under the tree labeled to me from Santa, and will act very surprised on Christmas morning when I open it.  How could she get upset at the generosity of Santa???  Might work for you too.
NAA Products / Old Westerns
December-12-10 19:12
Neat video, if a little before my time...  But I am a fan of the old westerns and radio westerns as it sounds like some of you are as well.    


   Check out"> for several old time radio show episodes as mp3 free for the downloading (including Gunsmoke, The Lone Ranger, Tales of the Texas Rangers, etc).
NAA Products / Car Hideaway
December-05-10 17:12
I keep a small pistol safe in the trunk of my car.  It has a cable connected to the car frame itself.  Certainly not foolproof, but much more secure then tucked under a seat or in a glove box.
NAA Products / Favorite round out of a NAA
November-29-10 20:11
and back on topic...   favorite round is CCI stingers with second place going to yellow jackets.  And for giggles, third place goes to 22lr shot shells for shooting flys out of the air.


   Here is a funny story - last summer just after buying my 22lr NAA I was testing it out by shooting into targets taped to a piece of plywood behind my house and I had a large selection of 22 rounds with me.  A large horse fly landed on the board so I loaded up 5 shot shells.  I blasted away at the fly with all 5 rounds, reloaded, and shot 5 more from no more than 5 yards away.  Hundreds of tiny shot holes all over the board around the it but the fly was not hit (and in fact did not even fly away).  Two take-aways from that experience for me: 1) that is one incredibly lucky fly.  2) contrary to prior threads on the topic shot shells have no practical use other than fun (literally can't hurt a fly).


   One last favorite round (not from an NAA, but out of my 22 rifles - especially lever action), the super colibri is the coolest round ever.  Makes less noise than a bb gun - you always hear the bullet smack into what you are shooting at.
NAA Products / Favorite round out of a NAA
November-29-10 18:11
Zip - easy big fella.  Deep breath.  Relax.   Life is good.
NAA Products / Favorite .22's?
November-12-10 19:11
Love this thread.  I spend a lot of time and rounds shooting higher power factor guns competitively, but I love 22's.  Maybe it is nostalgia, simplicity, cost, whatever but 22s are special.  


   To answer your question, my favorite 22 is my 1965 Marlin 39A lever action rifle.   Oldest running production 22 in the world (actually, I believe it is the longest running production gun of any caliber in the world).  A great shooter and a beautiful gun.  


   The 39a was first known as the Model 1891. That is the rifle that Annie Oakley used to put 25 shots in one jagged hole in 27 seconds at a distance of 36 feet.    


   I think I will take it out back and shoot it a bit this weekend!
I have been down south this week and just returned home to find your package arrived in perfect shape.   Thanks!
Email sent.   Thanks
I will take the 22LR wallet holster if stil available.